Over 130-Million Face Starvation: U.N. Warns “More People Could Potentially Die From the Economic Impact of COVID-19 Than From the Virus Itself”
The world is “on the brink” of a hunger pandemic which could see more people die from the economic impact of COVID-19 than from the virus itself the U.N. Security Council was warned on Tuesday. “We are not only facing a global health pandemic but also a global humanitarian catastrophe,” David Beasley, director of the United Nations World Food Program said. “Millions of civilians living in conflict-scarred nations, including many women and children, face being pushed to the brink of starvation, with the spectre of famine a very real and dangerous possibility.” Beasley went on to say, due to the…
WHO Promotes Abortion, Transgenderism, Prostitution and Child Sexuality
As if the recent revelations about the World Health Organisations (WHO) relationship with the Chinese Communist Party regarding the cover-up of COVID-19 were not enough, along comes this. Family Watch International has published an explosive expose regarding the role of WHO in actively promoting abortion, transgenderism, legalised prostitution and sexuality among children. The content of the newsletter outlines, “8 Ways the World Health Organization Advances Harmful Agendas”. Namely, that the: 1. WHO leadership has a history of promoting abortion. 2. WHO Director-General Tedros also has pushed controversial sexual rights at the expense of sexual health. 3. WHO has continued to…
WATCH: Health Official admits, “Even if you died of a clear alternative cause… it’s still listed as a COVID death”
Health officials in Illinois have admitted that “COVID deaths” are being recorded even if the deceased clearly died of other causes. During a health briefing on Sunday, Dr Ngozi Ezike, director of Illinois Department of Public Health, said if the deceased had COVID-19 at the time of passing, it will be counted as a “COVID death,” regardless of the actual cause of death. “If you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have COVID, that would be counted as a COVID death,” Dr Ezike said. “It means…
WHO demands forgiveness for Who?
I woke up this morning to one of the strangest tweets ever. It was from Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who tweeted: Forgive. — Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (@DrTedros) April 21, 2020 I have so two main questions: Firstly, to instruct people to forgive implies that there must have been wrong-doing. If so, what is it that they’ve actually done? Secondly, following from this, just who exactly to WHO saying we should forgive? The Chinese Communist Party for allowing the Wuhan Virus to spread its deadly contagion to the ends of the earth? Or maybe the World Health Organisation for being complicit in…
Is There Another Agenda Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic?
COVID-19 has been deemed a “pandemic” by the deeply discredited World Health Organization (WHO). In the name of fighting this alleged “pandemic”, measures have been taken by the Australian government that have significant repercussions on freedom of expression, privacy, association, and other fundamental freedoms, both now and potentially for an unlimited period of time. Due to government action, countless people in Australia are already enduring deeply stressful and traumatic events, including job loss, the destitution of money, marriage breakdown, parental alienation, and inadequate supplies of food and other essentials. Government agencies are also acquiring extraordinary powers to monitor people and…
WATCH: Hot Mic Catches Reporter Claiming COVID-19 Fatality Rate Is A Tenth of What We’ve Been Told
A conversation captured on a hot mic prior to the White House press briefing on Monday has gone viral on social media overnight. The footage reportedly shows Fox News’ John Roberts and New York Times photographer Doug Mills discussing the coronavirus pandemic and suggesting the mortality rate is about a tenth of what it seems to be. “What do you know, buddy?” Mills asks Roberts. “You can take off your mask,” Roberts replied. “The case mortality rate is like 0.1 to 0.3. That’s according to the USC.” Mediaite, who was first to report on the video, notes that Roberts was…
What If the Experts Were Wrong – Really Wrong?
In 2001 Professor Neil Ferguson, professor of mathematical biology and director of the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London, predicted up to 150,000 could die in the U.K. alone from mad cow disease. Panicked politicians and ballistic bureaucrats ordered the culling of over 6 million animals and economically vandalised rural Britain. Only 177 people died. Professor Michael Thrusfield of Edinburgh University claimed Professor Ferguson’s model made incorrect assumptions about transmission. This government expert’s model was criticised as “not fit for purpose” and “severely flawed”, and established a history of wildly overestimating death rates through his prediction models. Nevertheless, when President…
Why Did China Stop Travel From Wuhan to the Rest of China, but Not to the Rest of the World?
There’s a scene in the HBO mini-series, Chernobyl, that bears an uncanny similarity to the current communist cover-up involving COVID-19. The context is just after the nuclear explosion at Chernobyl on Saturday 26, April 1986 and the local apparatchiks who are trying to mitigate the panic that is about to occur when the true gravity of the disaster is revealed. Note in particular what is said by the oldest member of the communist nomenclature bringing his other comrades to a standing ovation: Now the State tell us the situation here is not dangerous. Have faith, comrades. The State tell…
Robert F Kennedy Jnr: ‘Bill Gates is at the Tip of the Spear of Globalist Imperialism’
What makes Leftist media outlets, jumping to the defence of billionaire Bill Gates extraordinary, is the spin these media manipulators are putting on public concerns over the billionaire’s very public reemergence, since COVID-19 burst onto the global scene. Author, and popular podcast host, Alley Stuckey gave this sharp relief when she asked, “Is it not weird that the same people who think billionaires are evil seem to trust and adore Bill Gates?” Is it not weird that the same people who think billionaires are evil seem to trust and adore Bill Gates? — Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) April 15, 2020…
China: The Two-Hundred Pound Panda in the Room
If COVID-19 has taught us anything in 2020, it’s that we have to address the two-hundred-pound gorilla (er panda) in the room. Namely, that the CCP is an expansionist regime which is totalitarian, corrupt and never to be trusted by the international community. This is because by falsifying information on a massive scale China ultimately facilitated the global spread of the virus. Putting aside Kevin Rudd’s defence of the WHO—Chinese Communism’s (aka Lenin’s) ‘useful idiot’—in also failing to prevent the spread of the disease, we have now been given an authentic, picture-perfect vision of the CCP’s insidious self-protectionism. I realise…
Who’s Behind WHO?
