48 search results for "single source of truth"

“The legislation would bestow on the government the absolute power to silence political opponents.”

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New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has urged New Zealanders to dismiss any information relating to COVID-19 that has not come from her government. “I’ve been watching for some days and this is not unique to New Zealand, that in the midst of what is a global issue, as you would expect, there are a number of rumours that circulate,” Ardern told reporters. “I am present on social media, I see it myself. I cannot go around and individually dismiss every single rumour I see on social media, as tempted as I might be. “So instead, I want to send…

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“The unsurprising news highlights greater concern about who polices the thought police in a world where subjectivism replaces truth, and feelings replace facts.”

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“We will continue to be your single source of truth,” NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said.

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“The policing of thought, appearances, and speech, is proof that the concept of governing bodies making themselves the ‘single source of truth’ isn’t a future possibility, it’s already a reality.”

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“Is this a consequence of New Zealand’s Socialist Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern’s proclamation, ‘We will be your single source of truth’?”

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“Her alleged crime was criticising Woke Disney’s decision to cast a black American as white, red-headed Ariel in a live remake of The Little Mermaid.”

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“The coronavirus crisis was a unique opportunity for politicians. They get to seize absolute power, silence opponents, gag freedom of speech, and have the populace applaud them for doing so.”

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Language compliance laws pave the way for forced speech to replace free speech, with woke jargon concocted in leftist hell, like the soulless slogans “parent 1, parent 2,” “equity,” and “chest-feeding.”

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“While it is a comforting idea to believe the government is our only source of truth, a superficial dig below the surface reveals this is not the case.”

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“As we saw during the pandemic, too many bishops were not leaders at all. They were motivated by fear, fear of being sued, fear of being removed, fear of being disliked.”

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“Life has always been a challenge, for all people, but especially those who want to do it right.”

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“This fight between X and the Socialist surveillance state isn’t just a fight for Chris Elston’s freedom of speech, it’s a fight for a free, and fair Australia.”

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“We can be too willing to excuse the sins of pagans… But the truth is, God still holds them all accountable for their actions. And we should too.”

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“…they want to wear down voters by infecting them with ‘Trump fatigue.'”

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“The decision of the Church of England to depart from the faith once delivered to the saints of course has global implications…”

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“I tend to side with Martyn here. I too have long been involved in political lobbying and the like, and I know of its importance. But the more I have done this, the more I have come to believe that unless there is a strong gospel feature unless there is a strong Christian connection, it will be all rather limited in its effectiveness and long-term success.”

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“Our most vulnerable are simply left to die… that in a single year, 33 babies aborted after 20 weeks gestation were born alive in Victoria while, in Queensland, 204 babies were born alive as a result of abortions over a 10-year period.”

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“When the state has the capacity to know everything except the difference between right and wrong, it won’t end well.”

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“…imagine going through eight years of hell and being the subject of 41 legal complaints by a serial litigant and hater.”

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