Category Archives: Culture

Project Veritas has obtained leaked recordings from ABC News exposing how the network covered up allegations against Jeffrey Epstein three years ago. “It was unbelievable,” said host, Amy Robach in the recordings. “We had [Bill] Clinton. We had everything.” But three-years-ago, the network refused to air the story. Coincidentally, three-years-ago also happened to be 2016, the same year that Bill Clinton was campaigning alongside Hillary for the Presidency. According to Robach, there was also a lot of pressure from Buckingham Palace because the story included allegations about Prince Andrew. Robach said a woman courageously came forward “years” ago about Epstein, and…

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Entitled ‘Gideon: God is my Lord’[i] and preached in Berlin on February 26, 1933, Bonhoeffer gave his first sermon since Hitler had been enshrined as chancellor 27 days prior. Bonhoeffer’s decision to preach from the Old Testament was deliberate. In my opinion, he couldn’t have picked a more controversial figure, at the time, to make a political point. Nazism, much the same as Communism, is an industry built on victimhood. These systems need a perpetual sense of victimization and sympathy in order to maintain membership and political momentum. Bonhoeffer understood this. He chose Gideon in a deliberate attempt to preach…

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A vulgar sex-education web series targeting pre-teen children has encouraged their young viewers to masturbate as a form of self-love. The Toronto-based program, Sex-Ed School, which was picked up by production company Shaftesbury earlier this year, is aimed at providing a “safe space” for nine to 12-year-olds to talk about sex, transgenderism, hormone injections, genitals, and homosexuality. In an episode titled “Love is Love” co-hosts Nadine Thornhill and Eva Bloom asked a group of young children to discuss masturbation, saying: “It’s something really pleasant and loving that you can do for yourself and if it’s something that you enjoy, that’s…

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The best and brightest of those registered with the American Gospel Music Association recently celebrated the 50th annual GMA, Dove Awards. The Gospel Music Association began in 1964, with the purpose of ‘serving as the face and voice of the Gospel/Christian music community, dedicating itself to exposing, promoting and celebrating the Gospel through the music of all styles.’ The first Dove Awards ceremony was held in 1969. The awards showcase G.M.A talent and provide a window into the world of Christian music for the broader culture. There are 5 divisions catering for 38 categories, all helping G.M.A ‘accomplish its mission…

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With the number of people identifying as transgender on the rise, particularly among youngsters, it’s absolutely necessary that we consider the longterm negative impacts of gender “reassignment” surgeries and hormone drug treatments, especially when they’re being forced on young children. In the U.S., gender clinics are reporting large upticks in new referrals, with waiting lists stretching to five months or longer. The Williams Insitute at UCLA School of Law estimated in 2017 that there were about 150,000 teenagers aged between 13 and 17 who identify as transgender. In the U.K., The Telegraph reported a 4,400 per cent increase in children…

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The Trudeau era and its burgeoning “progressive” totalitarianism got an extension this week as Canadians voted. Consequently, Canadian Liberals were reinstated, winning 157 seats, against the Conservatives who secured 121. Conservatives scored a narrow loss, winning the popular vote at 34.4%, but not securing enough seats to win a majority. [i] In an opinion piece for Crisis Magazine, Canadian Professor Emeritus at St. Jerome’s University, Donald, DeMarco, presented a grim analysis of Canada’s Trudeaun landscape. DeMarco expressed concern about apathy, and a general lack of awareness at the slow erosion of hard-won, tried and true, classical liberal freedoms, stating that…

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A biological male who identifies as a transgender woman has been named ‘Female Athlete of the Week’ by The Big Sky Conference. June Eastwood, who previously competed in cross-country on the University of Montana’s men’s team, finished second in a field of more than 200 female runners at the Santa Clara Bronco Invitational, helping Montana place seventh as a team, according to an announcement issued by the conference on Tuesday. According to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), male athletes who identify as transgender women may compete against biological females after completing one calendar year of testosterone suppression treatment. Brian…

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For seven years, Pete Benjamin lived as a transgender woman. It wasn’t until after Pete had undergone irreversible gender reassignment surgery that he realised his tragic mistake. In the following video, Pete tells his story of what life was like for him being transgender, and how it led him down a path of deepening depression and suicidal thoughts. WATCH:

A double gold medalist sprinter has slammed the inclusion of biological men in women’s competitive sports, saying we’re “living in ridiculous times.” British sprinter James Ellington posted the comment on Twitter yesterday, after transgender cyclist, Rachel McKinnon won gold for a second time at the Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Manchester. “If I decide from now on I want to be recognised as a woman and break all the WOMENS British sprint records, is that fair?” the 34-year-old asked his more than 15k followers. “Living in ridiculous times.” If I decide from now on I want to be recognised…

