
Trump Calls Out Democrats for Saying ‘Black Lives Matter’ While Supporting ‘Unlimited Abortion of Black Children’

President Trump has called out Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and the Democrats for saying “Black Lives Matter” while refusing to “protect the most vulnerable black lives of all, unborn children.”

President Trump has called out Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and the Democrats for saying “Black Lives Matter” while refusing to “protect the most vulnerable black lives of all, unborn children.”

The President made the comments during a speech in Atlanta, Georgia on Friday, where he noted the hypocrisy of the Democrats for affirming Black Lives Matter while supporting Planned Parenthood, an organization that President Trump said, was “founded on racism” and that “continues to target the black community.”

He’s not wrong. The abortion industry kills as many black people every four days as the Ku Klux Klan killed in 150 years. Between 1882 and 1968, there were reportedly 3,446 lynchings of black people in the United States. Today, more black people are killed by white abortionists every three days than all who were lynched in those years.

According to an Abortion Surveillance Report released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2011, black women make up 14 percent of the childbearing population, but 36 percent of those obtaining abortions.

Arizona State Representative Walt Blackman, commenting on the figures, noted that at a ratio of 474 abortions per 1,000 live births, black women have the highest ratio of any group in the country.

“When you use those percentages, it indicates that of the over 44 million abortions since the 1973 Roe vs Wade Supreme Court ruling, 19 million black babies were aborted,” he said. “African Americans are just under 13 percent of the United States population.”

Blackman went on to note that the Guttmacher Institute claimed there were 360,000 black babies aborted in 2011, while the CDC said 287,072 blacks died that year from other causes. In other words, abortion is the leading cause of death among blacks thanks to the abortion industry.

During his speech on Friday, the President said:

“Joe Biden and the Democrats say that Black Lives Matter, but they do not protect the most vulnerable black lives of all, unborn children. They support the unlimited abortion of black children, right up until the ninth month of pregnancy.

“And if you look at this Governor of Virginia, beyond. I had not heard that. But if you look at the Governor of Virginia, he said that the baby is born and then they start to talk. I said, wait a minute. That’s not ‘abortion.’ You know what that is? I call it execution…

“The Democrats champion Planned Parenthood, an organization founded on racism that continues to target the black community. In the Republican Party, we believe in protecting all black lives, including the unborn. We believe that every child, of every race, born and unborn is made in the holy image of God. Republicans believe that all human life is sacred, and no time before has there been a clearer choice between two parties, two visions, two philosophies, two agendas for the future.”


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