Australian soldiers banned from wearing “symbols of death,” like skulls and crossbones
Nope, it’s not April Fools Day. That was almost three weeks ago. This is unfortunately real. Australian soldiers have been banned from wearing “symbols of death” because they encourage “arrogance.” Such symbols include the skull and crossbones, the grim reaper, and the Phantom. According to The Australian, “Chief of Army Lt Gen Campbell on Tuesday issued the directive to the Army banning the ‘display or adoption of symbols, emblems and iconography’ which he says are ‘at odds with the army’s values and the ethical force we seek to build and sustain.” Banned symbols include the skull and cross bones, which…
The ingratitude of Muslim activist, Yassmin Abdel-Magied
Muslim activist, Yassmin Abdel-Magied, was born in Khartoum, Sudan. After an Islamic military coup overthrew the government, Yassmin and her family fled to the safety of Australia. Since moving to Australia, Yassmin has found freedom, wealth, “fame,” and success. All of these, of course, were graciously secured for her through the selfless sacrifices of our Anzac heroes. Yet in a display of incredible ingratitude, Yassmin now maintains her “fame” by disrespecting, not the violent, Islamic country she fled, but the country that accepted her, and that now grants her all the freedoms she has. Last year Yassmin copped criticism after…
Teenager guilty of hate crime after posting lyrics on Instagram
A teenager from Liverpool has been found guilty of committing a “hate crime” after posting Snap Dogg lyrics to her Instagram account. Chelsea Russell, 19, posted a line from the song I’m Trippin’ in her biography section to pay tribute to a 13-year-old boy who died after being hit by a car. The lyrics from the US artist read, “kill a snitch n**** and rob a rich n****.” A screenshot of Russell’s account was sent to hate crime unit PC Dominique Walker who told the court the term n**** was “grossly offensive” to her. PC Walker also went on to ask Carole…
Avi Yemini talks with Charlie from Verum Media
Avi Yemini and Charlie from Verum Media have sat down to talk about their common goals. The 20-minute exchange can be viewed below. There is a growing new media trend in Australia. It’s pretty well established overseas now. Australians are slowly getting used to the idea, but it is growing.
Primary school exposes children to drag queens and cross-dressing through Drag Queen Story Time
Children at Parson Street Primary School in Bedminster, Bristol, were entertained by a drag queen on World Book Day. The school’s headmaster, Jamie Barry, reportedly invited the drag entertainer from Drag Queen Story Time in order to promote LGBTQ issues to their students aged from three to 11. Drag Queen Story Time’s stated aim is to, “capture the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of children and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.” One mother was quoted as saying, “Lots of parents at the school are not happy about it but the headmaster [Jamie Barry] says there’s…
Media Watch destroys popular women’s magazines for spreading fake news and fake photos
What do you do when there is no celebrity news? Fake it. Media Watch has revealed how popular Women’s Magazines are misleading their readers with fake photos. You can watch the segment below.
Tucker Carlson on America’s response to Syria
Carlson asks: With Assad gone, who would run it? Do we have another strongman to install? Or is our hope that a stable democracy will magically appear in the wake of civil war? And who exactly are these “moderate rebels” you hear so much about, the ones we’re supporting? The city where the chemical attack just occurred is mostly controlled by the Army of Islam, a radical group that has called for establishing an Islamic state under sharia law in Syria. We’re supposed to wage a new war on their behalf? Why?
Melbourne father stabbed in the neck by Muslim exchange student
A Melbourne father was stabbed in the neck in an Islamic State-inspired attacked which was carried out in front of his five year old daughter. The attacker was a 24 year old, female Bangladeshi student, who had only moved in with the family two days prior as part of a student placement program. According to the victim, the woman screamed “Allahu Akbar” moments before the attack. 9 News reports on the incident in the video below.
Verum Media asks: Should the ABC be defunded?
Should the ABC be defunded? Should they have their budget cut? Or should they be sold off? What should be done with the ABC? In the video below, Verum Media offers some thoughtful comments.
Tommy Robinson tells Steven Crowder: ‘Europe is hell’
Worth the watch. Tommy Robinson talks with Steven Crowder about the state of Europe and migrant crime rates.