One of the most significant revelations to arise out of COVID-19 is The World Health Organisation’s relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. In a stunning Facebook post, Martyn Iles, the director of The Australian Christian Lobby, has written: WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus had his bid for the role funded by the Chinese Communist Party. He is a member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front – a Marxist liberationist party with links to the former Soviet Union. It is listed by the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium as a left-wing terrorist organisation, responsible for 10 acts of terror between 1975…
The Tyranny of the State Is a Denial of the Right to Life and a Livelihood
Any justifiable counter moves against an enemy become unjustified if they make the government as tyrannical as the enemy it fights. One of Dietrich Bonheoffer’s key advocates in England throughout the 1930s-40s was Anglican Bishop George Bell. He famously clashed with Churchill over-saturation bombing, challenged the ‘kill ‘em all’ ethos of Vansittart, and stood firm against the fallacies behind Vansittartism, which painted all Germans as Nazis without distinction. Bell’s close relationship with the Confessing Church in Germany led to his 1940 book ‘Christianity and World Order’. Bell was well aware of the German Church’s struggle against a diluted Christianity, which…
WHO’s to blame for COVID-19
In breaking news, The Daily Wire is reporting that President Trump is halting America’s funding to the World Health Organisation (WHO). The U.S. President is reported as saying: Today I’m instructing my administration to halt funding of the World Health Organization while a review is conducted to assess the World Health Organization’s role in severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the Coronavirus. Everybody knows what’s going on there,” Trump said. “American taxpayers provided between $400 million and $500 million per year to the W.H.O. In contrast, China contributes $40 million a year and even less as the organization’s…
Despite Fear and Powerlessness Good Friday Remains Good News
Like you, I’m wrestling with the COVID-19 changes imposed upon us. We’re adapting, steady, and we’re focused. We’re still homeschooling. We’re still reading the news in one hand, and reading the Bible with the other. We’re engaged, determined not to let the bad news sneak past us, or our prayers. We’re also determined not to let the barrage of repetitive, useless speculative analysis paralyze us. In 1939, Karl Barth, who had long since been exiled by the Nazis for refusing to sign the Hitler Oath, and for opposing the deification of the State, wrote, The Church prefers to suffer persecution…
WATCH: WHO official says, authorities need to enter homes and remove family members
The executive director of the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said authorities will need to enter homes and remove family members in order to stop the spread of coronavirus. Dr Michael Ryan said during a press conference this week that authorities will need to “go and look” in people’s families for individuals who may be sick and remove them, presumably by force. “Most of the transmission that’s actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household, at family level,” Dr Ryan said. “In some sense, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units.…
President Trump says the US is putting a hold on funding the WHO: “They call every shot wrong”
US President Donald Trump has said the U.S. will put a hold on funding the World Health Organisation after the UN agency “called every shot wrong” in the lead up the coronavirus pandemic. During a press conference at the White House, President Trump said, “The World Health Organisation receives vast amounts of money from the United States and we pay for a majority – biggest portion of their money. And they actually disagreed with my travel ban at the time we did it and they were wrong. They’ve been wrong about a lot of things. “They had a lot of…
Hulk Hogan urges followers to repent, focus on Jesus: “God has taken away everything we worship”
Hulk Hogan has taken to social media to urge his 5.5 million followers to use their time in isolation to repent and focus on Jesus, free from the distractions of the world. The former pro wrestler on Monday suggested that God is using the coronavirus pandemic to take away everything we wrongfully worship, such as athletes, musicians, actors and money. “In three short months, just like He did with the plagues of Egypt, God has taken away everything we worship,” Hogan said. “God said, ‘you want to worship athletes, I will shut down the stadiums. You want to worship musicians,…
The ABC and Social Irresponsibility
The health situation in Italy is dire. Tragically, over 11,000 people have died in excess of 100,000 people have caught COVID-19 giving it the second highest number of cases outside of China. The question is, what caused this to be the case? While the reasons are clearly complex and multi-faceted, the well-meaning—but ultimately misguided—advice from key figures on the left are actually contributing to the crisis. Take for instance this tweet by the ABC’s chief economic correspondent, who tweeted recently: People around the world are dying alone Stop talking about the economy. We live in a community not an economy.…
China Rewarded With a Seat on UN Human Rights Advisory Panel
As we’ve seen in recent weeks, the Australian Greens, the American Democrats, Extinction Rebellion and the Chinese Communist regime have attached their self-proclaimed sinless benevolence to the coronavirus crisis. Ignoring the fact that they waved dim-witted “you can’t do that, it’s racist” flags all over the media in response to early anti-coronavirus measures, sharp-witted governments put in place to stop the coronavirus. False accusations of racism which targeted travel bans top this list. Comparing the devastating toll in Italy with the relatively low impact of COVID-19 on Japan’s population, Mark Powell was right to note that Italy was invaded, and…
Are Our Fears of the Coronavirus Undermining Our Freedoms?
Escaping persecution and daily threats to our freedoms and rights under a suppressive Communist government, as a refugee family, we so appreciated the liberties that Australia afforded to us on our arrival. That’s why it is so painful for me, as a legal academic and lobbyist, to watch the current violations of our freedoms taking place, which are slowly corroding our fundamental freedoms and rights – all in the name of fear. As rational, thinking fee citizens involved in upholding the rule of law and engaging in political rights, it is important to take a step back as a nation…
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