WATCH: Leftists are now singing Christmas carols about Global Warming: “Silent Night, Smoky Night”
Talk about the Grinch that stole Christmas! These leftists are changing the lyrics to popular Christmas carols in order to rail against coal energy. The updated lyrics include: “Away in the Arctic, the glaciers melt. The ice turns to water. The warming is felt.” WATCH: .@chriskkenny says the 'green-left is trying to steal Christmas' after the @arrcc1 changed Christmas carol lyrics to ‘rail against coal energy’. 'Don't turn our Christmas into a green-left political campaign.' MORE: #kennyonsunday — Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) December 16, 2018
Prime Minister Scott Morrison says, Australia is NOT a secular country.
The 2016 Australian Census revealed 52.1 per cent of the population identified as Christian, while only 2.6 per cent subscribed to Islam, and at least 30 per cent noted that they had no religion. Despite the plurality of ideologies in Australia, it’s not uncommon to hear people claim that Australia is a secular nation. What’s often meant is that Christianity has no place in politics. Which is a sentiment usually summed up in the now misunderstood phrase, “Separation of Church and State.” As Dr Stephen Chavura recently noted, there’s a common misconception that separation of church and state means religion…
Is disagreement in the Liberal Party better than the forced conformity of Labor and The Greens?
Brendan O’Neill has suggested, disagreement in the Australian Liberal Party may be healthier than the forced conformity of Labor and the Greens. On Monday night’s episode of Q&A, O’Neill said: “Labor and the Greens possibly have a more conformist take on [climate change, same-sex marriage, and multiculturalism] and possibly have even quelled any form of dissent within their ranks in relation to those issues. “You try being a Climate skeptic in the Labor Party, it’s not allowed. You try criticising same-sex marriage, whether from a religious perspective or a secular perspective, it’s not allowed… “If there is all this disagreement…
Islamic polygamous marriages are being funded by taxpayers: “The system is being ripped off… and the government is not doing anything about it.”
Senator Cory Bernardi, leader of the Australian Conservatives, told Sky News: “There is evidence that multi-member marriages are being funded through Centrelink. “We know that, and they’re saying it’s cheaper to do it like that than to actually address the problem,” Senator Bernardi said. “They have multiple marriages, they have multiple children, and the system is being ripped off. The government knows that. It’s not doing anything about it.” WATCH:
The Exclusion Zone contagion is spreading.
Queensland: Exclusion-zones went into force this week in Queensland, along with the state’s new act that moved abortion into the health code. Queensland is the fourth Australian state to enact the zones – this includes New South Wales, where abortion is still technically illegal; both territories also have the so-called ‘Safe-Access’ zones. Pro-lifers who wish to pray outside abortion mills and offer help to the women entering them will now have to stand 150m away from the entrance or risk huge fines and potential incarceration. Graham Preston, the prominent activist who is one party in the High Court challenge to exclusion-zones, has been…
No, the public is not secular. Here’s why.
I constantly read and hear people saying that religious schools shouldn’t be able to discriminate because they receive public funds, and thus they must play by the public rules. The problem with this argument is that the people who send their children to denominational schools are part of the public too, they pay taxes and thus make up this hallowed ‘public’. The ‘secular public’ argument against denominational school funding and “discrimination” defines the public as ‘secular’; in other words, the public it is talking about is not real, it is a gerrymandered public that excludes the parents of the c.35%…
WATCH: Does Australia have a separation of church and state?
Does Australia have a separation of church and state, and if so, what does it mean? There’s a common misconception that separation of church and state means religion should not have any influence on politics or legislation. In the following short video, Dr. Stephen Chavura says this misunderstanding confuses two very different ideas. “Separation of church and state is about the power of one institution over another – of the government over the churches and over people’s religious beliefs. Separation of religion and politics is the idea that religion shouldn’t in any way influence politics, and that’s probably not even…
WATCH: Avi Yemini stumps protesters at the Strike for Climate Action rally.
Thousands of students reportedly skipped school on Friday to protest against the Australian Government’s inaction on climate change. The rally came despite Prime Minister Scott Morrison urging students to stay in school. “Kids should go to school,” Morrison said. “That’s what we’re committed to. We don’t support the idea of kids not going to school, to participate in things that can be dealt with outside of school. “We do not support our schools being turned into parliaments. What we want is more learning in schools and less activism in schools,” he said. Students rallied with signs that read, “F U…
United Nations push to CRIMINALISE criticism of migration.
The Global Compact on Migration is said to be the “legalisation of mass migration” by declaring migration a human right. The compact is also said to be the “legal framework on which the participating countries commit themselves to build new legislation.” What makes the migration pact even more concerning is that it seeks to criminalise criticism of migration, by individuals and media outlets. “One basic element of this new agreement is the extension of the definition of ‘hate speech’… Criticism of migration will become a criminal offense. And media outlets that give room to criticism of migration can be shut…
Northern Territory passes new laws to make it easier to change gender, a “consequential amendment needed” after allowing same-sex marriage.
The Northern Territory has passed new laws to allow individuals, including children, to legally change their gender without the need for surgery. The changes to the Birth, Deaths and Marriage Act allows people to register their gender as non-binary on their birth certificates, as well as making it easier for transgender people to change their sex without surgery. Parents will also be able to change the sex identity of their children. NT Attorney-General Natasha Fyles said, “Australians voted last year to allow same-sex marriage so there are consequential amendments needed in the NT.” “We are watching our nation going nuts,”…
Political Correctness and ‘hate speech’ laws are the secular equivalent of Sharia Law.
