Category Archives: News & Commentary

Talk about the Grinch that stole Christmas! These leftists are changing the lyrics to popular Christmas carols in order to rail against coal energy. The updated lyrics include: “Away in the Arctic, the glaciers melt. The ice turns to water. The warming is felt.” WATCH: .@chriskkenny says the 'green-left is trying to steal Christmas' after the @arrcc1 changed Christmas carol lyrics to ‘rail against coal energy’. 'Don't turn our Christmas into a green-left political campaign.' MORE: #kennyonsunday — Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) December 16, 2018

ABC’s Good Morning America recently introduced their audience to Desmond Napoles, an 11 year old child-drag queen also known as, “Desmond is Amazing.” Since it was uploaded, the video, posted on GMA’s official YouTube page, has gathered more than 5-thousand “dislikes” in contrast to just over 200 “likes.” “Everyone involved in this should be put in jail,” the most popular comment under the video reads. “Everyone, please report this video as child abuse,” another individual commented. Earlier this year, HuffPost ran a similar segment featuring the then 10 year old. Professor Jordan Peterson responded to the video saying, “If you don’t…

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Canadian politicians gave us “people-kind” and “fisher-folk,” but we have the Scots to thank for this one. Gingerbread men have been banned from Scottish Parliament because–you guessed it–they’re prejudice against women. The traditional biscuits have now been replaced with “gingerbread persons” as part of a new drive to stamp out sexism and sexual harassment, The Sun reported. Annie Wells, member of Scottish Parliament said: “Surely the Scottish Parliament has got better things to do than worry about what to call gingerbread men? “This is an utterly pointless gesture which simply trivialises the real issues of gender equality.” Dear Scotland, you’re…

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Incoming Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar tweeted a photo of Mike Pence on Tuesday, along with a caption mocking his Christian faith. The image showed the Vice President with his eyes closed. Along with the photo, Omar tweeted, “Jesus take the wheel! #BorderWall” Now, obviously individuals should be free to mock others, especially their ideologies and religions. But I can’t help but wonder what the response would be if the roles were reversed. Just imagine Mike Pence poked fun at Ilhan Omar with a snide reference to Mohammed. There would be blood! Jesus take the wheel! #BorderWall — Ilhan Omar…

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“Tax his food, tax his drink. Tax him if he tries to think. Tax his sodas, tax his beers. If he cries, tax his tears.” Is there a poem that better sums up the state of California right now? State regulators want to introduce a tax on text messages in an effort to fund programs that make mobile phones services available for low income earners. According to Fox News, “charges may also be applied retroactively to messages sent in the past five years.” WATCH: California wants to tax text messages now, to fund free phones for illegals- uh, sorry –…

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A gunman is on the run after shooting dead four people and injuring 11 others near a Christmas market in Strasbourg, France. French police say the suspect is known to police and was on a terror watch list. According to CNN, the suspect, a 29-year-old man born in Strasbourg, was injured when police exchanged gunfire, however he managed to escape. Siegfried Muresan, European Parliament member said the entire area was in lockdown. UPDATE: Two people are now dead and eleven have been injured in a shooting in Strasbourg, France. #9Today — The Today Show (@TheTodayShow) December 11, 2018 UPDATE:…

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Two artists from Phoenix, Arizona are facing 6 months in jail and heavy fines for refusing to create custom artworks promoting same-sex weddings. The Arizona Court of Appeals ruled that Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, owners of Brush & Nib Studio, are required by Phoenix law to create artwork for same-sex wedding ceremonies because they “cannot discriminate against potential patrons based on sexual orientation.” According to Life Site News, “Not only are the Christian women threatened with jail time and fines should they refuse to create artwork celebrating gay ‘marriage’ because of Phoenix law, they could also be prosecuted for publishing a statement on…

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Brendan O’Neill has suggested, disagreement in the Australian Liberal Party may be healthier than the forced conformity of Labor and the Greens. On Monday night’s episode of Q&A, O’Neill said: “Labor and the Greens possibly have a more conformist take on [climate change, same-sex marriage, and multiculturalism] and possibly have even quelled any form of dissent within their ranks in relation to those issues. “You try being a Climate skeptic in the Labor Party, it’s not allowed. You try criticising same-sex marriage, whether from a religious perspective or a secular perspective, it’s not allowed… “If there is all this disagreement…

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A law in Canada allows the government to remove children from their homes if the parents disagree with their child’s expressed gender identity. Tanya Allen from Parents As First Educators told CBN News that parents who refuse to allow transgender children to pursue surgical intervention could be seen as doing emotional or physical harm to the child. “I would argue, getting those surgical interventions and giving a child puberty blockers is actually harmful and not in the best interest of the child.” Allen said. “All the research states this.” “But the state, in that case… have it within their law…

