
Here’s a List of the Published Side Effects of Lockdowns

What's the cost of endless lockdowns? Here's a list of some of the published side effects.

What’s the cost of endless lockdowns? Here’s a list of some of the published side effects:

Alfred Health, May 20, 2020
Lockdown leads to spike in drinking
“While Victorians were locked down under stage 3 restrictions, alcohol sales increased thirty-four per cent compared to the same time last year.”

Financial Review, August 6, 2020
Melbourne lockdown sends domestic violence ‘through the roof’
“Domestic violence support groups say the Victorian government-imposed lockdown has left victims isolated in the family home, with their abusers angered by job losses and fuelled by alcohol and drugs.”

The Age, January 17, 2021⁠
⁠More couples seeking relationship help after COVID-19 lockdowns
“National information and mediation group The Separation Guide has reported an 87 per cent increase in couples who are ready to settle their separation in December 2020, compared to the previous year’s holiday period.”

Sky News, February 13, 2021⁠
COVID-19: How lockdown is taking its toll on millions caught in battle with addiction
“The Action on Addiction charity says it saw an 86% rise in the number of people seeking help this January compared with last year.”

Kyodo News, February 15, 2021
Juvenile suicides in Japan hit record-high 479 in 2020
“The annual number of juvenile suicides in Japan hit 479 in 2020, the highest figure since records began to be kept in 1980, education ministry data showed Monday.”

American Psychological Association, March 1, 2021
Substance use during the pandemic
“The ongoing stress and uncertainty of COVID-19 have led to increased demand for mental health services from psychologists in the United States—but conditions like anxiety and depression aren’t the only mental health issues people are facing. Experts say misuse of opioids and stimulants is also on the rise—and psychologists are in a good position to help.”

Associated Press, March 12, 2021
Global rise in childhood mental health issues amid pandemic
“Increasingly common, doctors say, are children suffering panic attacks, heart palpitations and other symptoms of mental anguish, as well as chronic addictions to mobile devices and computer screens that have become their sitters, teachers and entertainers during lockdowns, curfews and school closures.”

The University of Melbourne, April 7, 2021
Victorian Kids’ Mental Health Hit Hardest During 2020
“The pandemic affected the mental health of young Victorian children more than those in other states during 2020, largely due to their state’s prolonged second lockdown, finds new survey.”

ABC News, April 23, 2021⁠
Sexual assaults reached record highs in NSW after COVID-19 lockdown ended, data shows
“Sexual assaults in NSW reached record highs after 2020’s COVID-19 lockdown, with police reports up more than 10 per cent year-on-year.”

Financial Review, June 7, 2021
Victorian teenage suicide threats jump 184pc amid pandemic
“Teenagers aged 13-18 were the most at risk, accounting for 75 per cent of the total crisis interventions from December 1, 2020, to May 31, 2021.”

ABC News⁠, June 25, 2021
Nearly one in 10 Victorians ‘seriously considered suicide’ during 2020 COVID lockdown, report finds
“Nearly one in ten Victorians seriously considered suicide during the height of last year’s coronavirus restrictions, a new survey has found.”

ABC News, June 25, 2021⁠
More than 40 per cent of 362 Domestic family violence agencies reported a significant growth in controlling and coercive behaviour (June-August 2020)
“The first national survey of domestic and family violence agencies and their clients has revealed fears of a “shadow pandemic” of violence during COVID-19 lockdowns were warranted.”

ABC News, June 27, 2021
Victoria’s repeated COVID-19 lockdowns making children too anxious for school, absenteeism on increase
“There’s increasing evidence to say repeated lockdowns result in cumulative anxiety, creating a wholly new group of school refusers.”, July 9, 2021
Covid lockdown Greater Sydney: Calls for help to Lifeline, Parents Beyond Breakup surge
“Sydney’s lockdown has pushed many of the community’s most vulnerable to breaking point, with crisis helplines reporting a surge in calls for help.”

Forbes, July 14, 2021
Drug Overdose Deaths Surged 29% Last Year Amid Covid Pandemic, CDC Says
“Drug deaths in the U.S. hit the highest level ever recorded last year, with more than 93,000 Americans dying from an overdose, according to provisional data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Wednesday.”

The Guardian, July 16, 2021
Young mental health referrals double in England after lockdowns
“More than twice as many children and adolescents were referred to mental health services year on year in England as cases hit a record high.”

BBC News, July 18, 2021
Coronavirus: Pandemic has ‘catastrophic’ impact on families
“The coronavirus pandemic has had a ‘catastrophic’ impact on many families, a counselling charity has warned.”

Courier Mail, July 20, 2021
Reports to Kids Helpline over family sexual abuse have soared 70 per cent in Victoria, where 150 children called the hotline for help between January and June
“Covid-19 lockdowns across Australia are fuelling sickening child sexual abuse in the family home.”

The Daily Wire, July 27, 2021
5 Times More Children Died By Suicide Than Died From COVID In The UK
“A preprinted study from the United Kingdom reveals that five times more children committed suicide than died from COVID-19.”

The West Australian, August 3, 2021
Kids helpline sees surge in five year-old children seeking mental health assistance during Covid-19 lockdowns
“Counsellors at the Kids Helpline have received a 200 per cent increase in contact from five-year-olds seeking mental health help after feeling isolated at home during the latest COVID-19 lockdowns.”

Yale School of Publish Health, August 4, 2021
Stressed Out and Locked-Down During Pandemic, New Yorkers Craved Alcohol, YSPH Study Finds
“As New York state’s lockdown orders wore on in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, residents increasingly felt cravings for alcohol — and reported subsequently misusing it, a new study from scientists at the Yale School of Public Health and Stony Brook University has found.”, August 11, 2021
Eating disorders in teenagers have doubled during lockdown, survey reports
“Hospital admissions of teenagers with eating disorders in England have increased by nearly 50% since the start of the pandemic, latest NHS figures reveal.”

Commission for Children and Young People
New findings reveal massive impact of COVID for children and young people in Victoria
“The Commission for Children and Young People will tomorrow release findings on the impact of COVID following consultations with more than 600 children and young people, and with more than 170 workers from 70 organisations supporting them.”



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