This Is the New Fight for Freedom
“…if the State can force you to take a vaccine against your will, they can make you do anything: to be sterilised; to be forced to give up an organ on demand; to be rounded up in internment camps; to be euthanised; and so on.”
FREE Posters for Freedom Rallies
Download and print free posters to use at freedom rallies.
International Men’s Day November 19: “Better Relations Between Men and Women”
“The high rate of divorce illustrates how man and woman are far from perfect in resolving their differences.”
Leftists Are the Real Enemies of Freedom and Choice
“Who are the ones demanding mandatory vaccinations and vax passports? Who are the ones fully supporting draconian lockdowns and coercive health mandates? Who are the champions of Big Government controlling every aspect of our lives? Yep – the new left despots.”
The Great Reset Is Real, and It Is Taking No Prisoners
“The naked individual against an all-powerful state is the dream of every tyrant and the nightmare of every freedom-loving citizen. That is why there is always the pressing need to have something that stands between the individual and the state.”
There Is No Hard Scientific Justification for Hazardous Public Health Policies
Under Hazzard’s watch, if Schindler’s List, Sarah’s Key, or Life is Beautiful, were to be released today in cinemas around New South Wales, (ironically) only those deemed superior by the state – those with pledge passports – would be able to go and watch them.
Senator Calls for Immediate Suspension of Vaccine Rollout for Children Following the Death of 14-Year-Old Girl
“If ever there was a reason when the precautionary principle should be applied, then the safety of our children should be it.”
Putin on Wokeness in the West: “We Saw This in Soviet Russia”
“The Bolsheviks were absolutely intolerant of other opinions,” Putin added. “I think this should remind you of something that is happening … in the Western countries.”
Romanian EU Representatives Expose Culture of Silence on Vaccines, Big Pharma Deals and Vaccine Mandates
“What we have seen in this crisis is that civil rights and liberties have been transformed from fundamental rights to privileges that governments grant or revoke as they see fit.”
Vaccine Passports Were Planned Long Before the Pandemic
“Immunization poses a huge opportunity to scale digital identity,” ID2020 wrote in 2018.
The New COVID Binary: Freedom or Fear
Do liberty and basic human rights even matter anymore?
Dear Parishioners, We’re All In This Together But Not All Of You
“We have also reluctantly engaged the services of a security company for this 3 week period, and a security officer will be present to enforce the public health orders where necessary.”
“War Is Real,” Says the CCP, as It Invades Taiwanese Airspace With Nuclear-Capable Aircraft
“In Taipei’s response to Beijing, Taiwan’s foreign minister, Joseph Wu, fired back saying the nation was preparing for war.”
Protesters in New York Chant “Save Australia” at Pro-Freedom Rally
Seeing protests against medical mandates happening within New York, a large, and long-held Democrat stronghold, isn’t just encouraging, it’s illustrative of the widening gap between the people, COVID cultism, and CCP-19 propaganda.
The Ongoing, Unjust Detention of Coptic Christian Activist, Ramy Kamel, Is a Warning to the West
“The ‘domestic terrorism’ and ‘misuse of social media’ charges against Ramy Kamel, are proof that these labels can be easily used by abusive governments, ecclesial, and civic leaders, to squash dissent, in order to avoid accountability, reasoned opposition, and the truth.”
The West Seems Intent on Following the Tyrannical Path of Communist China
Democracies seldom become totalitarian police states overnight. But they can and do become them incrementally – especially when the populace is unaware or unconcerned about the downward slippery slope they are on.
We Protect Rights Because Rights Protect People
In fact, to mischaracterize those who prioritize certain freedom over potential safety as “unloving” and selfish, when that is clearly not by necessity the case, is itself, ironically, a violation of what it means to “love your neighbour as yourself.”
MacArthur: “The Greatest Threat to Truth and Virtue in This Country Is the Government”
“So we are beginning to see persecution from government. This is the most formidable persecution: COVID, LGBTQ, transgender, social justice—all these new ideologies are now going to become the only acceptable moral standards. And if you don’t accept them, you’re going to be the enemy of the government. Truth, the Bible, Scripture is going to be cancelled. The government’s taking control; they want to take control of absolutely everything. The church has become the main enemy of the government—nothing new.”
Biden Calls on the Taliban to Be Gender Diverse
“We are about to witness one of the worst tragedies for women and girls in modern history.”
The Tyrant Will Always Find A Pretext for Tyranny
The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny, and it is useless for the innocent to try by reasoning to get justice, when the oppressor intends to be unjust.