104 search results for "totalitarianism"

“Davies, and her diverse, but like-minded supporters within the ranks, are putting themselves and their careers between the public and the rise of totalitarianism.”

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We are on the cusp of what could be labelled as ‘therapeutic totalitarianism’.

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We were behind the eight-ball from day one, while “fact-checkers,” and Leftists dismissed us as right-wing conspiracy theorists spreading misinformation.

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“The good news is that God will always raise up prophets, especially in dark times. The bad news is that these prophets usually are rejected, and their warnings go unheeded.”

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“Not only did the virus appear in a U.S. election year, thus giving an advantage to The Democrat Party, the virus gave the Chinese Communist Party an excuse to end Hong Kong’s pro-Democracy uprising without using the military.”

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“New South Wales Police fined 3,628 children from 2020 to 2022 for COVID-related ‘offences.’”

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“The foundation of totalitarianism is an ideology made of lies. The system depends for its existence on a people’s fear of challenging the lies.”

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“As this globalist statism is likely to only get worse in the days ahead, returning to these older documents becomes more needful than ever.”

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“The absence of remorse from churches for blindly going along with the government, as if it never gets anything wrong, was shameful, he stated.”

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“Climate change policy prescriptions are tyrannical solutions looking for a problem.”

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“…the interest that extremists have in infiltrating the Catholic Church is not so difficult to explain. No revolutionary undertaking can be successful in a deeply religious society like Brazil without the support of the powerful Catholic clergy.”

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“…it would be cultish to consider obedience to a Christian leader absolute… Paul never calls for absolute submission to any form of human authority.”

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“De Moraes responded by adding Musk to the Brazilian government’s criminal investigation into ‘digital militias’ – more aptly termed ‘misinformation militias.'”

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“Significant factions of the Conservative Party have turned their back on their own supporters and values.”

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“A society where families fracture is one where disorder increases and the large hand of the law must increase to compensate.”

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“The fundamental values of the liberal tradition were in fact exemplified, formulated, and wrought into the texture of Western society by Christianity, not only as a school of thought but as a way of life and feeling: as a religion, in short.”

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“Scott Morrison is literally preaching the ‘God over Government’ message he refused to support when protestors gathered in Canberra in the name of freedom.”

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“Too many Christians have some very foggy notions about what the Bible in general and Jesus, in particular, have to say about wealth, work and economics.”

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“Ukraine’s security forces are carrying out raids of churches and arresting their clerics on accusations of treason.”

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