French President Emmanuel Macron wants to build a European army to oppose the United States.
The speech delivered by Emmanuel Macron, at the Armistice Centenary this week, was a carefully targeted rejection of Donald Trump and his popular platform. French President Emmanuel Macron remarked: The old demons are rising again, ready to complete their task of chaos and of death. Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. In saying, ‘Our interests first, whatever happens to the others’, you erase the most precious thing a nation can have, that which makes it live, that which causes it to be great and that which is most important: its moral values.[note]Emmanuel Macron…
Malaysia and Indonesia warn Australia, obey Muslims or risk more terrorism.
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has suggested Australian’s cause Islamic terrorism by defying the demands of Muslims. Speaking of Australia’s intention to move their embassy in Israel, Mahathir said: “I pointed out that in dealing with terrorism, one has to know the causes. Adding to the cause for terrorism is not going to be helpful.” Indonesian politicians made a similar threat. But keep in mind, every year the Australian government hands over $360-million of Australian taxpayer’s money to the ingrates in Indonesia for “foreign aid” purposes, like acquiring Apache attack helicopters worth $400-million. “Australia’s consideration on moving its embassy will…
Refugees say life on Nauru was BETTER than life after resettlement in the United States.
Life on Nauru is better than life in the United States, at least according to 40 of the 300 refugees who left the island nation for resettlement in the US. According to The Australian, when the refugees discovered life in the United States was not as easy as they hoped, they contacted Nauru’s Department of Justice and Border Protection asking to return to the island. “Refugee life on Nauru can include holidays in Fiji, business ownership, free housing and healthcare and jobs in government departments and at the local hospital, The Australian was told.” It sounds like all they’re fleeing…
Alex Greenwich suggests, Christians should ‘love thy neighbour’ by abandoning Christianity and their Bibles.
Equality Campaign co-chair and fake theologian Alex Greenwich has accused Christians of misrepresenting the Bible. In an interview on Sky News, the independent New South Wales MP suggested the biblical command to ‘love thy neighbour’ means Christians ought to abandon sexuality defined by Scripture to embrace LGBTQ+ sexuality. “The church ethos, or the ethos of Christianity is to love thy neighbour,” Greenwich said. “There is no where in the Bible, or in church teachings that says you should target gay kids and teachers. There’s no where in a religious ethos that says you should legalise bullying against the LGBTI community.…
Muslim Senator blasts “far-right conservatives” calling them “Merchants of Hate” out to divide and destroy the community.
Just days after an Islamic terrorist attack was carried out in Melbourne, Muslim Senator Mehreen Faruqi warned Parliament of “far-right conservatives” or as she referred to them, “Merchants of Hate.” “It seems almost every day we are met with a new far-right conservative movement, ranging the spectrum from straight up Neo-Nazis or fascists masquerading as libertarians to the tin foil hat brigade with their United Nations conspiracy theories,” the Greens Senator said. “Some of them are in this very parliament. I collectively call these groups the Merchants of Hate. But, perhaps ‘charlatans’ or ‘quacks’ would be better terms. They prey…
Australian Senator declares himself a woman so that pro-choice lefties will no longer be able to attack him for opposing abortion.
We’ve all heard the objections. No uterus, no opinion. Well, Nationals Senator Barry O’Sullivan has just clobbered the Left with their own stick. O’Sullivan told parliament he now identifies as a woman so that he would no longer be attacked for his opposition to abortion. “They attacked me for my religious basis the other day… because I had the audacity to raise issues around late-term abortion where babies that are only minutes away from getting a smack on the arse and a name are being aborted under the policies of the Australian Greens,” O’Sullivan said. “I will not stand silent.…
Several Australian universities BAN sarcasm because it’s a “form of violence.”
What’s with our overly-sensitive universities sheltering adults from ideas and opinions they may find offensive? And more importantly, what sort of effect will it have on their students, not only during their time at university but once they enter the real world. Jordan Peterson once rightly said, “It’s hard to make people safe because life is seriously not safe. The way that you make people resilient is by exposing them to the things that they’re afraid of and that make them uncomfortable, voluntarily, but you use exposure. “If you over coddle people, if you protect them from everything that’s sharp,…
Victoria’s Secret backtracks after transgender revolt: “We absolutely would cast a transgender model.”
Victoria’s Secret has probably picked the worst time to have their fashion show, corresponding with Trans Awareness Week which is typically observed the second week of November. In a recent post-event interview with Vogue, the lingerie line’s Chief Marketing Officer, Ed Razek was asked if he would include transgenders in the fashion show. “No. No, I don’t think we should,” Razek responded. “The show is fantasy. It’s a 42-minute entertainment special. That’s what it is.” “It is the only one of its kind in the world, and any other fashion brand in the world would take it in a minute, including the…
WATCH: Organisations are teaching migrants to lie to border police and pretend to be persecuted Christians.
Lauren Southern’s team have gone undercover and exposed the director of a major Non-Governmental Organisation in Europe which is teaching migrants to lie to border police by pretending to be persecuted Christians. Director of a major NGO in Europe tells our undercover team how she teaches migrants to lie & pretend to be persecuted Christians to border police. Last year they worked w/ 15,000 migrants. The UN has responded to our investigation calling it 'alarming' – — Lauren Southern (@Lauren_Southern) November 12, 2018 Ariel Ricker, Advocates Abroad: “I tell them that this is acting, all of this is…
Instagram deems Bible as hate speech: Seize the moment and share it with the whole globe… unless it is Christian.
