77 search results for "draconian"

“The mandates and restrictions in the daily lives of citizens are causing significant mental and financial harm to families and our children,” the officers have warned.

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“One of the massive blunders has been the hardcore and over-the-top lockdown measures. They have actually caused more harm than good, and many reports and studies have shown just how damaging and counterproductive they have been.”

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The Australian Christian Lobby released a statement today criticising the Victorian Liberal Party for appearing to want to ‘avoid voting on the Andrews government’s [LGBTQAAI+] ‘change and suppression’ bill which undermines free speech and parents’ rights in unprecedented ways.’

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The Australian Christian Lobby is calling on MPs to oppose, what they describe as, “the most dangerous and draconian bill” ever seen in Australia.

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“Once the government can control speech, they control everything. You won’t be able to challenge the system, question policies, or express opinions without fear of being silenced.”

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“The fight for freedom of speech isn’t even close to being won, it’s only just beginning.”

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“The events of 2020-2021 caused many people to wake from their slumber, rouse themselves out of their stupor, and really start questioning things, including the role and reach of the state.”

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“If you’re a public health person…You attach zero value to whether this actually totally disrupts people’s lives, ruins the economy, and has many kids kept out of school in a way that they never quite recover.”

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“A Christless ‘Christian’ Western restoration has no future.”

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“Let the celebrations begin.”

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“Increasingly we are being vindicated. Barely a day goes by when we do not learn even more about just how wrong so much of the ‘science’ was, how dictatorial and totalitarian our governments were, and how much medical fascism was allowed to take place.”

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“Never before in Australian history has a politician’s maiden speech to parliament been banned from YouTube.”

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“We are the Communists now. We now live in the anti-free world. We now live in the world that rejects national sovereignty, and promotes globalized empire. We now live in the world that rejects political speech, but promotes degraded speech and calls it free speech. We now live in the world where Christianity is under increasing attack and is being increasingly sidelined.”

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“Social media giants, with all of their billions of dollars, have demonstrated that wrong-speak cannot be policed with either a fair or consistent approach. A prevailing ideology always ends up punishing religious dissent while pardoning the sins of their own.”

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“Despite the far-left Labor Prime Minister’s denials and assurances, many are calling the acquisition a dangerous first step towards the takeover of the Church by the State.”

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Of course, for daring to suggest that medicine had been politicised and much of this was simply a grab for more power and control by our petty dictators, we were mocked, scorned, vilified and treated like scum. But finally, it seems almost on a daily basis now there are some who are willing to put up their hands and admit that we got things wrong – massively.

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“Stopping people going outside was never a good idea,” the Professor said.

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“The coronavirus crisis was a unique opportunity for politicians. They get to seize absolute power, silence opponents, gag freedom of speech, and have the populace applaud them for doing so.”

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“The left’s hatred of the West includes at least two things: affirmation of Islam and affirmation of homosexuality. So what happens when a major sporting event is held in a Muslim-majority nation? Do they condemn Qatar for its very anti-gay stance, or do they condemn gays for not respecting Islamic culture and values?”

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“Victorians with a clear case of Stockholm Syndrome and Battered Woman Syndrome are pleased as punch to vote back in their thuggish leader, while liberty-loving Chinese protesters are facing certain arrest, imprisonment, torture and death to get rid of theirs as they stand up for freedom.”

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