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Artist Bindi Cole Chocka, one of the individuals who took Andrew Bolt to Federal Court under the racial discrimination act has admitted she was completely wrong. The realisation came when Bindi became a Christian and found her Leftist, identity politics, victim-complex was incompatible with her new faith. In an interview on The Bolt Report, Bindi said: “It’s only in the last few years that I’ve come to realise what I’ve done. Which was, set a precedent with a law that’s limiting free speech and giving an over-reach to government. And I regret that now. I regret that part of it.”…

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A UK professor has received a barrage of abuse after suggesting a woman is defined by law as biological, not psychological. Rosa Freedman, Professor of Law, at The University of Reading, posted a series of tweets detailing the backlash. “I found my office door covered in urine,” Professor Freedman said. “People are continuously calling my phone from an anonymous number, and when I answer I am laughed at and told that I am a ‘TERF’ who ‘should be raped and killed.’” “If this is how a University Professor is treated, little wonder that women who work in jobs without protection…

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PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, is urging the public to stop using “speciesist” phrases like, “bring home the bacon,” because they trivialize animal cruelty. “Words matter,” Peta said on Twitter yesterday. “And as our understanding of social justice evolves, our language evolves along with it. Here’s how to remove speciesism from your daily conversations.” The animal rights group went on to highlight some every-day “anti-animal language” and offered a list of acceptable alternatives. Examples include swapping the phrase, “be the guinea pig” with “be the test tube,” and replacing “beat a dead horse” with “feed a fed…

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Apple CEO Tim Cook has suggested it would be a “sin” to not censor people on social media who “push division.” In other words, social media CEOs will ban speech they personally find objectionable. In the 2.5-minute clip, Cook said: We only have one message for those who seek to push hate, division, and violence: You have no place on our platforms. You have no home here. “From the earliest days of iTunes to Apple Music today we have always prohibited music with a message of white supremacy. Why? Because it’s the right thing to do. “And as we showed…

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In August, Iranian refugee and former Muslim, Ramin Parsa was arrested for trespassing – *coughs* for breaking blasphemy laws – while privately sharing his testimony about becoming a Christian, in a Mall of America, shopping centre in Minnesota. Tyler O’Neil from PJ media reported that while Ramin, now a Christian Pastor living in Los Angeles, was sharing his testimony: Another woman who was not part of the conversation went and complained to the security. The guard came and said, ‘You can’t solicit here.’ He then told them “we were not soliciting”. He just said, ‘Bye,’ and walked away.” After Parsa,…

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This is near prophetic! A decade ago, Hitchens perfectly predicted how accusations of “Islamophobia” will be used to control the people and let “barbarians take over the city.” “This is very urgent business, ladies and gentlemen,” Hitchens said. “I beseech you, resist it while you still can. And before the right to complain will be taken away from you – which will be the next thing. “You’ll be told you can’t complain because you’re ‘Islamophobic.’ The term is already being introduced into the culture as if it was an accusation of race-hatred… The barbarians never take a city until someone…

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Ben Shapiro said, there was more anticipation in the office for Pastor John MacArthur than for any other guest they’ve had on The Sunday Special show.

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The host of a U.S. radio show has tried desperately not to insult Islam after a Muslim man called in and said LGBTQ people need to be beheaded. The man went on to claim his Muslim “brothers and sisters” are fighting to have Sharia Law implemented in the United States and any opposition to that goal is “anti-Muslim.” The female host asked the man, “So people should be beheaded for being gay? Come on. This is America.” “You’re anti-Muslims?” the man responded. “I’m not anti-Muslim,” she quickly replied. “You’re anti-Muslim if you’re saying that about my religion,” he said. “No,…

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Thousands of students reportedly skipped school on Friday to protest against the Australian Government’s inaction on climate change. The rally came despite Prime Minister Scott Morrison urging students to stay in school. “Kids should go to school,” Morrison said. “That’s what we’re committed to. We don’t support the idea of kids not going to school, to participate in things that can be dealt with outside of school. “We do not support our schools being turned into parliaments. What we want is more learning in schools and less activism in schools,” he said. Students rallied with signs that read, “F U…

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New Zealand is fast becoming one of the most “progressive” left-wing nations in the world, particularly when it comes to LGBTQI and gender related issues. Their most recent pursuit revolves around the white-bearded, red-suited, plump and jolly old man, who in modern folklore delivers presents to children at Christmas time. That’s right, even a fictional character invented to bring joy to children around the globe has been deemed “offensive” in New Zealand. The Farmers Santa Parade marks the start of the Christmas season and has brought joy to the children of Auckland for eighty four years. For the last five years,…

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Here’s one not to miss. John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church, founder of Grace to You Ministries, and president of The Master’s University and The Master’s Seminary in California, will appear on the Ben Shapiro Show: Sunday Special to discuss the role of government, proof of God, and more. Dr MacArthur was a frequent guest on Larry King Live and has been acknowledged by Christianity Today to be one of the most influential preachers of our time. THE @BENSHAPIRO SHOW: SUNDAY SPECIAL! Sunday: Pastor John MacArthur joins Ben to discuss the role of government, proof of God, and more!!!…

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