Over 2,000 Australian Church Leaders Sign ‘The Ezekiel Declaration’ Opposing Vaccination Passports
“This shows how important it is that we continue to advocate on this. Australia must avoid becoming a two-tier society,” Pastor Littlefield said.
Over 1,000 Church Leaders Take A Stand Against Vaccine Passports in Open Letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison
The letter, dubbed The Ezekiel Declaration, was authored by three Queensland-based pastors who vowed to passionately resist any vaxx certificate system enforced on the church.
We Protect Rights Because Rights Protect People
In fact, to mischaracterize those who prioritize certain freedom over potential safety as “unloving” and selfish, when that is clearly not by necessity the case, is itself, ironically, a violation of what it means to “love your neighbour as yourself.”
You’ll Never Be Required to Violate the First Commandment to Uphold the Second
Is the aversion to risk, at all costs, approach truly the only Christian response to our present circumstances?
Lockdowns Are Causing An “International Epidemic in Child Suicide”
“Doctors elsewhere report similar surges, with children — some as young as 8 — deliberately running into traffic, overdosing on pills and otherwise self-harming.”
The de-Christianization of the West Is About Loosening the Restraints of Would-be Tyrants
Before we know it, in our vain pursuit of “liberty” from Christianity, we’ll have shaped for ourselves a society ripe for tyranny.
“Absolutely Disgusting”: Australian Government Slammed Over “Scaremongering” Campaign
The Chief Medical Officers said the ads clear purpose is to urge people to stay home, get tested, and book in for a vaccination.
Is the Rainbow-Wash Wearing Off
It’s been dubbed “Rainbow Capitalism,” and an increasing number of folks, even within the LGBTQ+ community, are beginning to recognize it for the disingenuous, virtue signalling, money-grab that it is.
Pastor Faces Six Years in Prison and $600,000 in Fines for Refusing to Turn People Away From His Church
Pastor Richardson said he has counted the cost and is prepared to suffer.
Leftists Lecture Hungary About Right and Wrong After Christian Country Bans Promotion of LGBTQ Ideology to Children
Of course, all the usual suspects have voiced their outrage at Hungary’s “homophobic” and “transphobic” move.
No, Biblical ‘Male Headship’ Is NOT Dangerous For Women, but the Abandonment of It Is
You might as well rail against lifejackets because some sailors have drowned after taking them off at sea.
Doctor Ordered To Stop Saving the Babies Of Women Who Regret Taking Abortion Pill Following Complaint from Abortion Provider
Despite Dr Kearney’s belief that his interventions may have saved dozens of babies, a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service panel last month ordered the doctor to stop offering the treatment for up to 18 months pending an investigation.
Billboard Offering Help to Pregnant Mothers Removed After Pro-Aborts Issued Threats Over the “Offensive Message”
The CHOICE42 notice read: “Pregnant? Need Help? You are not alone.”
Royal Academy of Music Set to ‘Decolonise’ Artefacts With Links to Slavery
“There is no end to the stupidity and destructiveness of Cultural Marxism,” David Kurten, Heritage Party leader said.
It’s Time to Start Calling Out the Coward Culture That’s Fuelling Cancel Culture
This is why Cancel Culture exists, folks. The perpetually offended and forever-outraged are only as potent as we are apologetic for their feigned grievances.
“Reprehensible, Pathetic”: Court Says Government Will Not Have to Justify Lockdowns At Pastor James Coates Trial
“For the Alberta Government to request that it not be required to provide evidence on May 3 in support of Dr Hinshaw’s Orders, while at the same time barricading the church, is both reprehensible and pathetic,” lawyer John Carpay said.
Satire: ‘Bluey’ to Introduce Feral Character More Representative of the ABC
The show’s creators responded to the criticism by renouncing Australian Cattle Dog Supremacy and rejecting the notion that the show perpetuates the Pawtriarchy.
We Created a Society Where a Dad Can Be Jailed for Refusing to Refer to His Biological Daughter as a Boy
If your government doesn’t kneel before King Jesus, you will inevitably kneel before your government.
Cancel Culture Is About Control, The Grammys Just Proved It
Cancel Culture is not about censoring offensive content. It’s about control.