
How the Communists Broke People

"Wickedness wants others to have guilt on their hands, because those who have a guilty conscience often find it harder to stand up in boldness, because they are already defeated in their own mind."

There is an old saying, “Misery loves company.” The person who lives in pain and misery will often seek to bring others down into their misery. Another similar saying could be, the wicked love to have accomplices, because those who engage in evil love to have the reassurance that others are engaging in the same evil as them.

For this reason, among others, wicked people will seek to corrupt and sully others. The sinner is comforted to know that they are not alone in their sin, they have a partner, someone with whom to share the responsibility and the blame. The wicked for this reason delight in enticing others into their miserable deeds.  

This is how addicts will act. It is how the corrupt will act. And it is how criminal gangs will act. They will seek to break people by bringing them down to their level. Victor Suvarov shows us, in his book The Chief Culprit, that this is how the communists broke people and forced them into line, but on a grand and very evil scale,

“Communists then began to fortify their armed forces, which they called the Red Army. Junior officer Tukhachevski had a meeting with Lenin and Trotsky. What they talked about is not known, but Tukhachevski was immediately appointed commander of the 1st Army of the Eastern Front. Here, suddenly, surfaced Tukhachevski’s ferocious nature. The Civil War in Russia was not only a war, but also a series of punitive expeditions against those who did not want Communism. Tukhachevski declared all those who opposed the illegal Communist leadership to be “bandits,” and viciously exterminated not only them but also their relatives, their neighbors, and everyone who happened to come his way. The foundation of Tukhachevski’s “strategy” was: the burning of villages, whippings, and mass shootings. Tukhachevski phrased the main objective not only of the Civil War, but of any other war as well, very clearly: “With an iron hand crush the local enemy classes.” Many of Tukhachevski’s  combat orders are not about how to use a clever manoeuvre to bypass the enemy and hit him in the flank and rear, but about how many hostages are to be taken and when they are to be executed. Here is an example:

To the Plenipotentiary Commission of All-Russia
Central Executive Committee, # 16
City of Tambov

June 23, 1921

The experience of the first combat area shows a high predisposition for quick cleansing from banditry through the following measures. Some localities with particularly strong bandit tendencies are noted, and representatives of the region’s Political Commission, of a Special Section, Sections of the Military Tribunal and Command, together with units designed to conduct purges, are sent there. Upon their arrival, they surround the area, take hostage 60—100 of the most prominent persons, and introduce a siege. Entering and exiting the area must be forbidden during the course of the operation. After this, the entire population of the area is gathered, and the orders of the Commission of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee #130 and #171 and the signed sentence for this area are read aloud. The residents are given 2 hours to give up the bandits and their weapons, as well as the bandits’ families, and the population is told that in the event of refusal the abovementioned hostages will be shot in 2 hours. If the population does not give up the bandits and weapons within the two-hour time limit, they are once again rounded up and the hostages are shot before their eyes, after which new hostages are taken and those gathered are once again told to give up the bandits and their weapons. Those who wish to comply with the demands are separated, divided into groups of a hundred, and each hundred is put through a questioning commission (consisting of representatives of the Special Sector and the Military Tribunal). Each person must give a testimony, and not be allowed to claim ignorance. In the event of stubbornness, new executions are enacted, etc. From the material obtained through the questioning, expeditionary units are formed with  the compulsory inclusion of the persons who gave the testimony, and they venture to capture the bandits. Upon the end of the purge, the siege is ended, and a revolutionary committee and militia are established to rule the area.

The current Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee orders to execute this order fully.

Chairman of the Commission
Troops Commander

Tukhachevski and all other participants of that war against their own people declared themselves heroes of the Civil War.

