Almost 30 People Die in Norway After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine
Almost 30 people in Norway have died after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, health officials have said.
If Twitter Can Deny Service to a Customer, Why Not Christian Bakeries, Florists and NGOs?
The lessons provided this week by the unjustified social media ban of Donald Trump, along with the industry-wide cancellation of Parler are dangerous precedents.
Lockdowns, Tyranny, and the Empty Promises of World Leaders
Rather than confronting the CCP for its deceitful and malicious practices both domestically and abroad, mainstream media outlets, celebrities, and politicians in the West have repeatedly attacked Donald Trump as the archnemesis of international relations.
Pope Francis Says You MUST Take the Coronavirus Vaccine
Pope Francis has said everyone must take the coronavirus vaccine to protect themselves and others from the spread of COVID-19.
Media Censorship in 2020: Were You Paying Attention?
Last week, a Chinese citizen journalist was sentenced to four years in jail. Her crime: reporting on the coronavirus outbreak that began in her city of Wuhan.
Report: Persecution of Christians Will Increase in China Next Year
An international Christian watchdog organization for persecuted Christians worldwide has said the persecution of Christians in China is set to rise 2021.
Hungary Law Defines Family: “The Mother Is a Woman, The Father Is a Man”
Hungary’s Parliament passed new measures on Tuesday affirming the natural definition of the family, effectively banning same-sex couples from adopting children.
Jail Time for “Hate Speech” Against Transgenders, Even if Spoken in the Privacy of Your Own Home
Negative remarks about transgender people could now land Norwegians in prison, even if the comments were made in the privacy of their own homes.
Australian MPs Call on President Trump to Pardon WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange
Advocates for Julian Assange are calling on President Donald Trump to pardon the besieged Wikileaks founder before Assange-hating Leftists are inaugurated back into the White House in January.
Flight Attendants Advised to Wear Diapers to Avoid Catching COVID-19 on the Toilet
Flight attendants in China have been advised to wear disposable nappies on flights to high-risk destinations to avoid contracting coronavirus on the toilet.
Calls for Coptic Christian Activist Arrested on Fake Charges to be Freed
Egypt is being petitioned to release Coptic activist Ramy Kamel who was arrested in late November 2019, by Egyptian security forces.
UN Says International Men’s Day Is About Women
According to the United Nations, International Men’s Day is not about supporting men, but about men supporting women and gender equality.
New York Times Labels ‘The Great Reset’ a ‘Baseless Conspiracy Theory’
The New York Times has accused commentators expressing their concerns about ‘The Great Reset’, of ‘spreading misinformation.’
We’ve Been Warned About the Great Reset and Technocrat Tyranny
Do you know anything about the Great Reset? You should, if for no other reason than because I wrote a major piece on it just a few days ago.
World Leaders Give Greenlight to Globalist “Great Reset”
Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?
The Choice Is Always Between the Real King and False Kings
As the state takes ever more powers for itself, the Christian will need to determine who he will ultimately serve.
You and Your Family Are the Problem, According to Environmentalists
It is time to call out the environmentalist movement for what it is: a cover for an anti-human agenda.
Most People Would Rather Worship Caesar Than God
The dangers of idolatry ever confront us – even the believer in God. And one key area of idolatry is to put the state ahead of God.
The More You Study History, the More Ominous Our Present Times Appear
In the light of the corona crisis and how so many states in the West have resorted to draconian lockdown measures which have meant crippling restrictions on personal freedoms, civil liberties, and basic human rights, we need to look to history – and look to it really carefully.
Experts Near-Unanimous: Lockdowns Are Counterproductive, Must Be Stopped
As more and more experts tell us that draconian lockdown measures are causing far more harm than good, we still have various political leaders digging in even further, telling us we must keep these measures in place.