Government Tells Kids Sexuality and Gender Are Fluid, Unless You Don’t Want to Be Gay and Trans
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews last year announced with self-righteous glee that his government plans to make ‘any practice or treatment that seeks to change, suppress or eliminate an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity,’ illegal.
Ten Things You Should Know About RBG
Ever since Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s providential passing, the radical doctrinaire feminist has been receiving—even from conservatives—something approaching an encomium of praise.
The Morbid Quest to Turn Trump Into Scrooge
Outbidding wars over who is the greatest of givers has no place in politics.
It Is Time to Distinguish Good From Bad Religious Leaders
Sadly, in our churches today there are plenty of worthless religious leaders. They are not just worthless – they are evil. They are false shepherds who are leading the people astray, and they will one day stand before their Judge to give an account of their evil.
The Danger of the Incel Is The Danger Of Polygamy: Part 2
“Sexual promiscuity should be seen as the civilisation destroying force that it is, not just as a lifestyle choice.”
The Danger of the Incel Is The Danger Of Polygamy: Part 1
“But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.” (1 Corinthians 7:2)
Genuflecting to ‘Black Lives Matter’ is Straight-Up Idolatry
Darrell B. Harrison and Virgil Walker’s new freestyle podcast is #lit and then some.
Chris Uhlmann’s MSM Broadside Into Victoria’s Totalitarianism Vindicates Discerning Citizens
We were behind the eight-ball from day one, while “fact-checkers,” and Leftists dismissed us as right-wing conspiracy theorists spreading misinformation.
Family Breakdown and the Rise of Identity Politics
“This is not progress. We will need something greater than the sum of our parts to pull us back together.”
There’s Nothing Cute About Child Abuse
Society doesn’t need to ingest poison to know that poison kills.
Against the Use of Abortion for Vaccines
As the world races to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, a number of Archbishops in Australia have been calling for caution.
Nobody Expected the Transgender Inquisition!
Nobody expected the Transgender Inquisition! Nonetheless, it is well and truly underway.
Book ‘In Defense of Looting’ Warns Readers: ‘Distribution Without Permission Is a Theft of Author’s Intellectual Property’
Apparently looting is only fun, free and harmless when you’re the one doing it.
‘Cuties’ Could Lose Netflix Hundreds of Millions of Dollars
One petition alone, urging users to “ban together and cancel our subscriptions” has gathered more than 600k signatures.
The Song ‘God Bless America’ Is Both A Prayer and A Protest
Even the ‘devils believe and tremble,’ and I really believe they are more afraid of the Americans’ prayers than of their swords.
The Case Against Lockdowns (and Police States)
We MUST learn from history here. These diabolical lockdowns are causing incalculable damage, death and destruction.
Netflix’s ‘Cuties’ Is Worse Than We Thought, but It’s Also a Symptom of a Much Deadlier Disease
Someone needs to go to jail over this.
Zimmermann: ‘It’s Time to Resist the Tyranny of the Ruling Classes’
Since March 2020 Australia’s governments, both federal and state, are using their powers to excessively coerce, obstruct or otherwise unreasonably interfere with the life, liberty and property of the citizen.
Silence Over the Arrest of ‘Hotel Rwanda’ Hero, Paul Rusesabagina, Shatters the BLM Narrative
Humanitarian hero of the Rwandan genocide, Paul Rusesabagina’s arrest on the charges of terrorism continues to raise questions.
President Trump vs Cultural Marxism: ‘Critical Race Theory’ and ‘White Privilege’ Training Banned
President Trump recently took the courageous step of banning the use of ‘Critical Race Theory’ and ‘White Privilege’ training for all U.S. federal agencies.