We Created a Society Where a Dad Can Be Jailed for Refusing to Refer to His Biological Daughter as a Boy
If your government doesn’t kneel before King Jesus, you will inevitably kneel before your government.
Cancel Culture Is About Control, The Grammys Just Proved It
Cancel Culture is not about censoring offensive content. It’s about control.
Woke Gay ‘Pastor’ Says Jesus Repented Of His Racism After Using Racial Slur
Robertson’s claims not only demonstrate the dangers of reading the Bible through the lens of Critical Race Theory, but they also show the importance of reading the Bible in context.
Studio10 Hosts Criticize ‘Transphobic’ Man for Refusing to Date a ‘Woman’ With a Penis, Liken It to Racism
“That’s like me going, ‘I’d never date an Italian.'”
Up In Smoke: How Social Justice Fuels Politics
The power to remove inconvenient people on a rumour was too tempting for either side of politics to rein in – until their own heads found the executioner’s block.
Why Joyless Post-Modern Conservativism Needs an Attitude Adjustment
There are real people in need of hearing objective truth, but are failing to hear it because the approach is compromised by joyless tedium.
The Chimera of Sexual Consent
The unspoken message is that sexual intercourse between teenagers is fine as long as girls make sure it is protected and boys make sure they have proper consent.
The Self-Centred Use of Censorship Is Barbaric Discrimination: “Christian Conservatives Need Not Apply”
Most honest, level-headed people on both sides of the political aisle would agree that the unrestrained, self-centered use of censorship as a weapon, is barbaric discrimination.
Disney Deems The Muppets “Offensive”
Trigger happy Disney is adding trigger warnings to the release of classic episodes of ‘The Muppet Show’.
By Corrupting Birth Certificates, You Can Destroy A Nation
Modern courts destroy birth certificates for the same reason that inferior dictators burn books.
Is Church Counselling a Greater Threat Than State-Endorsed Woke Culture?
Instead of having serious discussions about what is going on in this nation surrounding the coercion of gender and sexual attraction, we are left to watch politicians embolden their friends under the cover of ‘social justice’.
Anti-Cancel Culture Anthem ‘Fake Woke’ Goes Viral
Sometimes truth-affirming criticism comes from the most unexpected of places.
Victoria Is Having Its Own Identity Crisis
The greatest identity crisis is most acutely embedded into the psyches of Victoria’s Labor government as it rolls out yet another law that destroys citizens’ lives in the name of granting freedoms.
It’s a Mistake to View the Biden Presidency as the Death of the Conservative Movement
Healthy competition has its place, but when that competition compromises cooperation, we’re no longer talking about teamwork, we’re talking about friendly fire and causalities of war.
The Night Before the Happy Holiday (Formerly Known as Christmas)
“This birth represents heteronormative oppression. We must rally people to take up arms against it. He who says that God became man is guilty of hatred towards women.”
Where Civil Rights Are Exalted Over Civil Liberties, Hell on Earth Is Sure to Follow
Salvatore Babiones’ 2018 book ‘The New Authoritarianism’ is an exposition on how tyranny and fascism are spawned by the exaltation of civil rights over against civil liberties.
Lyle Shelton Sued for $20,000 in Damages After Criticizing Drag Queen Storytime
According to a list of grievances filed by the complainants, Shelton allegedly made a series of insulting slurs that “inferred” falsehoods, “incited hate,” and “implied” misrepresentations of the individuals involved.
Language as a Means of Political and Social Control
As innate language users, human beings use language as their primary means of communication.
Should Ellen Page Be Arrested?
If a woman with an orientation towards other women can become a male with an orientation toward women, then doesn’t that suggest, in some sense, that orientation is not fixed?
How Did We Become Obsessed With Equality?
Perfect equality, like its concomitant perfect liberty, can only exist when each individual lives alone in a desert, where it is meaningless.