It has been the majority view (and biblical view) in Church History that the role of Pastor / Elder is reserved for men only. This isn’t because women are considered inferior to men, but rather the focus is on different God given roles (despite what today’s culture may say men and women are different, yet equal). Recently, Founders Ministries, which is a conservative Baptist organisation, posted a theological article entitled, “Only Men May be Pastors,” on their website and social media platforms. This article, which was written by Pastor Tom Hicks, sets for a very strong biblical case for the…
WATCH: Australian Prime Minister says, we can’t give Islamic terrorists “excuses” by claiming mental health issues.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said it’s just an “excuse” to blame Melbourne’s recent Islamic terrorist attack on mental health issues. In an interview on Studio 10, the Prime Minister said, “This bloke, radicalised here in Australia with extreme Islam, took a knife and cut down a fellow Australian in Bourke Street. I mean, I’m not going to make excuses for that… “He was a terrorist. He was a radical extremist terrorist who took a knife to another Australian because he’d been radicalised in this country. We can’t give him excuses, and we can’t allow others. These other issues…
WATCH: Muslim Labor MP Anne Aly criticises the Prime Minister for “pointing fingers at radical Islam,” says there are “bigger threats than religious terror.”
Muslim Labor MP Anne Aly has criticised Scott Morrison for his response to the recent Islamic terrorist attack in Melbourne saying, the Prime Minister “needs a little terrorism 101 before pointing fingers at radical Islam.” The comments were made after the Prime Minister rightly called on Muslim leaders to take “special responsibility” for stamping out radicalism in their communities. “I am the first to protect religious freedom in this country, but it also means I must be the first to call out religious extremism,” the Prime Minister said. “Religious extremism takes many forms around the world, and no religion is…
President Trump slams Obama: “I’ll never forgive him… he made this country very unsafe.”
President Donald Trump has responded after Michelle Obama said she will never forgive him for putting her family at risk. In her forthcoming book Becoming, the former first lady wrote: The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks. What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls? Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And…
UK government refuse to offer asylum to Asia Bibi over fears it would upset Muslims.
The UK government have reportedly refused to offer asylum to a Pakistani Christian mother accused of blasphemy because the move would likely upset British Muslims. Asia Bibi spent eight years on death row in Pakistan after a group of Muslim women accused her of making insulting remarks about Mohammed in 2009. Bibi was recently released from prison after she was acquitted of the charge. Following the acquittal, thousands of Muslim men took to the streets of Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad to protest the decision and call for Bibi’s immediate beheading. “The entire nation of Pakistan is riled up and against…
BREAKING: Terrorism at Bourke Street Mall, shocking footage shows police being attacked.
WARNING: Graphic footage. On Bourke St. Roads blocked. — mike yang (@fayfayang) November 9, 2018 @abcmelbourne #bourkest source from wechat — windix (@windix) November 9, 2018 BOURKE STREET: This footage beggars belief. @3AW693 — Brianna Travers (@briannatravers) November 9, 2018 Man critical after attacking police and car fire in Melbourne CBD Authorities have urged the public to avoid Bourke Street in Melbourne’s CBD after emergency services …
Two women denied service at a New York restaurant because they were wearing MAGA hats.
Two women have said they were denied service at a restaurant in New York for wearing pro-Trump hats and t-shirts displaying the phrase, “Make America Great Again.” “We originally walked inside and asked for a table for two and he said that the wait was 2-hours because of our hats,” the women explained in a video posted on Twitter. “So, we got turned down – two Jewish women got kicked out of a restaurant in New York.” It’s one thing to have the freedom to refuse to create and advance a message you’re fundamentally opposed to, such as in the…
Jim Acosta says he never touched the White House aide, CNN says the footage is fake.
CNN’s Jim Acosta had his hard pass revoked after he physically prevented a female White House aide from taking the microphone from him. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said, “We stand by our decision to revoke this individual’s hard pass. We will not tolerate the inappropriate behavior clearly documented in this video.” We stand by our decision to revoke this individual’s hard pass. We will not tolerate the inappropriate behavior clearly documented in this video. — Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) November 8, 2018 Responding to Sander’s tweet, CNN’s Brian Stelter asked, “Where’d you obtain the distorted Acosta video you posted? InfoWars…
‘Drag Queen Story hour’ delivers erotic message to Perth kids.
Maylands bookstore Rabble Books and Games has invited two Perth drag performers Donna Kebab and Perri Oxide to read queer-themed books to “young kids”. The social media accounts of the two men are littered with erotic female costumes, which can only be intended to sexually excite their audience. The bookstore claims “this event is for everyone, but especially young kids. If you are a grown up whose heart sings at the idea of this (like mine), you are so welcome to come.” One of the gay men dressed in drag, Perri Oxide, posts sexualised XXX-themed content to social media, with…
Leftist protesters rally outside Tucker Carlson’s family home: “We know where you sleep at night… you are not safe!”
A mob of leftist protesters rallied outside the Washington D.C. family home of Fox News host and father of four, Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night. The Antifa mob reportedly rang the door bell and chanted, “racist scumbag, leave town!” An “anti-fascism” group called “Smash Racism DC” posted a series of videos showing the incident on their Twitter account saying, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night”. “No borders! No walls! No USA at all!” This is sick. Antifa are right now protecting in front of @TuckerCarlson house, because he supports the border wall. —…
Muslim makes racist comments, so the media make her look like a Christian minister.
About three weeks after announcing her conversion to Islam, Sinead O’Connor posted a tweet that she described as “so racist” that she “never thought her soul could ever feel it.” “I’m terribly sorry. What I’m about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel it,” she said. “But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again (if that’s what non-muslims are called). Not for one moment, for any reason. They are disgusting.” I'm terribly sorry. What I'm about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel…
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