Shocking video shows machete-wielding gang ransack London jewelry store in broad daylight
It’s like a scene from a movie. A gang of machete-wielding thieves have smashed their way into a Watches of Switzerland store on Oxford Street in London. The incident took place last week and was captured on video by a bystander. The footage shows the thieves ransacking display cabinets in broad daylight before making their escape on mopeds. Recently the Daily Mail revealed there is one machete crime committed every 90 minutes in Britain. It was also revealed that police dealt with 15 attacks per day in the last two months of 2016. Just another day in Sadiq Khan’s lawless…
Outrageous: Teachers’ Union pushes for compulsory Islamic lessons in schools
We need to stop pretending all religions are equal. They’re not. Here is yet another case for homeschooling in the United Kingdom. The Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) has demanded government action to prevent parents from withdrawing their children from Islamic studies and mosque visits. According to Breitbart, parents are currently allowed to remove their children from some Religious Education lessons if they conflict with their personal beliefs. However, the teachers’ union has called such instances “very rare” and suggested the privilege is being abused by parents “with certain prejudices including Islamophobia…” So often we see governments taking the…
Should a Christian have to renounce his faith in order to hold office?
“Do you believe that gay sex is a perversion?” Mike Pompeo was asked that question yesterday by US Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey. The question was posed to the CIA director during a confirmation hearing for his nomination to become Secretary of State. So, you do not believe it’s appropriate for two gay people to marry?… Do you believe that gay sex is a perversion? Yes or no? Yes or no, sir? Do you believe that gay sex is a perversion, because that’s what you said here in one of your speeches. Yes or no, do you believe gay…
As the rich get richer, the poor also get richer
PragerU: The rich are getting richer, and the poor are… also getting richer. What’s driving this wealth creation process? In this video, Daniel Hannan explains why it is capitalism — and capitalism alone — that has led to the unprecedented enrichment that is the central fact of Western life.
Deported! US border authorities to Yassmin Abdel-Magied: ‘We’re sending you back!’
When Yassmin Abdel-Magied landed in the United States, it took US border authorities just a few minutes to examine her case before announcing, “We’re sending you back!” Abdel-Magied was set to speak at a New York event titled, ‘The M Word: No Country for Young Muslim Women.’ The event is part of the PEN America World Voices Festival. Thankfully for us, Abdel-Magied live tweeted the whole experience… Enjoy, and God bless the USA. ** if they will let me in. I’m currently at the border and they’ve said I’m being deported. This should be fun. What are my rights ?…
Disturbing: Watch this woman completely lose her mind
Abolish Human Abortion has shared disturbing footage of a pro-life advocate being assaulted in the street by a deranged woman. The footage shows a man, holding a pro-life sign, in discussion with three members of the public. At about the 39 second mark, a woman can be seen knocking the man to the ground as she rips the sign from his hands. Things only escalate from there. You can watch the video below. Language warning.
The ABC promoting Islam with new hijab fashion program
Ayaan Hirsi Ali once said, “The veil deliberately marks women as private and restricted property, nonpersons. The veil sets women apart from men and apart from the world; it restrains them, confines them, grooms them for docility. A mind can be cramped just as a body may be, and a Muslim veil blinkers both your vision and your destiny. It is the mark of a kind of apartheid, not the domination of a race but of a sex.” With that in mind, let us present to you: Hijabistas! Taxpayer funded Islamic propaganda, focusing on Australian Islamic Hijabi fashion, courtesy of…
Peter FitzSimons ridicules Christians in the name of inclusiveness and tolerance
If you haven’t read Peter FitzSimons’ column lately, you’re not missing much. Last week, FitzSimons took a swipe at Israel Folau for suggesting homosexuals will go to hell unless they repent. Now, naturally, FitzSimons was deeply concerned about all those poor homosexual people who might read the rugby star’s “homophobic comments” and feel bad about themselves. Solution? Heap ridicule on all Christians, because you know, tolerance and inclusion, and what not… In his piece titled, Folau’s comments are an anathema to the greatest of rugby values, FitzSimons ironically claims: “the greatest of all rugby values is inclusion. We want everyone on…
Watch former abortionist explain why she became pro-life: ‘A woman can’t remain unscathed after killing her child’
Live Action has shared an amazing speech by Dr Kathi Aultman, a former abortionist turned pro-life advocate. The speech can be viewed below: I continued to do abortions without reservation, even while pregnant. But after my delivery, I made the connection between fetus and baby. The fact that the baby was unwanted was no longer enough justification for me to kill it and I could no longer do abortions… I don’t believe a woman can remain unscathed after killing her child. At some point, usually after child birth or the inability to get pregnant, the realization of what she did…
Shocking footage from UK Islamic school: ‘throw gays from the highest place.’
Tommy Robinson has shared leaked footage from a UK Islamic school teaching Sharia law. The shocking video shows a teacher informing female students that Muslims must kill gays. This only goes to show, as Ben Shapiro has pointed out, radicalism in the Muslim world is not limited to a tiny minority. It’s closer than we think. If someone makes… a woman like a man, the punishment is kill. Kill them. Throw them from the highest place. We are not going to be like animals, living like animals. Or to be like the people of Lot (homosexuals). We have to take…
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