
Teen records a message for his generation days before his death.

A high school football star has left a message for his generation just days before losing a short battle with an aggressive bone cancer. Jeremiah Thomas, the 16-year-old from Texas, was diagnosed with Osteoblastic osteosarcoma less than 20 weeks ago. “There’s cancer, and all cancer is bad, it’s devastating to anybody that goes through it,…

A high school football star has left a message for his generation just days before losing a short battle with an aggressive bone cancer.

Jeremiah Thomas, the 16-year-old from Texas, was diagnosed with Osteoblastic osteosarcoma less than 20 weeks ago.

“There’s cancer, and all cancer is bad, it’s devastating to anybody that goes through it, and then there’s this kind of cancer,” Jeremiah’s father Rusty Thomas said. “This is one of the most aggressive, fiercest cancers on the planet.”

In a video shared on social media, Jeremiah said: “I don’t know how much time I have left on this earth, but with what time I do have I want it to count for God in my generation… We’ve grown up in a culture of death, sexual confusion, immorality, and fatherlessness.

“One-third of our generation has been wiped out due to abortion. Over 25 million people have died as a result of AIDS. More young people die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, combined.”

Jeremiah is calling his generation to “leave behind the darkness, deception, and despair. “If you’re going through depression, there is hope in Christ. If you’re battling disease, there is healing in Christ. If you’re contemplating suicide or abortion there is abundant life found in Christ.”




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