
Taxpayer funded Islamic propaganda forced on teachers: “Islam was glorified, Christianity disparaged, and America bashed”

A nonprofit public interest law firm has reportedly uncovered evidence of a well-orchestrated Islamic indoctrination campaign aimed at teachers in the school system throughout several U.S. states. The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documents after concerns were raised about a two-day mandatory teacher-training seminar on Islam conducted…

A nonprofit public interest law firm has reportedly uncovered evidence of a well-orchestrated Islamic indoctrination campaign aimed at teachers in the school system throughout several U.S. states.

The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documents after concerns were raised about a two-day mandatory teacher-training seminar on Islam conducted by a Muslim consultant who was hired by Michigan’s Novi Community Schools District.

Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Law Center said: “We found that the teachers were subjected to two days of Islamic propaganda, where Islam was glorified, Christianity disparaged, and America bashed–all funded by Novi taxpayers.”

The school district signed a contract with the Muslim speaker, agreeing to pay $5,000 for the two-day seminar back in August 2017.

Leo Hohmann, the communications coordinator for TMLC told Church Militant, it was an “extremely coercive program” that was hosted by Huda Essa, a “professional Muslim apologist”.

According to a press release issued by the law firm, “During the past five years, the school district has presented no teacher-training seminars focusing on Christianity, Judaism or any other religion — only Islam.”

The workshop was attended by more than 400 teachers, and according to TMLC, not one teacher present challenged Essa’s denigration of Christianity or attacks on America.

“The information on Islam she provided to Novi teachers was riddled with falsehoods and errors of omission that were clearly meant to deceive,” the law firm said.

“All references to terrorism were dismissed as having nothing to do with Islam. White Christian males, she suggested, are more dangerous than Islamic radicals.”

TMLC urged patriotic American parents to take action to help stop the indoctrination of teachers and students, by attending school board meetings and calling attention to unconstitutional Islamic propaganda wherever it’s found.

“When their board is unresponsive, [parents] must be willing to take legal action to stop it whenever the law permits,” they added.



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