Category Archives: News & Commentary

Two years ago, Cambridge barrister Paul Dimond offered a blunt, near-prophetic warning that Christians will be targeted if marriage laws were to change in Australia. “It’s perfectly possible to create a society of same-sex rights and privacy rights for homosexuals and freedom of religion rights for Christians,” Diamond said. “In fact, that would be a truly diverse and free society. That is not the experience in the United Kingdom. “You do lose your job, you will suffer educational detriment, you will be vilified, for doing no more than reading a Bible verse expressing traditional views. And it’s so abusive in…

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Almost 100 clinic workers are seeking to leave the abortion industry after watching Unplanned, according to the film’s writer and director. Filmmaker Chuck Konzelman revealed during a congressional testimony last Wednesday that so far up to 94 abortion workers have reached out to Abby Johnson’s nonprofit, And Then There Were None, seeking help leaving their jobs. That accounts for about one percent of the abortion workers in the United States, Konzelman said. “After getting one look at them being portrayed on film… they have decided to change their lives and what they do for a living,” he said. Konzelman testified before…

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A masked protester has been arrested after spraying a mysterious substance on conservative commentator Michael Knowles. The attack on the Daily Wire columnist took place at the University of Missouri-Kansas City yesterday, where Knowles was invited to speak as a guest of the university’s conservative group Young American’s for Freedom. Knowles was about 15-minutes into his speech titled, ‘Men are Not Women’ when the masked attacker approached the podium, spraying Knowles with an unknown substance ‘designed to smell like bleach’. Police promptly took down the attacker and arrested him at the scene as other protesters chanted, “Hands up, don’t shoot,”…

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A New York Muslim cleric has said, Muslims should love and support other Muslims, but hate and not support non-Muslims. The comments were made during an online Q&A session with New York Mufti Muhammad Ibn Muneer, and were delivered in response to a question about dealing with different types of Jews. In his answer, Muneer cites the Islamic principle of Al-Bara Wal-Wala (disavowal and loyalty), which he said is, as explained by Ibn Al-Qayyim and many others as, loving Muslims and hating non-Muslims. “The general principle… is to love and to hate for the sake of Allah,” he explained. “Which…

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A Houston ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ has been shut down after a group of parents and pro-family activists discovered the event included a convicted child molester. Houston city officials were forced to apologise and end the program which initially had the backing of library officials, prominent politicians, and the Mayor. MassResistance, a pro-family activist group, made the explosive revelation last month during a press conference outside Houston’s Freed-Montrose Public Library. According to the group, Alberto Garza, known in drag as Tatiana Mala-Niña, was convicted in 2008 for sexually assaulting and 8-year-old boy. The library had failed to run a background check…

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“History promises only this for certain: We will get exactly what we deserve.”

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Avi Yemini and Sydney Watson have been detained and interrogated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection after the pair entered the country to expose dishonest reporting by Comedy Central. “Upon arrival at Los Angeles, I was DETAINED and INTERROGATED by the FBI and am currently waiting to be DEPORTED from the USA,” Yemini said on Twitter. “The informant was Comedy Central,” he added. #BREAKING Upon arrival in Los Angeles I was DETAINED and INTERROGATED by the FBI and am currently waiting to be DEPORTED from the USA. The “informant” was @ComedyCentral. Full details when I get back home. — Avi…

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The pro-life movie ‘Unplanned’ has now been listed as a ‘Propaganda’ film by big tech Google. Anyone searching for the film on the platform will see the label, which the search giant defines as: “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.” The film, based on true events, follows the story of former Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson, now a pro-life advocate fighting for the right of the unborn after witnessing an abortion first-hand. The film which premiered in theatres on March 29, has continued to surpass box office expectations,…

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Israel Folau has found himself in hot water again after the rugby star shared a graphic on Instagram paraphrasing a portion of the New Testament. The image, which has received over 11k likes since it was published yesterday, states: “WARNING: Drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists, idolaters, Hell awaits you. Repent! Only Jesus saves.” “Those that are living in sin will end up in Hell unless you repent,” Folau added in the caption. “Jesus Christ loves you and is giving you time to turn away from your sin and come to him.” The post ends with citations from Galatians…

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Dr James White, the founder of Alpha and Omega Ministries, gave a powerful address in the Phoenix City Council Chambers last week, pleading with the city to avoid the infamy and cowardice of Weimar, the German city which did nothing to stop the horrors of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Dr White noted that when General Patton first toured the camp, what he saw was so horrific that he commanded the mayor, magistrates, and leading citizens of Weimar be forced to tour the camp to see what had been done right under their eyes for many years. History has not looked…

