Reviewing part of Kamala Harris’ May 28th Naval Academy speech, Dan Crenshaw, military veteran, former Navy Seals officer, and Republican senator, called it “woke nonsense.”
The 37-year-old Iraq and Afghanistan vet, honed in on Harris’ bizarre idea about “converting convert solar and wind energy into combat power,” stating,
“Huh?! The United States navy is powered by nuclear energy. Our aircraft carriers and submarines have nuclear reactors on board; zero carbon emissions by the way.”
Crenshaw, an advocate of nuclear energy, as opposed to “renewables,” mocked the “climate change” sales pitch saying,
“Imagine if we had this little rock, and we put it in some kind of reactor; made it heat up a lot and then it provided carbon free energy for like 25-years?”
He then asked, “Who wrote this speech for you?”
Crenshaw’s next target was Kamala Harris’ anecdote. The Vice President described to her Navy audience a marine saying “she’d rather carry a solar panel into combat than batteries – because they’re too heavy.”
The senator fired back,
“We don’t carry 20 pounds of batteries in the field anymore. That’s like decades-old technology. Here’s the second thing: The reason we carry batteries is because we need to power our gear at all times including by the way at night.”
“We’re not going to have some like yoga mat of solar panels added to our already heavy pack, just to make you feel good about green energy.”
Crenshaw then pulled the trigger parodying the VP’s anecdote.
It was a direct hit.