New York Times Labels ‘The Great Reset’ a ‘Baseless Conspiracy Theory’
The New York Times has accused commentators expressing their concerns about ‘The Great Reset’, of ‘spreading misinformation.’
We’ve Been Warned About the Great Reset and Technocrat Tyranny
Do you know anything about the Great Reset? You should, if for no other reason than because I wrote a major piece on it just a few days ago.
World Leaders Give Greenlight to Globalist “Great Reset”
Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?
The Choice Is Always Between the Real King and False Kings
As the state takes ever more powers for itself, the Christian will need to determine who he will ultimately serve.
You and Your Family Are the Problem, According to Environmentalists
It is time to call out the environmentalist movement for what it is: a cover for an anti-human agenda.
Most People Would Rather Worship Caesar Than God
The dangers of idolatry ever confront us – even the believer in God. And one key area of idolatry is to put the state ahead of God.
The More You Study History, the More Ominous Our Present Times Appear
In the light of the corona crisis and how so many states in the West have resorted to draconian lockdown measures which have meant crippling restrictions on personal freedoms, civil liberties, and basic human rights, we need to look to history – and look to it really carefully.
Experts Near-Unanimous: Lockdowns Are Counterproductive, Must Be Stopped
As more and more experts tell us that draconian lockdown measures are causing far more harm than good, we still have various political leaders digging in even further, telling us we must keep these measures in place.
Thousands of Scientists and Health Experts Warn of “Devastating Effects” of Lockdown Policies
Thousands of scientists and health experts have warned about the devastating impacts COVID-19 lockdown policies are having on people’s physical and mental health. The Great Barrington Declaration, which has been signed by almost 6,000 scientists and medical experts around the world, along with close to 11,000 medical practitioners, warns that the “current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health.” According to the declaration, the results include “lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class…
‘Cuties’ Could Lose Netflix Hundreds of Millions of Dollars
One petition alone, urging users to “ban together and cancel our subscriptions” has gathered more than 600k signatures.
Silence Over the Arrest of ‘Hotel Rwanda’ Hero, Paul Rusesabagina, Shatters the BLM Narrative
Humanitarian hero of the Rwandan genocide, Paul Rusesabagina’s arrest on the charges of terrorism continues to raise questions.
Consensus Science Is A Fiction: Crichton
Nearly twenty years ago renowned author and medical doctor Michael Crichton examined the Climate Change debate and warned the connection between hard scientific fact and public policy was becoming “increasingly elastic.”
Fighting Fake News Through Alternative Media
Legitimate alternative media is formed by a gathering of discerning citizens who understand that the fight we fight is about truth vs. falsehood. It isn’t about left vs. right, black vs. white, us vs. them.
Lockdown Was A ‘Monumental Mistake On A Global Scale’ Says Top Scientist And Government Adviser
“My concern is that far too many people involved in managing this pandemic have in mind that it will somehow burn itself out,” he said. “I don’t expect it to.”
Heartless Bureaucrats Are Destroying Lives, Freedom, and Democracy
If these horror stories do not shock you, you may be part of the problem.
Communism Now A Fashion Accessory: Teen Vogue Says Abolish Private Property
Envy used to be one of the deadly sins. But it is no longer a sin, it’s a virtue. And it’s no longer called envy. It’s now called “social justice”.
Norwegian Flag Cancelled After Dozens Mistook it for Confederate Flag
Combine forced school closures due to the Chinese Flu with Black Lives Matter protests and you end up with this story …
Dennis Prager Backs Anti-COVID-19 Drug HCQ: “The Left is Weaponizing Medicine”
In his latest fireside chat, Dennis Prager addressed the politicisation of hydroxychloroquine.
Using the COVID-19 Crisis for Political Gain Has Precedent
It’s not baseless to suggest that people with vested political interests are using third party operators to suppress information about an alternative treatment to COVID-19 in order to win an election, “costs be damned”.
Big Tech Censors Conservatives While Protecting Progressives
It has been observed for quite some time that Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube are censoring conservative content.