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Male personnel in the Royal New Zealand Navy will soon be allowed to wear makeup, false eyelashes and nail polish according to new gender-neutral guidelines. The updates, that will come into effect next month, are intended to demonstrate that the RNZN make no distinction between male and female members in terms of appearance. Chief of Navy Rear Admiral David Proctor told Newshub: “The NZDF can confirm that as of November 1, 2019, guidelines around grooming and appearance for Royal New Zealand Navy personnel will be updated. “These updates are to reflect that the RNZN make no distinction between male and…

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Transgender athlete Rachel McKinnon has said, if society truly believes trans women are women, then there’s no basis for excluding trans athletes from competing in women’s sports. The 37-year-old Canadian cyclist made headlines last year after setting a world record time winning the women’s 35-44 sprint title at the Masters Track Cycling World Championships. Speaking with Sky News, McKinnon said: “There’s a stereotype that men are always stronger than women, so people think there is an unfair advantage. By preventing trans women from competing or requiring them to take medication, you’re denying their human rights.” “If you want to say,…

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It doesn’t matter what the issue is. If you disagree with the radical Left, or for that matter, simply question their narrative, you’ll likely be branded a “Nazi”. That’s not necessarily because you’re advocating anything the Nazis would have advocated. In fact, you don’t need to be advocating anything at all. Simply question their ideas and you’ll soon find you meet the criteria. The reason for this is quite simple, really. Everybody knows the Nazi’s were the bad guys. So, why would anybody need to prove them wrong in a debate? If you’re incapable of rationally defending your position, simply…

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In the state of Connecticut, two biological males now hold 15 women’s State Championship titles that were once held by 10 different girls.

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A former transgender male in the UK is setting up a charity to support ‘hundreds’ of young transgender people seeking help in returning to their biological sex. The organisation, The Detransition Advocacy Network, was founded by Charlie Evans, a 28-year-old biological female who lived as a transgender male for almost 10 years before de-transitioning. Evans told Sky News that since she decided to stop transitioning, she has been contacted by ‘hundreds’ of people who regret transitioning, some of whom have had full gender reassignment surgery. “I’m in communication with 19 and 20-year-olds who have had full gender reassignment surgery who…

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For the first time in English history, a judge has ruled that free citizens must engage in compelled speech. Dr David Mackereth lost his Employment Tribunal case this week after he was fired by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for refusing to identify his patients by anything other than their biological gender. The DWP’s case against the 56-year-old father of four claimed the doctor’s belief in Genesis 1:27 was not a belief protected by the Equality Act 2010 but was rather a ‘mere opinion.’ Astonishingly, the judge suggested Christians should be compelled by law to abandon their Christian…

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The Sun reported last week that UK Army chiefs will reconsider a ban on male soldiers wearing make-up after they were accused of double-standards for allowing make-up to be worn by female soldiers only. A leaked document showing guidelines on “equality, diversity and inclusion” for British soldiers in Canada said that for men “make-up is not to be worn”, however for women, make-up is permitted provided it’s “inconspicuous.” A British Army spokesperson told The Sun: “As an inclusive employer that recognises the diversity of its personnel, we are currently in the process of revising our guidance in this area to…

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When even a half-decent human being spots an elderly woman attempting to cross a street, their first instinct might be to offer some sort of assistance. But apparently that’s not the case if you’re a deranged leftist on a mission to clean the streets of “intolerance” and “hate.” When a group of Antifa-style thugs were confronted with an elderly woman with a walking frame attempting to cross the road, they decided to abuse and intimidate her, because, you know, “love trumps hate.” Footage shows the masked rioters blocking the woman’s path, refusing to let her pass, while screaming in her…

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Selina Soule failed to qualify for the 55-meter track event in the New England regionals after two biological males scored the qualifying places. The 16-year-old female athlete from Bloomfield, Connecticut was forced to compete against the male athletes, because despite being born biologically males, the two now identify as females. Follow us on Twitter: @CaldronPool Selina said competing against transgender athletes is “heartbreaking” for biological girls who know at the beginning of the race that no matter how hard they try, the biological male athletes will win. “I’ve lost opportunities to compete at world-class tracks,” Selina said. “I’ve lost opportunities…

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What evils have provoked the Lord to bring judgment on our community? That question was asked in 1679 by the General Court of Massachusetts Colony. Not long after, political and religious leaders gathered together in Boston to formulate a response and uncover the root of the issues plaguing the new community. The synod offered up fourteen reasons why judgment had fallen on the colony, one of those being defects in family government in the home. “There are many families that do not pray to God constantly, morning and evening,” the council wrote. “And many more where the Scriptures are not…

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