74 search results for "covid censorship"

“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,” Zuckerberg said.

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“…the newly minted relationship between the State and social media companies undermined the constitutional right to freedom of speech.”

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“The lawsuit will impact small news organisations that’ve been at the back-hand of Silicon Valley censorship for presenting reasoned viewpoints which question the hegemony’s prevailing political narrative.”

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“The lawsuit alleges the Biden State Department is actively intervening in the news-media market to render disfavoured press outlets unprofitable.”

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“Increasingly we are being vindicated. Barely a day goes by when we do not learn even more about just how wrong so much of the ‘science’ was, how dictatorial and totalitarian our governments were, and how much medical fascism was allowed to take place.”

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“The former Morrison government, under domestic terrorism response protocols, sought out cyber censorship of COVID related content 4,213 times.”

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“Reports have revealed that military leaders saw COVID as a unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on the public. Who advised western leaders to use military-grade propaganda on their own people?”

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“Why is the American left so silent about what’s happening in China? Because they’re secretly jealous of the control the CCP has over its citizens. They don’t condemn it. They crave it.”

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“One way to be equipped to think critically and discern truth from error in the current environment is to listen to the arguments and views of those who dissent from popular opinion.”

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“Whether it be a vaccine, euthanasia, or aborting life in the womb, I am opposed to forced or coerced medical procedures.”

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It’s natural for people to want to make sense of the world. Especially during chaotic times. But when the government begins fighting for a particular narrative by silencing or threatening alternatives, they’ll soon find public suspicions at an all-time high.

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If Big Media and Big Tech aren’t protecting an approved globalist narrative, why would Reuters not allow an accomplished, high-profile doctor the right to balance out an attack on his character, and his medical views?

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As of June 28, 2021, there are 272 dead following the vaccines, only 1 dead from COVID-19.

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Any low-cost, life-saving treatment is a distraction away from the vaccine rush cash-cow, and it involves “the deepest, most powerful opponents you can imagine.”

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“If cancer research can be halted, and risk being sent backwards, for a virus that’s become more about politics than healthcare, it can be halted for other political reasons.”

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It has to make you wonder who the Big Tech Companies are taking their cues from, when they ban, block and boot professionals for publicly announcing a valid opposing viewpoint to the prevailing theory about how to treat COVID-19.

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“What does it say about the state of free speech when a Western nation arrests the founder of one of the few platforms that refuses to bow to government censorship?”

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“The Democrats have become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big Pharma, big tech, and big money…”

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“…it would be cultish to consider obedience to a Christian leader absolute… Paul never calls for absolute submission to any form of human authority.”

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“De Moraes responded by adding Musk to the Brazilian government’s criminal investigation into ‘digital militias’ – more aptly termed ‘misinformation militias.'”

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