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A sex-worker who featured on SBS’s Viceland has said sex workers should be brought into schools to teach children about sex and pornography. Eva Sless, author of A Teen Girl’s Guide to Getting Off, appeared on SBS’s program The Feed to answer the question, ‘Who should teach our kids about porn?’ The Gold Coast-based sex-worker said she believes “professionals”, like sex-workers, should be teaching youngsters about pornography and sex, because “sex-workers know sex”. Sless also went on to say, “we need vibrators and masturbation sleeves available” for girls and boys because it’s problematic and even damaging, to tell children that sexual pleasures…

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It seems like only yesterday when established media platforms were trusted beyond rational hesitation. Where we wouldn’t question what we were told or could even imagine monopoly platforms with such power could lie or at least not tell the truth. Now it’s either harder to find the truth, or we have been given enough reasons to query what we are told. Never in modern times has there been such doubt and distance between the common citizen and their chosen media mogul. De-platforming, de-monetisation and censorship of right-wing pages and free thought intellects has become almost normal. Too many people are…

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Public education and a national curriculum are failing our kids. This propaganda was emailed to parents from my local high school this week: YEAR 12 MODERN HISTORY – STUDIES OF CHANGE – FIRST WOMEN’S MOVEMENT IN GREAT BRITAIN Our Year 12 Modern History class has been studying First Wave Feminism in Britain for Term 1. They are investigating the origins of the movement, the status of women up to the 19th century, the emergence of the suffrage movement, and notable suffragettes and the way in which Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) leader, Emmeline Pankhurst, and suffragettes carried out peaceful protests,…

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“it is ‘factually incorrect’ to link the definition of the word ‘Islamophobia’ to racism.”

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Australia’s budget landed this week, and with it came a few surprises. The biggest three were the announcements of a surplus, new life saving medicinal additions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and another small reduction in foreign aid. Like clockwork, though, the budget was met with an uproar from discontent antagonists looking for excuses to impose their own pet causes on the majority of Australian workers. Joining the outrage was condemnation for the reduction in foreign aid. Such as Eternity news who called it a kick in the teeth to Christians. However, Eternity news left out some key information, choosing…

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What did the Blasey Ford/Kavanaugh charade in September 2018 show us? Opposition to a highly esteemed judge on ideological grounds warrants slander of the highest order to prevent him or anyone like him from being an influential law keeper. Like taking sides in a boxing ring, this issue polarised Americans: On the right, there is rule of law; on the left, there is mob rule. Clutching onto someone’s trauma, the left virtue signals token hashtags such as #IBelieveHer and #MeToo as munition for their own political agenda. The left does not care any more about victims of sexual assault than…

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It’s not out of character for the ABC to misrepresent Christianity. Unsurprisingly, the public funded organisation this week published an opinion piece by Dr Carol Portmann titled, ‘I’m a Christian doctor and I help women have abortions. Here’s how I reconcile that.’ This is called fake news. Dr Carol Portmann is not a Christian. In the piece, Dr Portmann claimed she could reconcile her professed Christianity with her practice of helping women kill their unborn children. Anticipating the obvious, Dr Portmann goes on to falsely state: “Only God can judge me.” I believe that I am doing the appropriate and…

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It just so happens this year (2019) that Easter Sunday and Anzac Day fall near one another – on the 21 April and 25 April respectively. Given that the New Testament does not over-emphasise days (Gal.4:10-11), one is still meant, as an Australian, to appreciate Anzac Day in some kind of civil sense, and as a Christian, to recognise that Jesus Christ defeated death forever on Easter Sunday. However, one cannot help noticing that as Western society unravels at the seams, the celebration of days becomes more problematic, and indeed vacuous. In a secular society, Anzac Day – like Harmony…

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The decision to temporarily suspend the official Twitter account of the pro-life film Unplanned backfired yesterday with the account gathering over 200k followers after it was restored. Today, Twitter has responded to the overwhelming support by preventing people from actively ‘following’ Unplanned’s twitter page. “I was following Unplanned Movie, but Twitter has removed them from my follow list,” one user said. “Click follow, hit home and then go back to Unplanned’s twitter page. You won’t be following anymore,” another said. WATCH: Same problem here. I hit Follow. Everything seems OK. Refreshed page. Suddenly not following anymore. Follow again. Looks OK.…

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Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is back in the news again. This time it’s because he’s considering turning the Hagia Sophia (Αγία Σοφία) into an Islamic Centre.[note](Apparently, Erdoğan thinks that the best way to heal wounds created by the New Zealand mosque shootings is to slap Christians in the face.)[/note] On the 23rd March, the associated press reported, there have been ‘increasing calls for the Turkish government to convert the symbolic structure back into a mosque, especially in the wake of reports that the gunman who killed Muslim worshippers in New Zealand left a manifesto saying the Hagia Sophia should…

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