Canadian Pastor Jailed For Holding Church Services
“I read to my children the work the Lord is doing in people through James so they can see the sacrifice of their father is not in vain.”
Churches Required To Submit Sermons To the Government for Approval, Under Proposed Law
Christian churches in Denmark will be required to translate and submit all sermons to the government, under a proposed law set to be debated in parliament later this month.
BREAKING: Presbyterian Church of Australia Set to Defy Gay Conversion Bill
In response to Daniel Andrews ‘Change or Suppression Practices Bill’, the Presbyterian Church of Australia stands poised to defy the recent legislation. As has previously been reported, there are a plethora of problems with the bill—which has significant legal repercussions for people also outside of the state—and was recently passed by the Victorian Upper House without amendment, with a cross party group of politicians also vowing to push a similar proposal in the NSW Parliament. According to the Star Observer: The group is made up of NSW parliamentarians from across the party spectrum. Members include Liberal MLC Shayne Mallard, Labor…
Ten Ways Jesus Has Changed The World For Women
Consider just ten of the ways that Jesus has changed the world for women.
Everyone Is Far-Right of Stalin
Most people understand that there is something deeply wrong with the language used to describe politics.
Love at the Edge of the Abyss
While Socialism might masquerade as a social force for good, it stalks through the world devouring the most important, sacred parts of civilisation.
Calls for Hypocritical State Governments to Ease Restrictions on Churches After Thousands Allowed to Pack Sporting Events
The Australian Senate has passed Nationals Senator Matthew Canavan’s motion calling on state governments to ease hypocritical restrictions on church attendance in time for Christmas.
Daniel Andrews Appoints Himself High Priest Of All Faiths
Dictator Daniel Andrews has positioned himself as the high priest of all faiths in seeking to ban ‘I can change’, a belief held by many same-sex attracted people.
ACL Urges MPs to Oppose “Most Dangerous and Draconian Bill Ever Seen In Australia”
The Australian Christian Lobby is calling on MPs to oppose, what they describe as, “the most dangerous and draconian bill” ever seen in Australia.
Christianity Is Harmful, Must Be Criminalized, Suggests Amnesty International
Amnesty International has suggested Christianity must be criminalized in Australia because it is harmful to individuals who identify as LGBTQA+.
The Four Year Mirage of Victory
As America determines the outcome of the election, it’s a good time for the modern right to engage in some much-needed self-reflection.
China Lectures US Over Human Rights Abuses After Election To UN Human Rights Council
China has reviewed the United States human rights record and issued a list of nine recommendations after being elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council.
Christians in the West Are Paralyzed by Politics and Pluralism
You cannot remove Christianity from the West, then think you are right to kick and scream when a leader/s rise who don’t live out Christian convictions.
Most People Would Rather Worship Caesar Than God
The dangers of idolatry ever confront us – even the believer in God. And one key area of idolatry is to put the state ahead of God.
France Moves to Ban Homeschooling: “Protect Children From Religion”
Control the textbooks, control the state.
The Wicked Subverted the West With Story
How do you change a western world where blasphemy is illegal? By way of subversion.
Nobody Expected the Transgender Inquisition!
Nobody expected the Transgender Inquisition! Nonetheless, it is well and truly underway.
To The Fence-Sitting Conservative
I want to pen an open letter to many people who are not too far from my side of the yard…
The Wicked Decided That The West Needed To Change
How did our Western Culture become what it is today?
Anti-Conversion Laws Seek To Outlaw Anyone Leaving the LGBTQ Lifestyle
With how irrelevant anti-conversion therapy laws are, the implication is that the LGBTQAAI+ religion is seeking to outlaw anyone from leaving the LGBT lifestyle.