Pay particular attention to the date of Tukhachevski’s order: June 23, 1921. Twenty years later, Russia would be invaded by different occupants, but they would act in almost the same way. The difference was that Hitler herded the enemy’s population into a ravine and machine-gunned them, while Tukhachevski, on top of this, besieged the entire population of his own country with a mutual criminal responsibility. Later on this method would be called, in the criminal underworld, “forced snitching.” This is precisely what Antonov Ovseenko, Tukhachevski, his deputy Uborevich, and all other strategists did: they forced all the people to become traitors and rats, forced them to betray their neighbors, relatives, fathers, and brothers, and then go after them in the forests and kill them. Tukhachevski  introduced universal betrayal, using fear to crush and destroy the centuries-old Russian village morale. He replaced all moral codes with fear for one’s own skin, and made each person accountable for all the others’ deeds. Tukhachevski’s idea was to crush the peoples sense of their own worth. When we speak of the defeats of 1941, we blame Stalin. Let us not forget that the crushing of the people was done under the immediate command and on the initiative of the very same strategists who were later, during the purges, eliminated by Stalin

In 1941, the masses who were taught by Tukhachevski to value only their own skin a priori could not have exhibited heroism.”

Viktor Suvarov 2013, The Chief Culprit, pp82-83.

In several parts of his book, Suvarov notes that the Soviet power structure was not any kind of legitimate government, they were in fact a criminal gang that seized power and then held onto that power using the methods and tactics of criminals. And one of their most effective means of bringing people into line was forcing others to share their guilt.

Breaking people down, forcing them to betray their loved ones, their relatives, their friends, and their heroes, so that everyone had a seared and damaged conscience. Everyone was complicit and therefore everyone was guilty, and no one was able to trust anyone else. They fractured the moral fibre of society so that there was no one with the moral backbone or high point to stand.

We have seen some similar tactics used in our own nations in recent years. Not on the same scale of course, because there were no death squads and there was no hostage-taking. But people were encouraged to turn on each other, betray each other, nark on each other, point fingers at each other, and see each other as the enemy, rather than recognize that we were all victims of those who were seeking to take away our liberties and way of life. And look how many people capitulated, to a far more mild form of what the communists enacted in past decades and centuries. So many gave in, and so many capitulated to evil.

Do you think our society would have the moral courage to oppose such a systematic suppression of people’s rights and dignity? Of course not. In many ways, our society has been increasing personal moral corruption and decadence, which has had the effect of weakening people to the point where taking any kind of moral stand is outside of the desires of even many of the most religious of people. Most people just do not have the desire to stand for righteousness, because they have already given it up in so many areas of life and society.

But there is something which should encourage us in this situation.

Though much of our society did capitulate, many people did not. And this is even more important; many people who did give in now realize their mistake in having capitulated the first time. When those mandates and exclusionary rules came along, they depended on people narking on each other to really have any effect. And some of the people who supported them now realize how they made a mistake, how they went too far, how they barracked for the wrong team. Some of these people will not go along with such nonsense again. Their resistance-to-evil-muscles have been woken from their atrophied state and they now realize how real and present the dangers of evil are, even in our relatively peaceful society.

The key lesson we should take from Sukarov and the Covid years is that when evil is seeking to crush a people, one of its chief aims is to turn the people against each other and make as many people as possible complicit in the evil as well. Wickedness wants others to have guilt on their hands, because those who have a guilty conscience often find it harder to stand up in boldness, because they are already defeated in their own mind.

This shows us a couple of things. (1) It is important to resist evil when it tells you to turn on your neighbour, even if it costs you. Because doing what is right is a reward in and of itself. (2) It is important to forgive those who feel guilty about failing to do the right thing, so that their guilty conscience can be healed, and they can be better encouraged to stand better next time. No one gets it right all of the time, and especially when they are not prepared for the struggles that come.

Of course, the guilty need to be repentant, otherwise they have not learned anything. But if they are repentant and they recognize their wrong, then they are at least now in a position of having a new awareness of how evil can affect them, when they least expect it, and will likely be more sensitive to it next time.

One of the only ways that a village that had endured the kind of purge that the communists employed could move on, and begin to again mount a resistance to evil, would have been to come together, realize how they were all coerced into evil, forgive each other for their complicity, and begin to stand again. If they could not do this, then they had no chance of standing up to evil successfully, because they have all been atomized and turned into fractured units, and fractured units cannot withstand any real kind of pressure.

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