
DeSantis Prayerfully Suspends Presidential Bid, Endorses Trump

Hinting that the decision was a tactical retreat, it is possible DeSantis knows a second big defeat in New Hampshire could hinder any chances of a 2028 candidacy."

After all the ugly sideswipes Ron DeSantis has still endorsed the 2024 Trump Train for a 2020 rerun.

DeSantis suspended his run for president days before the New Hampshire primary.

This comes as somewhat of a shock since earlier statements from DeSantis appeared to show him doubling down.

On X he posted, “‘Live free or die’ is the motto I have led by in Florida (since 2018) and it’s the mindset I’ll bring to the White House as President.”

The remark came hours before announcing the prayerfully considered end of his bid for the Oval Office.

In spite of Trump’s theatrics – which includes pigeon-holing opponents with name-calling; a favourite tactic dished out by Trump seemingly to bait his obsessed far-left, Trump-hating groupies – DeSantis said,

“This is America’s time for choosing. We can choose to allow a border invasion, or we can choose to stop it. We can choose reckless borrowing or spending, or we can choose to limit government, and lower inflation.”

“We can choose political indoctrination or we can choose classical education.”

“These choices,” he said, are “symptoms of the underlying struggle to ensure that constitutional government can endure, and that Western Civilisation can survive.”

To this, DeSantis asserted a Great American Revival is possible,

“Decline is a choice. We can again succeed as a nation.”

He said the decision to suspend his campaign was made after winning 2nd place in the Iowa caucus.

“We prayed and deliberated about the way forward, if there was anything I could do to produce a favourable outcome [in New Hampshire] I would do it.”

However, “I cannot ask volunteers to work hard if we don’t have a clear path to victory,’ he reasoned.

Hinting that the decision was a tactical retreat, it is possible DeSantis knows a second big defeat in New Hampshire could hinder any chances of a 2028 candidacy.

It’s politically astute and shows off DeSantis’ future potential as Commander in Chief.

This is a classic DeSantis move. He is doing what he does best, and that is reading the room.

This isn’t cowardice, it is Spirit-filled Christian discernment, backed by strength of character, and mixed with God-over-Government leadership.

All qualities sorely missing in many Western politicians.

Unlike DeSantis – and some could argue unlike Trump – those politicians and bureaucrats stand for office to be served, rather than to serve.

DeSantis told supporters “It’s clear a Republican majority want to give Trump another chance.”

“They watched his presidency get stymied by relentless resistance, and they see Democrats using lawfare to this day in order to attack him.”

Well, he said, “I’ve had disagreements with Donald Trump, such on the Coronavirus pandemic, and his elevation of Anthony Fauci, [but] Trump is superior to the current incumbent Joe Biden.”

“I signed a pledge to support the Republican nominee, and I will honour that pledge.”

DeSantis explained his endorsement of Trump by saying,

“We cannot go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear: a repackaged form of corporatism that Nikki Haley represents.”

“The days of putting Americans last and kowtowing to large corporations caving to Woke ideology are over.”

Quoting Churchill, DeSantis thanked supporters and committed to continue fighting for faith, family, and freedom.

Another quality on display here is DeSantis’ ability to distinguish between meism MAGA mentality, and MAGA policies.

It is apparent to me at least, that DeSantis backs the latter, and not the former.

Voters can support MAGA policies, hat, and all, without being sucked into the MAGA personality cult attached.

Trump responded to DeSantis’ endorsement, congratulating him, and his wife on running a “great campaign.”

“It’s not easy,” Trump said.

He described the campaign halt as “gracious,” then “thanked DeSantis for the endorsement.”

Trump added that he looked forward to working with “Ron, and others” to defeat Biden, “who has put our country at great peril.”

The former president will now face off against minor GOP contender, Nikki Haley, who he regards as a ‘globalist fool, ‘disloyal,’ and a ‘birdbrain’ incapable of beating “corrupt” Joe Biden.

May God continue to elevate DeSantis’ leadership on many of the core issues that have proven him worthy of the Oval office in 2028.

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