The Purpose of the Censor Is to Praise the Tyrant
People are conditioned to embrace the tyrant as an altruistic patron of the people, and tyranny as their benevolent benefactor.
The Evangelical World’s Oprah Resigns From the SBC
Despite the SBC’s flaws, it’s not Beth Moore’s theology that’s outgrown them, it’s her apparent compromise with the zeitgeist, allowing the post-Christian culture, not Christ to determine the way forward for the Church.
“Anti-Racist” Academic Claims, Grades Are Racist
Would you trust your family or your own healthcare to institutions that give potential professionals degrees based on their skin tone, gender or sexual preference, not the quality of their performance, acumen, or merit?
“Follow the Science?” Obedience to Authority vs. Personal Conscience
“Ordinary Americans are about as willing to blindly follow orders to inflict pain on an innocent stranger as they were four decades ago.”
Why Joyless Post-Modern Conservativism Needs an Attitude Adjustment
There are real people in need of hearing objective truth, but are failing to hear it because the approach is compromised by joyless tedium.
Critical Race Theory Is Culturally Accepted Racism
CRT is “a worldview based on vindictive and prejudiced principles that are subjective and changeable depending upon what direction the winds of white supremacy and black oppression happen to be blowing.”
The Self-Centred Use of Censorship Is Barbaric Discrimination: “Christian Conservatives Need Not Apply”
Most honest, level-headed people on both sides of the political aisle would agree that the unrestrained, self-centered use of censorship as a weapon, is barbaric discrimination.
Disney Deems The Muppets “Offensive”
Trigger happy Disney is adding trigger warnings to the release of classic episodes of ‘The Muppet Show’.
Woke World Council of “Churches” Declares War On Israel
World Council of “Churches” (WCC) Commission moderator of International Affairs, Frank Chikane, equated Israel with demons in a recent online address.
Facebook Suspends Craig Kelly For Posts Citing Medical Professionals
Australian politician, Craig Kelly’s Facebook page has been suspended over five quotes he’d posted in February.
Trump Acquitted of Fake Charge That Was Based on Fake News
The second impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump has ended in an acquittal.
Was Biden’s Election the Real Insurrection?
Without a doubt, interference in the United States election was a four-year long campaign to manufacture the 2020 election result, on a ‘whatever it takes’ to payback Trump for dethroning Hilary Clinton basis.
GQ’s Cringe “Photoshoot” of Joe Biden Is Like a Bad Communist Cover-Song
Quality control at GQ, must be on COVID-19 Wuhan Virus sabbatical.
Trump’s Resignation From the Screen Actors Guild Is Anti-Fascism Proper
If the attempt to try Donald Trump reveals anything, it’s not Hollywood’s anti-Nazism, it’s Hollywood’s fascination with fascism.
Anti-Cancel Culture Anthem ‘Fake Woke’ Goes Viral
Sometimes truth-affirming criticism comes from the most unexpected of places.
It’s a Mistake to View the Biden Presidency as the Death of the Conservative Movement
Healthy competition has its place, but when that competition compromises cooperation, we’re no longer talking about teamwork, we’re talking about friendly fire and causalities of war.
Fundamental Rights in the Age of COVID-19
The only protection of fundamental rights comes from the commanded order as revealed by God through His self-revealing in time and space, through Covenant and Christ.
If Twitter Can Deny Service to a Customer, Why Not Christian Bakeries, Florists and NGOs?
The lessons provided this week by the unjustified social media ban of Donald Trump, along with the industry-wide cancellation of Parler are dangerous precedents.
Australia’s PM Rejects The Great Reset: “We Don’t Need It”
Last November the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison (LNP-Cook) gave a ‘UK Policy Exchange Virtual Address.’
Five Things Trump Should Do After Conceding
Trump has conceded the 2020 election to Joe Biden. In his speech, the President first condemned the ‘heinous attack on the Capitol’ saying he was ‘outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem.’