Political correctness in its excessive form is the secular equivalent of Shari’a law. It might not have the full judicial weight of Western law behind it yet, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t trying to manipulate the system so as to implement it. I used to think that the only thing wrong with political correctness was the excesses that went along with it. Take the good, reject the bad. However, the more I learn from those who practice and enforce the ideals of political correctness, the more I arrive at the conclusion that political correctness is the secular version of…
Genuinely conservative.
In 2040, when I am hauled before the Department for Eradication of Hate, Bigotry and Offending Protected Minority Categories (or DEHBOPMC), and I am asked, “did you, or did you not, join the Australian Conservatives Party in 2017?” I will feel compelled by my conscience, and the fact that they probably have evidence, to say “yes”. And then I’ll be admitted to some compulsory psychiatric sessions or a reconditioning labour-camp, or have “don’t platform” stamped on my forehead until they can map out the network of phobes and isms that constitute my particular condition. Or maybe I’ll even get shot…
WATCH: Bank tells woman to remove her helmet, then allows a man wearing a burqa to enter.
Does this experiment highlight the absurd double standard in our community that allows people to cover their faces in public buildings if it’s assumed their reason for doing so is religious? In the following video Avi Yemini walks into an Australian bank wearing a Burqa, while a blonde woman is asked to reveal her face by removing her motorcycle helmet. WATCH:
WATCH: Mark Latham says employment quotas based on gender, race and sexual orientation should be made illegal.
Mark Latham, NSW Leader of One Nation, has said employment quotas should be made illegal because they fragment society and discriminate against straight, white, males. “This is a recipe for social fragmentation,” Latham told Andrew Bolt on Sky News. “The only way you can ruin a fair, cohesive society is on merit. Treat people, not according to their identity categories, the collective approach. Treat them on their individual merit. “When we talk about minorities, the smallest minority in any society is the individual. And unfortunately if you’re an individual in Australia today that’s classified as a straight, white, male it’s…
Christianity outlawed? The Greens push to have religious freedom drastically reduced.
In an effort to crack down on religious freedom, the Greens have introduced a new bill seeking to remove religious exemptions from the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, not just for religious schools, but any religious body “connected with the provision of education or training.“ In summary, the bill seeks to “remove the exemptions for religious educational institutions to discriminate against students and teachers on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, marital or relationship status or pregnancy; and Fair Work Act 2009 to ensure that religious exemptions from anti-discrimination provisions do not extend to educational institutions.” According to Mark Sneddon, Executive Director of…
Muslim leaders boycott talks on terrorism prevention, Prime Minister accuses them of “continuing down a path of denial.”
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has hit back after Muslim leaders, including the Grand Mufti, decided to boycott a meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss terrorism prevention. The boycott comes after Morrison called on Islamic leaders to do more to stop terrorism in Australia. If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.. — Keira Savage (@KeiraSavage00) November 21, 2018 In a post on Facebook, the Prime Minister said: “Extremist radical Islam is a serious problem. We all have responsibilities to make Australia safe, and that means making sure Muslim communities do…
WATCH: Muslim men confronted after setting up a pro-Islam stall at the site of Melbourne’s recent Islamic terrorist attack.
A group of Muslims set up a pro-Islamic stall at the site of last week’s terrorist attack in Melbourne in hopes of “spreading the good news” of the Quran. Avi Yemini from the Australian Liberty Alliance confronted the men and asked if they thought it was appropriate to set up an Islamic stand at the site of the attack. The conversation quickly became heated when the men denied any link between Islam and terrorism, instead pointing the finger at Yemini and the Jewish people, accusing them of being the real terrorists. Police eventually intervened and separated the men. “This is…
Wedding magazine forced out of business by LGBTQ activists because the Christian owners were SILENT on gay marriage.
An Australian bridal magazine has been forced to shut down after its Christian owners decided not to feature homosexual weddings. In September more than 100 contributors boycotted White Magazine after it was revealed the publication was “silent” on the subject of gay marriage. Sandra Henri, advertiser and eco-wedding expert, told AAP, she was disappointed with White’s “silence” on the day the postal survey result was announced. “The silence has continued since then,” she said. Advertiser and photographer Ona Janzen said, “If I had known they don’t support SSM I wouldn’t have chosen to spend a good portion of my marketing…
Refugees say life on Nauru was BETTER than life after resettlement in the United States.
Life on Nauru is better than life in the United States, at least according to 40 of the 300 refugees who left the island nation for resettlement in the US. According to The Australian, when the refugees discovered life in the United States was not as easy as they hoped, they contacted Nauru’s Department of Justice and Border Protection asking to return to the island. “Refugee life on Nauru can include holidays in Fiji, business ownership, free housing and healthcare and jobs in government departments and at the local hospital, The Australian was told.” It sounds like all they’re fleeing…
Alex Greenwich suggests, Christians should ‘love thy neighbour’ by abandoning Christianity and their Bibles.
Equality Campaign co-chair and fake theologian Alex Greenwich has accused Christians of misrepresenting the Bible. In an interview on Sky News, the independent New South Wales MP suggested the biblical command to ‘love thy neighbour’ means Christians ought to abandon sexuality defined by Scripture to embrace LGBTQ+ sexuality. “The church ethos, or the ethos of Christianity is to love thy neighbour,” Greenwich said. “There is no where in the Bible, or in church teachings that says you should target gay kids and teachers. There’s no where in a religious ethos that says you should legalise bullying against the LGBTI community.…
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