
Forced Speech Fascism Comes for Jordan Peterson: It’s Woke Re-Education Camp or Else

The outcome of Peterson’s “people’s court” trial will either see reason and conscience liberated or purged into oblivion.

The re-education of Jordan Peterson is yet another forced speech assault on free speech by warring woke fascists.

Peterson being voluntold to “convert, pay a tax, or die” should be regarded as the political elite throwing a tantrum.

They’re worried. They’re also irate because Elon Musk exposed clear conspiracies designed to undermine elections, and a free people.

Peterson is just the whipping boy.

Musk unbanning of Peterson’s Twitter account is uniquely linked to Peterson being banned by the post-pandemic totalitarian therapeutic establishment.

The actual person Peterson’s punishment is intended to intimidate is Elon Musk: “continue to mess with our plans, and the same thing will happen to you.”

Other medical professionals who see this, then self-censor, keep quiet, and genuflect in an ascent to the ‘government over God’ madness, is a bonus.

As it would be if the Canadian psychologist and inadvertent conservative, should he fall on his sword, or accept assimilation into the hive mind.

The manipulative misuse of the medical establishment during the pandemic, gives these powerbrokers the perfect weapon, using the same perfect cover, to commit the same perfect crimes.

Remember how medical professionals abused the label “anti-vaxxer,” weaponizing the slogan “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

Recall comments from the Australian Medical Association in November 2021, which proclaimed to CCP-19 “vaccine” hold-outs: “You won’t be able to hide. You will be miserable. You will have a very lonely life and you won’t be able to maintain your employment.”

Paint someone as the enemy, deem them a medical threat, and the brain-washed masses will run into the arms of the nearest safetyism embrace of daddy government. Then do its vile bidding.

Political pirates (unelected bureaucrats) within the medical establishment want anyone holding them accountable for the totalitarian medical mismanagement of the allegedly lab-borne pandemic, not just silenced by their technocratic cabal, they want them disbarred from the medical profession.

Their message is simple: “We are the status quo. Don’t challenge us, correct the collective narrative, or you will face redaction, reassignment, or redundancy.”

While Twitter has been largely liberated from this leftist lawfare, Facebook still remains a diehard practitioner of its algorithmic abortion voodoo.

Caldron Pool’s official Facebook page has over 33,000 followers, yet the page’s reach is only a microcosm of that number.

For all of Zuckerberg’s preaching about Facebook’s commitment to classical liberal freedoms in the past, Facebook’s covert participation in forcing speech through cancel culture continues to keep Facebook and free speech miles apart.

What has been revealed about the “stay home, save lives, stay woke” mob at Twitter – through Elon Musk’s unapologetic defiance – is still only a dent in the leftist hegemony’s technocratic armour.

As significant as the Twitter victory has been, the political power, and ridiculously wealthy hegemony behind these anti-classical liberal forces, is almost absolute, and they know it.

This is why the same lawfare and its doctrines of hate are still coming for those who refuse to adopt new cultural laws, expressed by such newspeak terms as “pregnant people,” “gay parenting,” “happy holidays,” “whiteness,” “cultural sensitivity,” “same-sex marriage,” “birthing-parent,” or “chest-feeding.”

All of these are being pushed by both aloof and poll-obsessed politicians, who mine political capital from shooting verbal bullets at anyone not part of the Left’s perpetually offended, acronym army.

To those who say a CCP-type social credit score is coming to the West, Peterson being paraded like a pariah is proof it already exists.

We as a society are close to the unthinkable, because of unthinking people. As theologian James White explains:

“If the ‘re-education’ of Jordan Peterson does not give you chills, you just aren’t thinking. These people are no different than the Stasi ‘counsellors’ used to ‘re-educate’ dissidents in East Germany…before their final disappearance.”

Questioning the LGBTQ+ political religion is as treasonous as questioning the unnecessary totalitarian response to CCP-19.

Peterson’s new battle is our battle.

To reiterate atheist, and evolutionary biologist, Bret Weinstein’s sentiment,

“What the bureaucratic authoritarians somehow don’t realize is that they are driving all the smart, principled people together—creating a force that will soon return to the manor and string its bow…”

If Peterson is thrown under the guillotine by those manufacturing this insidious “cultural revolution,” he won’t be the last.

Neither is Jordan Peterson the first.

Note the horrific examples of medical professionals, Dr. Jereth Kok (see here and here), Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Mark Hobart.

The outcome of Peterson’s “people’s court” trial will either see reason and conscience liberated or purged into oblivion.

So said the man himself:

“Wake up, citizens: professionals are now required to hold their tongue if they believe anything politically verboten. For all you leaning to the left–sometimes validly: these precedents will eventually be weaponized by those who stand opposed to you.”

At its very heart, the well-funded, fifth-column far-left factions united under Cultural Marxism, are monolithic, and tyrannical.

They are incompatible with a free state, made free because of its adherence to Biblically based Burkian Classical Liberal reforms, freedoms, rights, & responsibilities.

If Peterson falls, so falls the West.

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