We often hear pro-abortion advocates use the slogan, “My body, my choice.”
This commonly used mantra suggests two things: First, that a mother ought to have the “right” to kill her own unborn baby if she chooses because after all, it’s her body, not yours. And who are you to tell a woman what she can and can’t do with her own body, anyway?
Second, the phrase, perhaps unintentionally, implies that if the baby inside the mother is not her body, then the choice as to whether the baby lives or dies is not hers to make.
If it’s her body, and therefore, her choice, does it not also follow that if it is not her body, then it is not her choice?
Dr C Ward Kischer, emeritus professor of Cell Biology and Anatomy, a specialist in Human Embryology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine has stated: In pregnancy, there are in fact two bodies. The mother and her baby are each genetically distinct, and each foreign to the other.
According to Dr Kischer, all of life is contained within a time continuum of human development in which so-called stages overlap and blend one into another. This continuum of development does not cease until death, whenever that may occur, in utero or at 100 years of age.
Thus, the beginning of a new human life is exacted by the beginning of fertilization, resulting in a human being which is genetically distinct from the mother and father, and which, from the early embryo is very active in its daily rituals of survival.
Vincent DiCaro of CareNet offers the following illustration: “At fertilization, the full and complete DNA of a new, separate, and distinct human being is established… Babies aren’t built in the womb like cars on an assembly line, where parts are added along the way, turning it from something that is not a car into something that is a car over time. No, babies are like Polaroid pictures that develop over time. When a Polaroid picture is taken, the entirety of what that picture will become is already there – it just hasn’t developed yet. Given time, it will.”
When a pregnant woman enters an abortion clinic to end the life of her unborn baby, only one of those two bodies is killed during the procedure, and it’s not the body of the mother. That’s why we don’t say pregnant women have two heads, four arms, and male genitalia.
As Alan Shlemon from Stand to Reason points out, gender, DNA, unique brain waves, heart and blood-type all testify to the fact that there are two distinct bodies involved during pregnancy, not one.
So, if the unborn baby is not the mother’s body, should it still be her choice to have him or her executed?