Canadian Pastor Jailed For Holding Church Services
“I read to my children the work the Lord is doing in people through James so they can see the sacrifice of their father is not in vain.”
Facebook Deplatforms Australia
Facebook has banned not only Australians from sharing or viewing local and international news, but also international users from sharing or viewing Australian news content.
By Corrupting Birth Certificates, You Can Destroy A Nation
Modern courts destroy birth certificates for the same reason that inferior dictators burn books.
Facebook Suspends Craig Kelly For Posts Citing Medical Professionals
Australian politician, Craig Kelly’s Facebook page has been suspended over five quotes he’d posted in February.
Questioning Lockdowns BECAUSE of the Science
Behind every number is a person, a real person, being affected in real ways.
School Tells White Parents To Become ‘White Traitors’ and Advocate for ‘White Abolition’
White Abolitionist. Changing institutions, dismantling whiteness, and not allowing whiteness to reassert itself.
Trump Acquitted of Fake Charge That Was Based on Fake News
The second impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump has ended in an acquittal.
Abortion to Birth — Nobody Wants This
I’m sending this letter to implore you to reject the Bill currently before parliament that is supporting abortion up to birth.
‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Notice Given for COVID Patients With Learning Disabilities
Do not resuscitate orders have been issued for people with learning disabilities who contract COVID-19, a charity in the UK has revealed.
The Spiritual Benefits of Scripture Journaling
One of the best pieces of advice I ever received about preaching was to first write out the passage by hand.
Why the Church’s Greatest Threat Is From Within
“How many sheep are outside, how many wolves within!”
Izzy Folau and His Demented Detractors
Do you remember how before the redefinition of marriage people were saying that nothing would change, as well as how any mention of a ‘slippery slope’ was fear-mongering?
Cancer Deaths to Surge After Hundreds of Thousands of Patients Had Treatments Postponed Due to Coronavirus Measures
A ‘crisis is brewing,’ according to the World Health Organization.
Thousands of Cricket Fans Can Pack a Stadium, but Churches Are Told They Still Shouldn’t Sing
It’s time for Christians everywhere to grow a backbone and stop being “evan-gelly-fish”.
Was Biden’s Election the Real Insurrection?
Without a doubt, interference in the United States election was a four-year long campaign to manufacture the 2020 election result, on a ‘whatever it takes’ to payback Trump for dethroning Hilary Clinton basis.
Churches Required To Submit Sermons To the Government for Approval, Under Proposed Law
Christian churches in Denmark will be required to translate and submit all sermons to the government, under a proposed law set to be debated in parliament later this month.
GQ’s Cringe “Photoshoot” of Joe Biden Is Like a Bad Communist Cover-Song
Quality control at GQ, must be on COVID-19 Wuhan Virus sabbatical.
BREAKING: Presbyterian Church of Australia Set to Defy Gay Conversion Bill
In response to Daniel Andrews ‘Change or Suppression Practices Bill’, the Presbyterian Church of Australia stands poised to defy the recent legislation. As has previously been reported, there are a plethora of problems with the bill—which has significant legal repercussions for people also outside of the state—and was recently passed by the Victorian Upper House without amendment, with a cross party group of politicians also vowing to push a similar proposal in the NSW Parliament. According to the Star Observer: The group is made up of NSW parliamentarians from across the party spectrum. Members include Liberal MLC Shayne Mallard, Labor…
Is It Still a “Conspiracy” if They Say It Was?
So, there was a ‘conspiracy’ after all?! It’s just that, according to Time, the collusion was warranted because Trump was such a tyrant and as such, the very foundations of democracy were at stake.
Thousands Rally for the Unborn Against ‘Violent’ Law Allowing Abortion Up Until Birth
Thousands of South Australians rallied in Adelaide on Saturday to protest proposed changes to the state’s abortion laws.