More than 1,000 Christians slaughtered this year by Islamic militants in Nigeria
More than 1,000 Christians in Nigeria have been slaughtered by Islamic militants since January, a report by the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) revealed. The report, Your Land or Your Blood, was presented at the International Organisation for Peace and Social Justice crisis conference in London last month and found more than 6,000 believers have been murdered in the region in the last four years. According to the Church Times, “Since January, there have been five serious attacks in Kaduna State, in the center of the country, resulting in an estimated 500 deaths. There were at least another five attacks…
Transgender 12-year-old begins puberty blocking treatment, gender clinic accused of hiding bad results
A 12-year-old boy in the UK has started puberty-blocking treatment in an effort to “transition” to a female, making him one of the youngest in the country to do so. Terri Lammin told The Telegraph her son, Ash, insisted he was a girl from the moment he could speak. “When she [Ash] was three she said to me, ‘I’m a boy because you gave me a boy’s name – it’s your fault,” Ms Lammin said. “I remember feeling horrible because she blamed me. I’d never come across it before and I just went along with it. I just thought, ‘if…
Mark Latham says, Australians were lied to during the same-sex marriage debate: this is ‘chilling for all religious preachers and freedoms’
One Nation NSW leader Mark Latham has said Australians were lied to during the same-sex marriage debate after voters were repeatedly assured the legalisation of gay ‘marriage’Â would not result in a loss of freedoms. Mr Latham made the comments in a post on Facebook today, following news that the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board had accepted a complaint from an LGBTQ activist accusing Israel Folau of “homosexuality vilification”. Campaigner Garry Burns took issue with the former rugby star’s “controversial” April Instagram post which warned hell awaits sinners who refuse to turn to Jesus for forgiveness, including homosexuals. Mr Latham described the NSW…
Primary school invites drag queen to spend the day with school children despite having a criminal conviction
A primary school in Austin, Texas invited a drag queen to spend the day with the school’s young children, despite having a criminal conviction for male prostitution. According to the Family Research Council (FRC), Blackshear Fine Arts Academy allowed David Richardson, drag name “Miss Kitty Litter ATX”, to visit the elementary school and spend time with the young students fully aware of the fact that Richardson had a criminal record. Internal communications between Richardson and the school librarian Roger Grape show Richardson admitting that he might not pass the school background check. “The guidelines for submission automatically disqualify me if…
Outrage after Netflix releases Christmas special depicting Jesus as gay
Netflix has sparked outrage after releasing a new “Christmas special” depicting Jesus as a gay man in a homosexual relationship. The film, The First Temptation of Christ, shows a gay Jesus introducing his boyfriend Orlando to his parents, Mary and Joseph, during his 30th birthday. According to Pink News, this is now the second Christmas special produced by the Brazilian troupe, Porta dos Fundos, meaning “back door”. Last December the five-person group released its first Netflix film, The Hangover, which won an International Emmy for best comedy of the year. The film reportedly “follows the adventures of Jesus’ disciples after…
Merriam-Webster announces gender-neutral pronoun “they” the 2019 Word of the Year
The gender-neutral, non-binary pronoun “they” has been announced as Merriam-Webster’s 2019 “Word of the Year”. The company made the announcement on Monday in a post on Twitter, saying, “The word ‘they’ – was looked up 313% more this year than last. – had a new sense added in September. – is increasingly common in both public and personal communication. ‘They’ is our 2019 #WordOfTheYear.” The word ‘they’– was looked up 313% more this year than last.– had a new sense added in September.– is increasingly common in both public and personal communication. ‘They’ is our 2019 #WordOfTheYear. — Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster)…
WATCH: Agnostic Sky News host Andrew Bolt says, “Jesus did live” – Scholar explains why there’s NO reason to doubt Jesus’ existence
“Jesus did live and historians say he was crucified,” Sky News host Andrew Bolt wrote in the Herald Sun this morning. Bolt, a self-described agnostic, was introducing a 10-minute segment from his Sky News program The Bolt Report. The piece features Anglican pastor and scholar Dr Mark Durie and addresses some of the historical facts that even unbelievers cannot avoid. In the video, Bolt explains, there’s no bigger story in the world to fact-check than the story of Jesus Christ. “No story has been more important, really, in being such a force for good as well, and I speak as…
WATCH: Did Boris Johnson just drop the best political ad ever?
