Bulls-in-a-China-shop bureaucrats are still smashing informed consent, and smothering civil liberties by doubling down on vaccine mandates.
Despite the “unsafe and ineffective” totalitarian responses to the Wuhan Sars-COV-2 virus, key House Democrats in the United States have refused to end vaccine mandates for the Department of defence.
This week Congressional leftists blocked 16 Republican amendments to H.R 7900, the fiscal National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA), for 2023.
Chief among those was the rejection of Thomas Massie’s (Rep. KY) request to protect members of the military from having COVID-19 “vaccines” forced upon them.

Additionally, the Pelosi-led Democrats also denied a motion to stop military personnel from being dishonourably discharged if they refused the questionable “vaccines.”
Democrats dismissed proposals from Christopher Smith (Rep. NJ) who tabled protections for service members if they had refused to get “vaccinated” against COVID.
Smith expressed his frustration to former Trump press secretary, Sean Spicer on Newsmax, stating:
“[The mandates] are awful. I’ve met with a half a dozen service members, who were thrown out of the military. One had been in for 19 years his G.I bill which is the education college benefit was its transferable it was being used by his kids and he’s being told you can’t use it anymore.”
Smith added, “The Democrat majority wouldn’t even let me offer the amendment.”
In early July, Military.com’s Steve Beynon recalled how 62,000 reservists were on the verge of discharge for refusing “the vaccination order.”
An Army spokesperson told Beynon: “Soldiers who continue to refuse the vaccination order without an exemption may be subject to additional adverse administrative action, including separation.”
Another consequence of the vaccine mandates is how much pressure they are putting on already crisis-level recruitment numbers.
As Los Angles city officials illustrate, vaccine mandate exemptions do not mean liberation from the violent government overthrow of the doctor-patient relationship.
On Thursday, The Federalist reported there was growing dissent among L.A. city employees who see the vaccine mandates ‘as burdensome to people of faith, grossly unconstitutional, and scientifically unsound.’
Roll Call 4 Freedom, an anti-mandate group, has an ongoing lawsuit against the city, arguing that the reasons for vaccine mandates are ‘flawed, discriminatory and illegal.’
The crux of their argument is that because COVID-19 infects and is still transmitted by the “vaccinated,” there is no justification for treating unvaccinated employees differently.
Part of the well-reasoned lawsuit, according to The Federalist, includes how employees are being punished for the theological refusal of a “vaccine” derived from the cells of an aborted foetus.
The continuing lack of respect for informed consent from the Bureaucratic caste perfectly illustrates the whole COVID mad fiasco.
Bureaucrats moved from caution to stupidity, as popularity-hugging politicians played it safe for the cameras.
Despite knowing the survivability rate, politicians dug their heels in and made rash decisions. Many of which are proving costly, reckless, and unnecessary.
Even “fully vaccinated” U.S. President, Joe Bama, who once derisively called the CCP virus a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” has, post multiple jabs, tested positive to the virus.
Others in the league of the “vax or the axe” infected include Canada’s Woketocratic ruler, Justin Trudeau, and Australia’s, Victorian premier Daniel Andrews.
An important lesson drawn from COVID-19’s vaccine mandates is the cognitive distortions they expose.
The Left continues to deny rights to those who choose informed consent, while they champion abortion – the process of killing a child in the womb – as a right and healthcare choice.
COVID’s “save Grandma, but sacrifice the child” is a disturbing return to mid-20th century justifications for “mercy killings.” A term used by the Reich dictator that convinced an indoctrinated populace to support his Socialist government’s T4 “life unworthy of life” final solution.
Rising above the noise is the lunacy of therapeutic totalitarianism of which abortion, and euthanasia are key players.
Its advocates are agents of death. As are those who continue to pile-drive the COVID jab into the arms of the healthy and unvaccinated, ignoring science in favour of following the propaganda.
I have every sympathy for those who see the correlations, and choose on principle to reject expanding the powers of any government that sees forcing an unwanted, unreliable, and unnecessary medical procedure onto its citizens as a “loving way of serving the greater good.”
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