Category Archives: News & Commentary

They’re called “Vaginaments.” And as you might have guessed, they’re Christmas ornaments meets female genitalia. Why, you ask? Because there are enough crazy feminists out there who’d buy it! According to parent’s website Kid Spot, “the Viginaments come in four sizes, as well as the one-lipped kind and a pierced variety… each is essentially a wonderfully unique vagina that you can hang on your tree.” The ornaments are crafted by Feltmelons, a company based in Ontario, Canada (where else?). Creator Suzanne McAleenan said, “Each vaginament is my own design, and each is endearingly cut, assembled and entirely stitched by hand in my…

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When MSNBC crossed live to a reporter in the midst of the migrant caravan, they probably weren’t expecting this response. Gadi Schwartz was on the ground in Tijuana, Mexico meeting with some of the migrants when MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle asked: “They listen to the President who says, it’s not women and children. It’s stone, cold criminals. So, my first question is, you’re in that tent camp. Give us the profile of who is there mostly and what are they looking for.” Schwartz responded: “You’re going to see a lot of families here, a lot of women and children, but…

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Andy Blom, an Executive Director for the American Principles Project, has revealed children as young as five are being taught about intercourse and homosexuality in U.S. state schools. “It’s a violation of the children’s innocents,” Blom told CBN News. “And it’s a severe violation of the parents’ rights. “These children are being used as pawns for a social agenda, to promote sexuality, to promote homosexuality and are being taught things that are confrontational to the parents’ values and the parents’ religious faith.” WATCH: In California a mother slammed Sacramento’s Board of Education, accusing authorities of sacrificing education for indoctrination. “Sacramento…

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Does this experiment highlight the absurd double standard in our community that allows people to cover their faces in public buildings if it’s assumed their reason for doing so is religious? In the following video Avi Yemini walks into an Australian bank wearing a Burqa, while a blonde woman is asked to reveal her face by removing her motorcycle helmet. WATCH:

Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why has been one of the most controversial television series to date. Many young viewers praised the show, claiming it gave an honest perspective and raised awareness on what life was really like for teenagers. On the other hand, many parents, teachers and medical professionals have approached the show with caution, warning that it romanticises suicide and risks increasing the likelihood of ‘copycats’ among teens. In light of the controversy surrounding the program, a group of psychiatric doctors from Michigan Medicine recently conducted a study on youths presented to a psychiatric emergency department (ED) with suicide-related concerns…

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Facebook is supposed to be a safe and welcoming place; it is an online forum where we can make out that our lives are better than they really are, and a platform for us to advance different causes that we are passionate about. As a result social media is filled with all the weird and sometimes wonderful thoughts of humanity. Over the years Facebook has been repeatedly called upon to ensure the safety and well-being of its users. Recently, the internet giant indicated that they would be doing more to remove hate speech and threats of violence, which was welcomed…

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Mark Latham, NSW Leader of One Nation, has said employment quotas should be made illegal because they fragment society and discriminate against straight, white, males. “This is a recipe for social fragmentation,” Latham told Andrew Bolt on Sky News. “The only way you can ruin a fair, cohesive society is on merit. Treat people, not according to their identity categories, the collective approach. Treat them on their individual merit. “When we talk about minorities, the smallest minority in any society is the individual. And unfortunately if you’re an individual in Australia today that’s classified as a straight, white, male it’s…

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In an effort to crack down on religious freedom, the Greens have introduced a new bill seeking to remove religious exemptions from the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, not just for religious schools, but any religious body “connected with the provision of education or training.“ In summary, the bill seeks to “remove the exemptions for religious educational institutions to discriminate against students and teachers on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, marital or relationship status or pregnancy; and Fair Work Act 2009 to ensure that religious exemptions from anti-discrimination provisions do not extend to educational institutions.” According to Mark Sneddon, Executive Director of…

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Laura Loomer has been permanently banned from Twitter after she criticised Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. According to Twitter, Loomer was suspended for violating the platforms rules against “hateful conduct.” The offending tweet read: “Isn’t it ironic how the twitter moment used to celebrate ‘women, LGBTQ, and minorities’ is a picture of Ilhan Omar? Ilhan is pro Sharia, Ilhan is pro-FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). Under Sharia, homosexuals are oppressed and killed. Women are abused & forced to wear the hijab. Ilhan is anti-Jewish…” Update: Just spoke with her. Here is the message @LauraLoomer received from Twitter following her permanent suspension…

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Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has hit back after Muslim leaders, including the Grand Mufti, decided to boycott a meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss terrorism prevention. The boycott comes after Morrison called on Islamic leaders to do more to stop terrorism in Australia. If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.. — Keira Savage (@KeiraSavage00) November 21, 2018 In a post on Facebook, the Prime Minister said: “Extremist radical Islam is a serious problem. We all have responsibilities to make Australia safe, and that means making sure Muslim communities do…

