Elon Musk Backs Gina Carano Lawsuit, Damns Disney’s “Racist” DEI Woke Standard
“Musk posted the ABCDs of Disney’s DEI Inclusion Standard for General Entertainment Content, labelling it, ‘mandatory, institutionalized racism and sexism!’”
A Necessary Pillar
Here are some examples of how the church helped build our great civilisation.
Biden’s LGBTQ+ Safetyism Proposal Potentially Bans Christians From Adopting or Foster Parenting
“Potential parents of orphans, or foster children, will have to agree to create an approved LGBTQ+ ‘safe space.'”
Peterson’s ARC Has No Future Without Jesus Christ
“A Christless ‘Christian’ Western restoration has no future.”
Anti-Christian Left Gloat Over Attacks on New GOP Speaker’s Wife
“What’s HuffPost’s problem with Christians counselling Christians according to our mutual faith?”
The Role of Government in a Free Society: A Biblical-Critical Appraisal
“The fundamental values of the liberal tradition were in fact exemplified, formulated, and wrought into the texture of Western society by Christianity, not only as a school of thought but as a way of life and feeling: as a religion, in short.”
Mental and Moral Clarity on Truth Versus Opinion
“…interfaith worship services – and interfaith marriages – can only really work when those involved do not take their particular faiths very seriously.”
Just When Do We Need Doctrinal Checklists?
“When do we need to know where another person or group stands in terms of their religious beliefs and theological stances, and when does it not matter so much?”
Avi Yemini’s Memoir Is Raw, Real, and Characteristically Unapologetic
“From trouble at school, views on religion, life on Melbourne’s streets, to drugs, homelessness, and rushed romance, Avi’s testimonial cuts through the left-wing media’s hate-funnelling hot-air.”
Christian Ministry Allegedly De-banked by Left-Wing Lobbyists Handed £20,000 Pay-Out
“The hate campaign to cripple CIT is one more sad example in a growing list of examples where lives and livelihoods are being used to force compliance with far-left-wing ideology.”
The Case Against the Sexual Revolution
“It is women who are overwhelmingly the losers when it comes to the assault on marriage and the push for sexual liberation.”
Christian Conservatives Are Not Welcome in the Liberal Party
“Sadly, there is way too much silence in the Liberal party. But what we saw last week was far worse than silence. Deeming was being punished for speaking up for girls’ and women’s safety. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, she knows the risks of biological males being given access to girls’ and women’s spaces.”
The Persecution of Christians by Zelensky’s Ukraine
“Ukraine’s security forces are carrying out raids of churches and arresting their clerics on accusations of treason.”
Lost Leaders and the Death of Nations
“When we wage full-tilt war on the most important social institutions of all time – marriage and family – then are we much better than the barbarians?”
Theologian Thunberg?
“The formula is simple: ditch God, and put some ‘cause’ in his place, hype up the imagined scenarios, and scare the pants off the people, and they will all readily submit to anything. Works like a charm.”
No, Secularism Is Not Good
“In the end, only one religion can take precedence over all others to promote justice and social harmony. The religion of secularism has sought to take that position from Christianity, and it has succeeded, even among Christians, by presenting itself as religiously impartial – as though that were a virtue.”
We Tried To Warn You
“Just how many things that we warned about have now come to pass?”
Victorian MP’s Maiden Speech Was a Reckoning for the Political Elite
“Lessons on tolerance were being replaced with lessons on inclusion. It wasn’t enough anymore to just accept each other’s differences with respect. Now students were required to affirm and celebrate beliefs they did not share.”
Judeo-Christianity? Should This Term Be Used?
“It is notable that traditionally the West was referred to as Christendom, not Judeo-Christendom, or Islamo-Christendom.”
Preparing for the Coming Coercion
“We must remember that we are part of a faith that turned the cross, a symbol of terror and oppression, into a symbol of hope and salvation.”