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson just released a new election advertisement parodying the 2003 British rom-com ‘Love Actually.’ In the video, Johnson imitates Andrew Lincoln’s character by holding up cards encouraging a woman, imitating Keira Knightly’s character, to vote conservative on December 12. Johnson posted the video to social media on Tuesday along with the caption, “Brexit, Actually.” So, what do you think? Cheesy or brilliant? WATCH: Brexit, actually. — Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) December 9, 2019
Islamic militants massacre 14 Christians during church service, five young boys among the dead
Islamic militants have shot dead 14 Christians during a Sunday morning church service in Komondjari Province, south-east Burkina Faso. According to the Barnabas Fund, the December 1 attack left 14 members of the Ouba family dead, including five boys, 16-years and younger. The pastor of the church, Tchitchiéba Ouoba, was also killed. It was reported that the jihadist attackers slaughtered all but one male member of the congregation, while several women, and possibly young children, were said to have been left wounded. The Barnabas Fund said the leader of the church’s denomination, Tambougou Adjima, cried uncontrollably for ten minutes while…
Facebook censors call accurate MLK paraphrase ‘partly false’
I have a collection of inspiring quotes gleaned from the interwebs which I share to promote the philosophy of the Church And State Summit, an annual conference which equips Christians to be better informed and involved in important public issues. Today I shared one by a public figure who stands tall in the history of ordained Christian ministers who were not content to sit on the sidelines of history and let appalling social standards perpetuate injustice and oppression. Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr has many inspiring sermons which resonate with the purpose of the Church And State Summit, like…
‘People were coming around, wanting to arrange my funeral,’ says pastor who warned followers that nude gay pride events are harmful to children
Pastor Keith Waters received a death threat at his home, was harassed at his church and was hounded out of his caretaker job for sending one tweet that warned that gay pride events are harmful to children and that Christians should not attend them. Mr Waters, pastor of New Connexions Free Church in Ely, told his followers in June that LGBTQ Pride events promote a message that is contrary to Christianity and harmful for children. Mr Waters’ tweet read: “A reminder that Christians should not support or attend LGBTQ ‘Pride Month’ events held in June. They promote a culture and…
School children forced to share gender-neutral toilets: ‘it’s about inclusivity’
A new $80-million vertical high school in Queensland is the first school in the state to be designed specifically without boys’ and girls’ separate toilets. When Fortitude Valley State Secondary College opens in 2020, young students will only have access to 50 lockable ‘floor to ceiling’ gender-neutral toilet cubicles with shared basin areas. The only exception will be two male and female toilets in changeroom facilities which won’t open until later in 2020. Queensland Teachers’ Union president Kevin Bates said the new design was about “inclusion and accessibility,” arguing that gender-neutral toilets aren’t that “unusual” because “every toilet in our…
Peter FitzSimons condemns Christians at Christmas
There’s only one Person the pirate from Neutral Bay despises more than the Queen of the Commonwealth, and that’s the King of the Universe who was born in a manger. Anyone daring to respectfully repeat His Words will be the target of Pirate Pete’s unbridled condemnation and vilification. Margaret Court and Israel Folau have been the criminals he’s persecuted relentlessly with his right to hate speech. Their crimes? They had the audacity to suggest God’s design for marriage was exclusive and that rebellion against God is likely to result in His judgement. “Is it not a tad presumptuous as to…
LGBTQ support organisation for TEENS issues ‘casting call’ for LGBTQIA+ people who are ‘comfortable being photographed in their underwear’
An Australian LGBTQ youth support organisation has issued a “casting call” for “out and proud queer people” who are comfortable being photographed in their underwear. A post on the Minus18 Youth’s social media profiles said: “Casting Call: for out an proud queer people… We’re looking for a diverse range of INDIVIDUALS and COUPLES in the LGBTQIA+ community to be part of a truly inclusive national underwear campaign.” Pals! If you've loved the recent @BondsAus ads as much as we have, you might be interested to know they're casting individuals, couples and families for their new campaign! Deets in pic, go…