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A group of Muslims set up a pro-Islamic stall at the site of last week’s terrorist attack in Melbourne in hopes of “spreading the good news” of the Quran. Avi Yemini from the Australian Liberty Alliance confronted the men and asked if they thought it was appropriate to set up an Islamic stand at the site of the attack. The conversation quickly became heated when the men denied any link between Islam and terrorism, instead pointing the finger at Yemini and the Jewish people, accusing them of being the real terrorists. Police eventually intervened and separated the men. “This is…

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A woman in Norway was taken to court for harassment after she questioned a naked man showering in the women’s change room at her local fitness centre. In July 2016, the woman was showering in the female only facility when a completely naked man entered. The woman questioned the man thinking he unintentionally walked into the wrong change room. The man claimed he had a right to use the women’s facilities because he legally identified as a woman. The woman later contacted management who reportedly told her individuals with male genitalia do not have access to female only facilities. The man,…

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An Australian bridal magazine has been forced to shut down after its Christian owners decided not to feature homosexual weddings. In September more than 100 contributors boycotted White Magazine after it was revealed the publication was “silent” on the subject of gay marriage. Sandra Henri, advertiser and eco-wedding expert, told AAP, she was disappointed with White’s “silence” on the day the postal survey result was announced. “The silence has continued since then,” she said. Advertiser and photographer Ona Janzen said, “If I had known they don’t support SSM I wouldn’t have chosen to spend a good portion of my marketing…

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Slovakia is reportedly the last EU member state without a single mosque. With a Muslim community of about 5,000, Islam doesn’t meet the threshold to be granted official state recognition. This means, Muslims in Slovakia are not permitted to have official religious leaders, conduct Islamic marriages, receive financial contributions from the state, teach religion in schools, or build mosques. According to the UK Government, there have been no acts of terrorism carried out in Slovakia in recent history. WATCH:

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has suggested Australian’s cause Islamic terrorism by defying the demands of Muslims. Speaking of Australia’s intention to move their embassy in Israel, Mahathir said: “I pointed out that in dealing with terrorism, one has to know the causes. Adding to the cause for terrorism is not going to be helpful.” Indonesian politicians made a similar threat. But keep in mind, every year the Australian government hands over $360-million of Australian taxpayer’s money to the ingrates in Indonesia for “foreign aid” purposes, like acquiring Apache attack helicopters worth $400-million. “Australia’s consideration on moving its embassy will…

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Life on Nauru is better than life in the United States, at least according to 40 of the 300 refugees who left the island nation for resettlement in the US. According to The Australian, when the refugees discovered life in the United States was not as easy as they hoped, they contacted Nauru’s Department of Justice and Border Protection asking to return to the island. “Refugee life on Nauru can include holidays in Fiji, business ownership, free housing and healthcare and jobs in government departments and at the local hospital, The Australian was told.” It sounds like all they’re fleeing…

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Celine Dion has launched a gender-neutral clothing line for young children in an effort to “encourage a dialogue of equality and possibility.” According to the five-time Grammy winner, “The brand breaks stereotypes and inspires children to be free and find their own individuality through clothes.” The collection was revealed on Tuesday with a bizarre advert. The video shows Dion breaking into a maternity ward before she transforms the newborn boys and girls into gender-neutral babies. “Our children. They are not really our children,” Dion says in the advert. “As we are all just links in a never-ending chain that is…

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Equality Campaign co-chair and fake theologian Alex Greenwich has accused Christians of misrepresenting the Bible. In an interview on Sky News, the independent New South Wales MP suggested the biblical command to ‘love thy neighbour’ means Christians ought to abandon sexuality defined by Scripture to embrace LGBTQ+ sexuality. “The church ethos, or the ethos of Christianity is to love thy neighbour,” Greenwich said. “There is no where in the Bible, or in church teachings that says you should target gay kids and teachers. There’s no where in a religious ethos that says you should legalise bullying against the LGBTI community.…

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It’s fitting to mark the anniversary of the National survey on Same-Sex Marriage, with this important Heritage foundation panel discussion held in the United States in 2017. The panel contributors include Ryan Bomberger, who I’ve had a growing admiration for his work through the Radiance Foundation. The group discusses how anti-discrimination laws are being used as a sword, rather than a shield, in order to impose radical Leftist ideological agendas, and punish those who stand opposed to them. The panel also addresses the false equivalency that is made between the abhorrent Jim Crow laws, and someone declining to serve/make/create based…

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Just days after an Islamic terrorist attack was carried out in Melbourne, Muslim Senator Mehreen Faruqi warned Parliament of “far-right conservatives” or as she referred to them, “Merchants of Hate.” “It seems almost every day we are met with a new far-right conservative movement, ranging the spectrum from straight up Neo-Nazis or fascists masquerading as libertarians to the tin foil hat brigade with their United Nations conspiracy theories,” the Greens Senator said. “Some of them are in this very parliament. I collectively call these groups the Merchants of Hate. But, perhaps ‘charlatans’ or ‘quacks’ would be better terms. They prey…

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