Hulk Hogan urges followers to repent, focus on Jesus: “God has taken away everything we worship”
Hulk Hogan has taken to social media to urge his 5.5 million followers to use their time in isolation to repent and focus on Jesus, free from the distractions of the world. The former pro wrestler on Monday suggested that God is using the coronavirus pandemic to take away everything we wrongfully worship, such as athletes, musicians, actors and money. “In three short months, just like He did with the plagues of Egypt, God has taken away everything we worship,” Hogan said. “God said, ‘you want to worship athletes, I will shut down the stadiums. You want to worship musicians,…
The ABC and Social Irresponsibility
The health situation in Italy is dire. Tragically, over 11,000 people have died in excess of 100,000 people have caught COVID-19 giving it the second highest number of cases outside of China. The question is, what caused this to be the case? While the reasons are clearly complex and multi-faceted, the well-meaning—but ultimately misguided—advice from key figures on the left are actually contributing to the crisis. Take for instance this tweet by the ABC’s chief economic correspondent, who tweeted recently: People around the world are dying alone Stop talking about the economy. We live in a community not an economy.…
China Rewarded With a Seat on UN Human Rights Advisory Panel
As we’ve seen in recent weeks, the Australian Greens, the American Democrats, Extinction Rebellion and the Chinese Communist regime have attached their self-proclaimed sinless benevolence to the coronavirus crisis. Ignoring the fact that they waved dim-witted “you can’t do that, it’s racist” flags all over the media in response to early anti-coronavirus measures, sharp-witted governments put in place to stop the coronavirus. False accusations of racism which targeted travel bans top this list. Comparing the devastating toll in Italy with the relatively low impact of COVID-19 on Japan’s population, Mark Powell was right to note that Italy was invaded, and…
Are Our Fears of the Coronavirus Undermining Our Freedoms?
Escaping persecution and daily threats to our freedoms and rights under a suppressive Communist government, as a refugee family, we so appreciated the liberties that Australia afforded to us on our arrival. That’s why it is so painful for me, as a legal academic and lobbyist, to watch the current violations of our freedoms taking place, which are slowly corroding our fundamental freedoms and rights – all in the name of fear. As rational, thinking fee citizens involved in upholding the rule of law and engaging in political rights, it is important to take a step back as a nation…
WATCH: Top WHO doctor pretends he can’t hear question, then ends video call after being asked about Taiwan
The assistant director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) has ended a video call with an RTHK journalist after she asked him about Taiwan’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Yvonne Tong, of Hong Kong’s RTHK News, on Friday, interviewed Bruce Aylward, a senior advisor at WHO, who was adamant not to discuss Taiwan’s status with the organization. When asked if WHO would reconsider Taiwan’s membership, Aylward sat silently, staring at the camera for a good 10 seconds before pretending to not hear the question. When Tong repeated the question, Aylward told her to move to another question before appearing to…
Has the present pandemic proven our pro-life proclivities?
A deadly plague has stolen the lives of some 17,500 people in Australia so far this year. That’s almost 200 people every day, or one every eight minutes. What plague could possibly be so deadly? It is the plague of abortion. We learn some important lessons when we compare this to how many Australians have lost their lives to the coronavirus so far—a national tally that currently stands at 28. First, it provides us with a much-needed perspective. This is no time for complacency, to be sure. But compared with other potential threats to life or the scale of what could…
U.N. wants to take 10% of the entire world’s income to fund their coronavirus program: “Shared Responsibility”
The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, is asking nations to contribute at least 10 percent of the annual income of the entire world to fund a “stimulus package” that would be administered at an international level. According to Life Site News, the proposed plan would effectively place the United Nations in charge of propping up the economies of the world. If the plan is accepted, the organisation will be handed up to 10 percent of global income, the equivalent of approximately 8.7 trillion USD. Among the objectives of the plan, Guterres includes ‘attention to continued delivery of sexual reproductive health…
Nigel Farage’s Coronavirus-Era Warning: “Say No To House Arrest”
Whatever support Nigel Farage had for Britain’s total lockdown, now appears to be wavering. Although the Brexit mastermind was an early supporter of the anti-coronavirus, “stay home, save lives” policy, Farage is now asking the same questions, we here at Caldron Pool have been asking, in regards to government overreach and the absence of any assurance that civil liberties are being safeguarded. In his latest vlog, the chief architect of Brexit commented on the increasing ‘ridiculous, lacking in common sense interpretations of social distancing’ being applied in a heavy-handed repression of civil liberties by Western governments, saying that this repression…
“Shoot them dead”: Philippine President threatens to kill violators of coronavirus lockdown
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has told the police and military to “shoot dead” anyone who creates trouble during the nation’s coronavirus lockdown. “It is getting worse,” Duterte said on Wednesday during a televised address. “So once again I’m telling you the seriousness of the problem and that you must listen. “My orders to the police and military and the villages, in case there is trouble and there’s an occasion that they fight back and your lives are in danger, shoot them dead. “Is that understood? Dead. Instead of causing trouble, I will bury you,” the President added. The warning follows…
The Remarkable Legacy of Dr Li Wen Liang
The world needs to remember the Christian faith and remarkable courage of Dr Li Wen Liang, who worked at Wuhan Central Hospital and was one of the chief whistleblowers regarding COVID-19. Dr Wen Liang himself died of the virus. He was only thirty-four. Australia’s Sixty Minutes provides a concise summary in the pivotal role that Dr Wen Liang played in uncovering the scandal, as well as how the Communist Chinese Government is now trying to “re-write history and [falsely] claim that it was transparent all along”: But another aspect to Dr. Li Wen Liang that should not be overlooked is…
Are You Happy Now, Greta?
