
Only One Civilisation Has Ever Sought To Extinguish Slavery, And They Did It Twice

"Slavery is an ancient human institution practiced by virtually all peoples."

The next time somebody connects slavery to ‘whiteness,’ show them this. Slavery is not endemic to one particular culture, but exists all over the world. It always has. 

Western civilisation is the only civilisation to feel regret about slavery and seek to do something about it.

According to the Global Slave Index, as of 2018, the countries with the most slaves were:

  1. India – 7,989,000
  2. China – 3,864,000
  3. North Korea – 2,640,000
  4. Nigeria – 1,386,000
  5. Iran – 1,289,000
  6. Indonesia – 1,220,000
  7. Congo (Democratic Republic of) – 1,045,000
  8. Russia – 794,000
  9. Philippines – 784,000
  10. Afghanistan – 749,000

Of course, if you are of Slavic descent, then no one has any ground to stand on at all to accuse you of perpetuating a culture of slavery.

The word ‘slave’ comes from ‘Slav’, because historically so many Slavs were captured as slaves whether from invading armies from the West (Europe) or the East (Asia). 

“The oldest written history of the Slavs can be shortly summarised–myriads of slave hunts and the enthralment of entire peoples. The Slav was the most prized of human goods. With increased strength outside his marshy land of origin, hardened to the utmost against all privation, industrious, content with little, good-humoured, and cheerful, he filled the slave markets of Europe, Asia, and Africa.”

The mainstream idea that slavery is a white institution forced upon poor helpless black and brown people, is as mythical as Pegasus or Jack and the Beanstalk.

Slavery is an ancient human institution practiced by virtually all peoples. It is a foolish institution that brings your people more trouble than it solves, because the descendants of your slaves will be the enemies or antagonists of your own descendants.

Only one civilisation has sought to extinguish it from their shores, however imperfectly. Only one civilisation has ever expressed regret at having practiced it: the West. 

So, cast off that white guilt, it’s unnecessary and unhelpful, and based on lies anyway.

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