
The 4-Minute Video That Will Shock You to Your Core

"You cannot watch this and remain unchanged."

Christian anti-abortion organization, Choice42, along with LoorTV, have teamed up with actor Kevin Sorbo to release a short but powerful film graphically detailing a true and shocking account that caused a medical professional to quit his job.

The animated film, titled The Procedure, is a four-minute short that tells the story of a lead sonographer who was called to the Operating Room during an abortion procedure. What he witnessed there would haunt him for the next 20 years.

The film, which Sorbo said promises to “cause an uproar,” exposes the true horrors of abortion, from a first-hand medical account.

Speaking of the slave trade, William Wilberforce once said, “You can choose to look the other way, but never again can you say that you never knew.”

The Procedure ought to be mandatory viewing for every pro-abortion advocate worldwide.

“The Procedure is powerful, very moving, and left me in tears,” said evangelist and television show host, Ray Comfort. “It has the potential to save many precious lives. Please share it.”

“This is incredibly powerful,” Jonathan Van Maren, from the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform stated. “I wasn’t sure animation could be more powerful than real footage, but… wow.”

Pro-life advocate Seth Gruber said, “Just as General Eisenhower ordered his troops to tour Ohrdruf Concentration Camp to view the horrors of 3,000 naked and emaciated Jewish corpses murdered by the Nazis, Laura Klassen’s new film, The Procedure should be mandated viewing as well. Thus, we can say today what Eisenhower said in 1945, ‘At least we will know what we are fighting against.’”

“Dear God,” Pastor Jeff Durbin said. “Dear God, help us. I watched this project and was absolutely overwhelmed with grief and horror. May God use this to open our eyes to this monstrous and barbaric evil, and establish justice for these victims. God help us.”

“Absolutely heart-wrenching,” said Caldron Pool’s Evelyn Rae. “You cannot watch this and remain unchanged.”




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