Has Capitalism Caused COVID-19? Apparently, the current coronavirus pandemic is not linked to the exotic eating habits of the Chinese but instead is due to “the climate change crisis”. Vijay Kolinjivadi, from Al Jazeera, argues that the common roots of COVID-19 and climate change are evidenced in two ways: The origin of the virus makes it a perfect example of how the way capitalism commodifies life to turn it into profit can directly endanger human life. In this sense, the ongoing pandemic is the product of unrestrained capitalist production and consumption patterns and is very much part of the deleterious environmental changes…
COVID-19 and Communism
If COVID-19 has taught us anything it’s that the Chinese government cannot be trusted. Please note that I said communist regime and not people. My statement is not motivated by some kind of latent anti-Asian racism. Instead, my aim is directly targeted against the Chinese Communist Party who must accept at least part of the blame and responsibility for the current global pandemic. Back in 2007 a report in the Clinical Microbiology Review concluded (emphasis mine) that: The presence of a large reservoir of SARS-CoV like viruses in horseshoe bats, together with the culture of eating exotic mammals in southern…
Former UK Prime Minister calls for a new one world government to tackle COVID-19
Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a “temporary form of global government” to combat coronavirus and its impact around the world. According to The Guardian, the former Labor Prime Minister said, the global organisation should have executive powers to coordinate the response to tackle the medical and economic crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. “This is not something that can be dealt with in one country,” he said. “There has to be a coordinated global response.” Brown went on to say, “This is first and foremost a medical emergency and there has to be…
Italy and #CoronaRacism
The health situation in Italy is dire. Tragically, over 8,000 people have died and around 80,000 people have caught COVID-19 giving it the second highest number of cases outside of China. The question is, what caused this to be the case? Back in February, Dr Jing Zeng wrote in The Guardian that there was no link whatsoever between COVID-19 and The People’s Republic of China. And those who dared to suggest that there was were guilty of #CoronaRacism. As such, many in the mainstream media have followed the explanation of Matt Simon in Wired, who argued that there was no…
Are oppressive totalitarian measures necessary in order to fight against coronavirus?
There’s a thin line between governments waging a war against a crisis, and governments waging a war against people caught up in that crisis. It’s the crossing of this line; the potential, and perhaps eventual, overreaction through disproportionate measures, that have sparked an increasing number of centrist and conservative thinkers to question these heavy-handed measures, along with anything, and everything, labelled “the new normal”. The more we learn about the coronavirus, the more important it is to question whether the heavy-handed measures being taken against the coronavirus are proportionate to the fight against it. Peter Hitchens was the first to…
Greens Senator mocked around the world after saying COVID-19 hurts women most, despite 70% of deaths being men
A New South Wales Green Senator has been ridiculed around the world after claiming COVID-19 is a “gendered crisis” because of the “disproportionate risk” it poses to women. Mehreen Faruqi, Australia’s first Muslim senator, made the comments yesterday, despite reports that coronavirus mortality rate is twice as high among men as it is among women. “Let us not forget that COVID-19 is a gendered crisis,” Faruqi said. “Nurses, teachers, child care workers, and early childhood educators, aged care workers and cleaners are mostly women. They are on the frontline of this public health crisis and carry a disproportionate risk of…
WATCH: Pope Francis says, COVID-19 is the earth ‘having a fit so that we will take care of nature’
Pope Francis has said the coronavirus is nature’s response to humans damaging the environment. Speaking with a Spanish journalist on Sunday, Pope Francis said: “There’s a saying you know, God always forgives. We forgive sometimes. [But] nature never forgives. “Fires, earthquakes, that is nature having a fit. So that we will take care of nature.” On the same day that the pope made his remarks, Oprah Winfrey shared an interview with actor Idris Elba essentially suggesting the same thing. In the short video posted to Twitter, Elba likened humanity to an “infection” the world is trying to “get rid…
WATCH: Idris Elba tells Oprah Winfrey, it’s “obvious” COVID-19 is the earth trying to get rid of humans, like “getting rid of an infection”
Actor Idris Elba has told Oprah Winfrey that COVIC-19 is the earth’s response to humans damaging the environment. In a short interview posted on Oprah’s Twitter account today, Elba likened humanity to an “infection”, saying he’s not surprised the world would respond by trying to “get rid of” us, “as any organism would do.” “Our world has been taking a kicking,” he said. “You know, we’ve damaged our world and, you know, it’s no surprise that our world is reacting… It’s no surprise that a virus has been created that is going to slow us down and ultimately make us…
In all the media turmoil surrounding COVID-19, you may have missed this…
In all the media turmoil surrounding COVID-19, you may have missed the passing of Dr. Catherine Hamlin, aged ninety-six. Dr. Hamlin’s gynaecological work in treating Ethiopian women suffering from obstetric fistula was so remarkable that even The Sydney Morning Herald referred to her as “the saint of Addis Ababa”. Julie White, Chair of Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation said: “Catherine has lived an incredible life having made an enormous difference to the lives and health of thousands upon thousands of women in Ethiopia. Her passionate commitment to women and maternal health through her trust and belief in fulfilling God’s work with…
UN Religion Expert wants Christians to submit to LGBTQ and abortion activists
Ahmed Shaheed, lecturer and volunteer adviser to the U.N., is advocating that religions conform to an eventual universal, “progressive” law. In his latest report for the U.N, the religious freedom advocate provides an argument for a blueprint, which will outlaw any theological critique or practice, unless it has first been approved, or established by LGBTQAAI+ activists, radical feminists and academics who advocate from a Leftist worldview. Steve Warren from CBN news rightly noted that recent ‘Report of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief’ (available as a Word Document here), makes no distinction between who and what religion…
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