Children’s hospital says, surgically removing the breasts of young girls may be “appropriate care” for trans teens
The largest youth gender clinic in Australia wants to perform mastectomies on gender-confused girls under 17-years of age. According to The Australian, clinic director, Dr Michelle Telfer from the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne told the state’s mental health royal commission in July that mastectomies improved the mental health of trans boys and are “an integral part of the transition process.” The Telfer clinic, which treats children and adolescents up to 17-years, does not currently offer surgery, however, according to Dr Telfer “many” girls who identify as boys are asking for “chest reconstructive surgery.” Dr Telfer has called for surgery to…
Pastor threatened, abused and forced out of job for saying nude LGBTQ pride events are harmful to children
A pastor and school caretaker in the UK has received death threats, abuse and was forced out of his job after warning Christians not to participate in highly-sexualised LGBTQ pride events. Keith Waters, pastor of New Connexions Free Church in Ely, told his followers in June that LGBTQ Pride events promote a message that is contrary to Christianity and harmful for children. Mr Waters’ tweet read: “A reminder that Christians should not support or attend LGBTQ ‘Pride Month’ events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Christian faith and morals. They are especially…
WATCH: Jeremy Corbyn says, convicted terrorists should ‘not necessarily’ serve their full prison sentence
UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has told Sky News that convicted terrorists should “not necessarily” serve their full prison terms. The comments come after two civilians were brutally murdered by convicted terrorist Usman Khan, who was released halfway through a 16-year prison sentence for plotting to bomb the London Stock Exchange. Speaking to Sophy Ridge of Sky News, Corbyn said, whether or not convicted terrorists should serve their full sentence depends on the circumstances of their imprisonment. Following the attack, Prime Minister Boris Johnson vowed to end early prison release for terrorists, proposing instead a 14-year mandatory sentence. “This system…
Man who brutally murdered his girlfriend transferred to women’s only prison after claiming to be transgender
A biological male convicted of killing and butchering his ex-girlfriend has been allowed to move to a woman’s jail facility after claiming he now identifies as a female. In 2013, Kristoffer Johansson, now Kim Marie, murdered his 20-year-old girlfriend, Vatchareeya Bangsuan, before cutting her body into pieces and scattering her remains throughout a forest. After being imprisoned, the 22-year-old decided to begin his transition, which ultimately resulted in Johansson being moved to a women’s only facility. In her latest episode, Sydney Watson discusses the case in more detail. The full episode can be viewed below. WATCH:
Kmart selling ‘must-have’ gay and lesbian dolls for children as young as THREE
Australian retailer Kmart is selling a ‘must-have’ family playset featuring gay and lesbian couples for children as young as THREE-years-old. The “Family Playset” set includes a baby doll, a little girl doll, and two adult dolls. The adult dolls come in three varieties: a mother and a father, two homosexual dads, or two lesbian mothers. The retailer described the “inclusive” family set as “suitable” for children as young as three and a “must-have for your little one’s fun pretend play sessions!” Those who purchase the dolls online are not guaranteed which family set they’ll receive as “products are selected at…
Former police officer has his “thoughts checked” by police representing the LGBTQ community, sues after being accused of ‘hate crime’
A former police officer is suing UK police after being accused of a ‘hate crime’ before having his “thoughts checked” by an officer claiming to represent the LGBTQ community. Humberside Police tracked former police officer, Harry Miller, to his place of work after acquiring several tweets suggesting ‘transgender women are not real women.’ Police told Miller that an anonymous person had reported him for hate speech, saying his workplace would not be a “safe place” for trans people. Despite being told that he had committed no crime, the officer told Miller, “I need to check your thinking.” After being subject…