Musk: “I’m a Big Believer in the Principles of Christianity”
“I would say I’m probably a cultural Christian,” Musk said.
Where Do We Get “Justice” From Without God?
“When the atheist appeals to concepts of ‘justice’ to argue against Christianity, he’s acting as a moral parasite. His argument is based on borrowed ethics that are incompatible with his own worldview.”
As the Church Goes, so Goes the Health System?
“If church leaders could deny the unvaccinated care for their eternal souls, then why wouldn’t the health system also deny the unvaccinated care for their earthly bodies?”
The Hatred of “Whiteness” Is a Hatred of Christianity
“It’s an evil ideology that turns the idea of God-blessed obedience on its head. It says Western prosperity is not the fruit of righteousness, but the result of sin.”
Politicians Think Parents Can’t Be Trusted to Do What’s Best for Their Kids
“Apparently, parents simply cannot be trusted to do what’s best for their own children. But never fear, incompetent parents, the government is here to lay down some new house rules for your unruly teens.”
‘Honor The Son’: A Must-Watch Documentary For Every Christian
“The debate over faith and politics has intensified in recent years. Terms like ‘Christian nationalism’ and ‘theocracy’ are frequently used by news pundits and politicians to stoke fears of a rising religious fascism.”
Will We Soon Need a Government-Issued Licence to Use Social Media?
“The only way the authorities can prevent children from accessing social media is by requiring adults to submit some form of personal identification as proof of eligibility.”
“Stock The Book, Bigot!”
“Despite what they say, nobody really believes morality is merely a social construct. That’s why Progressives never hesitate to pronounce judgements on those who lived in different places at different times.”
Exposing ‘Regime Evangelicals’
“Behind it all is often an extremely anti-Christian political cause. A cause that can’t advance if it doesn’t cloak itself in Christian euphemisms and persuade believers, not just to get out of the way, but to jump wholeheartedly onboard, and thank you for the generous donations.”
“Christ is King” Has Always Offended Phoney Kings and False Gods
“Christ is King. It has always been a costly profession because if Jesus is Lord supreme, then every alternative and every system to the contrary must be regarded as compromised and false.”
Serious Side Effects and Unlawful Mandates
“We suspect the ringleaders are hoping everyone just moves on and forgets.”
Real Champions of Freedom Are in Every Age Hostile to Pornography
“There are all kinds of legitimate and necessary restrictions on every kind of liberty man has, and these are necessary for the maintenance of liberty, because liberty cannot be equated with anarchy.”
Over 700 Babies Left to Die After Botched Abortions in Australia
“A national scandal.”
WEF: Governments Can Program Digital Currency To Prohibit “Less Desirable” Purchases, Add Expiry Dates
“We’d do well to think long and hard about the implications of handing power over to people who so explicitly reject the idea that there is any power over them.”
Don’t Be Silenced by Their Name-Calling and False Accusations of “Hate”
“But what might happen if we stopped caring about their allegations?”
Unheeded Warnings of the Past
“No truth is more evident to my mind…”
Three Years Jail for a ‘Bigoted’ Facebook Post?
“Social media giants, with all of their billions of dollars, have demonstrated that wrong-speak cannot be policed with either a fair or consistent approach. A prevailing ideology always ends up punishing religious dissent while pardoning the sins of their own.”
The Truth About the One World Government and Global Conspiracies
“Through the forces of compelled multiculturalism, mass immigration, aggressive de-Christianization, and the degradation of biblical morals, our nations currently bear little resemblance to the world our grandparents once knew.”
God Save the King. No, Really
“It’s said that Mary Queen of Scots once admitted that she feared John Knox’s prayers more than all the assembled armies of Europe. She understood real power, superior to any force the world could muster against it.”
Landmark Class Action Filed Against Australian Government Over Vaccine Injuries
“What has been frightening and quite distressing is that I continue to get emails daily from people with extremely severe, life-changing events: deaths, amputations, blood clots, gynaecological conditions,” Dr McCann said.