
Christophobe Kamala

“This Christophobe is simply diabolical.”

We have known for quite some time now that the Democrats in America are overwhelmingly an anti-God and anti-life party. This has been the case for decades. They had not always been this way, but the hyper-left is now firmly in control of the party, and it seems that these two ‘A’s now reign supreme: atheism and abortion.

All this is easy enough to document. As but one example, consider this: In just this past week Kamala Harris has demonstrated even more of her intense hatred of Christianity:

  • She and her party make a blasphemous TV ad mocking Holy Communion.
  • She tells pro-lifers who said “Jesus is Lord” that they are at the “wrong rally”.
  • She deliberately refuses to go to the 60-year-old Presidential Catholic charity dinner in NYC.

And some “Christians” think they should support her?! Go figure.

But let me speak to each of these a bit further. The ad featuring Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer feeding feminist podcaster Liz Plank a Dorito was blasphemous at worst, and just bizarre at best. Christians, and certainly Catholics, know exactly what it was meant to parody. If you have the stomach to view this cringe-worthy and awful ad, you can see it here, with a bit of sensible commentary:

As to the Christian pro-lifers not welcome at her rally, she had said this: “I think you guys are at the wrong rally. No, I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street.” Kamala in effect kicked Jesus out of her meeting, just as the Dems long ago kicked God out of their party. And this was the real Kamala speaking: an unscripted moment with an off-the-cuff remark. This Christophobe is simply diabolical.

Concerning the presidential dinner, the last person who failed to attend was Walter Mondale some 40 years ago. And as Trump reminded the audience, that did not go so well, as he went on to lose 49 of the 50 US states in the election. It is reported that Kamala was told by her handlers not to go to the Al Smith dinner because it would alienate her liberal base – all the pro-aborts and pro-alphabet people. Hmm, another disastrous call.

When other Dems recognised that refusing to go to the dinner was actually a massive mistake, she went into panic mode and hastily made a video for the event. That too was utterly cringe-worthy and weird. Yet Walz calls Vance and the Republicans weird!

Just how dumb is Kamala and her hardcore progressive machine? While folks in San Francisco and New York might love her anti-God and anti-life agenda, most Americans do not see things that way. There are plenty of Catholic voters in places like Pennsylvania, one of the key swing states that she needs to win.

And her ugly attack on the Christian pro-lifer was in La Crosse, Wisconsin, another place where plenty of conservatives and Christians reside. But she does not give a rip about ordinary Americans. She is hellbent on pleasing her radical leftist supporters at all costs. Appointing Tim Walz as her running mate was another crystal-clear demonstration of this.

If this misotheist baby-hating candidate does win the election in a few weeks’ time, we will simply see much more of this. Consider just one recent case in point. A Tennessee Christian, Bevelyn Beatty Williams, has been prosecuted by the Biden/Harris administration for praying in front of an abortion clinic.

The 33-year-old pro-life activist and mother was convicted of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. For daring to stand up for the unborn, this woman has been sentenced to a three-and-a-half-year prison term! I kid you not. More details can be found here.

The Christian crowd-funding site GiveSendGo has set up a page for her.

This hardcore and diabolical persecution of Christians and pro-lifers is already taking place under the rule of Biden and Harris. Just imagine how much worse it will get if she is returned to office.

BTW, it is not just in the United States that this anti-God and anti-life reign of terror is taking place. Consider the UK where prayer is now considered to be a hate crime. One news report explains how one believer there was convicted of this:

Adam Smith-Connor is a military veteran who served his country in the reserves in Afghanistan. As part of his medical training, he participated in 30 abortions in 2003—actions he now deeply regrets. Adam converted to Christianity in later life, and is now deeply committed to prayer on the issue. In November 2022, he stopped to pray for a few minutes, in silence, near an abortion facility, remembering a time he had paid for an ex-girlfriend to abort his own child. 

Adam was confronted by officers and grilled as to “the nature” of his prayers. Despite no passerby claiming to have been harmed by Adam’s presence, the content of his silent thoughts was enough to trigger a penalty, leading to two years of criminal proceedings, and three days of trial. The short exchange with the police was caught on film and is worth recounting: 

Police: “We just wanted to come over and say hello, but also just to inquire as to your activities for today.” 
Adam: “Well, I’m praying.” 
Police: “In terms of that, can I ask what is the nature of your prayer today?” 
“What is the nature of your prayer today?” Words I never thought I would hear a police officer say on the streets of Britain.

Jesus is not running

But getting back to Kamala and the US, all this is not to say that there are no true Christians left in the Democratic party, but they are becoming increasingly rare, and the party machine would never allow any true pro-life Christian to have any leading role either as a candidate or party broker. And yes, there would be some atheists and agnostics in the Republican party, but nowhere near as many as the Dems.

And Trump has had his issues, no doubt. Sadly he has been wavering on things like abortion, but during his last term in office, he appointed conservative Supreme Court judges which in turn led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. While not a perfect pro-life candidate, Trump will be lightyears ahead of Kamala on this issue.

And he has had notable character issues and moral flaws. They are not to be whitewashed, but one obvious thing can be said. Much of this bad behaviour took place ten, twenty and thirty years ago. I nowhere see him today still exalting in this or celebrating this. The truth is, that people can change, and it seems that Trump is indeed changing – for the better. That is why I pray for him daily, and so should you.

On the other hand, what Kamala did in the three examples given above was all from this past week. Her ugly Christophobia and promotion of death are not some old traits she has now outgrown. She has always been this way, and we know that she will push all this to the max if she wins office.

While Christians might well want candidates who are more moral, more pure, more faultless, and more pristine, they need to be reminded that Jesus is not running in this election – or in any election. In a fallen world, we are ALWAYS left with less-than-ideal choices. But some are clearly better than others.

In this regard, a recent report coming out of America makes for sad reading. It opens with these words:

A new study by a researcher at Arizona Christian University says 32 million Christians who are regular churchgoers are likely to stay home this election. And that, according to the report by George Barna, will likely hurt Donald Trump more than Kamala Harris.

But Barna, the director of research at the Cultural Research Center at the Glendale school, said it doesn’t have to be that way. The key, he said, could be as simple as pastors “encouraging people to vote in order to fulfill their biblical responsibility.”

Yes, it is hoped that all biblical Christians understand that refusing to vote is really allowing one candidate to win. And while Trump is far from perfect or ideal, Kamala is much, much worse. American Christians have an obligation to stand for righteousness in the land. Trump will not usher in the Kingdom. No man will.

But a Kamala win will simply further cement the atheist and abortion-loving Dems in power and help bring about the end of America.

The Caldron Pool Show

The Caldron Pool Show: #38 – The Procedure (with Kevin Sorbo and Laura Klassen)
The Caldron Pool Show: #9 – George Christensen
The Caldron Pool Show: #25 – Traditional Schooling Is Dying – Featuring Kale Kneale
The Caldron Pool Show: #6 – Lauren Southern (Canada Special)


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