Thousands of Immigrants Head Towards U.S. Border After Biden Proposes ‘Path to Citizenship’ For 11 Million Illegals
Up to 8,000 immigrants are heading towards the United States border seeking a better life after Joe Biden proposes a massive immigration reform that would provide a ‘path for citizenship’ to 11 million illegal immigrants.
No Referendum, No Change to the National Anthem
Earlier this month, Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison announced that his Government had made the surprise unilateral decision to adjust the Australian national anthem by replacing the phrase “for we are young and free,” with “for we are one and free.”
UN Urges Men to Assume Women Are Smarter and Look for Consent Before Offering Information
The United Nations is urging men to avoid “mansplaining” to women by assuming females are smarter and waiting for consent before providing a woman with information.
UK Police Help Islamic Mob Remove Female Evangelist From Speakers’ Corner: “Allahu Akbar! Out, Out, Out!”
Police in the UK have removed a well known female evangelist from Hyde Park’s Speakers’ Corner after a mob of Muslims were offended by her message.
Jihad of the Womb: The Rampant Islamist Abductions of Egyptian Coptic Christian Women
It’s stating the obvious to say that the persecution of Christians isn’t taken seriously by elites and the general public in the West.
Family Breakdown and the Rise of Identity Politics
“This is not progress. We will need something greater than the sum of our parts to pull us back together.”
Shortage of Racism Forces ‘Victims’ to Fake Their Own Oppression
There’s a shortage of racism in America and it’s creating real difficulties for self-identified victims who now find themselves forced to oppress themselves. In recent months, there have been several reports of fake hate crimes being carried out across the nation. In March, Anayeli Dominguez-Pena, a 25-year-old student from the University of La Verne reported receiving several racist and threatening messages over email and social media, allegedly from a campus fraternity and its president. Following an investigation, police found Dominguez-Pena had sent the messages to herself. She was arrested and now faces charges for making a criminal threat and for…
Meet the Atheists Who Are Grateful for Christianity
The Australian journalist Greg Sheridan has quipped that these days, “the academic fashion is to attack Western civilisation, not study it.” With historic statues being trashed and toppled around the western world, and accusations of systemic racism being levelled against the fairest societies that history has produced, Sheridan couldn’t be more right. Sadly, those trying to erase our history seem unaware that the ideals they claim to stand for—like equality, human dignity, science and human rights—arose uniquely in the West. Not only that—these values owe much of their existence to Christianity. Over the last decade, there has been a flood…
Greens Senator mocked around the world after saying COVID-19 hurts women most, despite 70% of deaths being men
A New South Wales Green Senator has been ridiculed around the world after claiming COVID-19 is a “gendered crisis” because of the “disproportionate risk” it poses to women. Mehreen Faruqi, Australia’s first Muslim senator, made the comments yesterday, despite reports that coronavirus mortality rate is twice as high among men as it is among women. “Let us not forget that COVID-19 is a gendered crisis,” Faruqi said. “Nurses, teachers, child care workers, and early childhood educators, aged care workers and cleaners are mostly women. They are on the frontline of this public health crisis and carry a disproportionate risk of…
UN Religion Expert wants Christians to submit to LGBTQ and abortion activists
Ahmed Shaheed, lecturer and volunteer adviser to the U.N., is advocating that religions conform to an eventual universal, “progressive” law. In his latest report for the U.N, the religious freedom advocate provides an argument for a blueprint, which will outlaw any theological critique or practice, unless it has first been approved, or established by LGBTQAAI+ activists, radical feminists and academics who advocate from a Leftist worldview. Steve Warren from CBN news rightly noted that recent ‘Report of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief’ (available as a Word Document here), makes no distinction between who and what religion…
LGBTIQAX+ activists want us to see hate and bigotry where nothing but a difference of opinion exists
The headline to an article on “10 daily” claims, “I have to hide my identity around religious people now.” The article itself tells a masterfully woven story about how a homosexual, Arab Australian got into an Uber with a Christian Lebanese driver. The driver assumed his passenger shared culturally-typical opposition to homosexual relationships and undefining marriage. Lebanon is 54% Muslim and 40% Christian so it wasn’t a wildly improbable supposition. It’s hard to assume the 6% of other or no religions would all deviate from that cultural norm. Ignoring the post-modern myth that your sexual feelings and behaviours define your identity assumed…
UK newspaper says: ‘Muhammed had British value’ so we must ‘teach more Islam in schools’
Being a British Muslim is the most natural thing in the world because Mohammed had British values, according to the popular British newspaper, The Independent. In a non-satirical piece titled, The Prophet Mohammed had British values – so the only way to combat extremism is to teach more Islam in schools, Sajda Khan argues that if we want to stop people from joining Islamic terrorist groups like Isis, British children must be taught Islamic theology. “This is a golden opportunity to develop within our schools a curriculum based upon the biography of Prophet Muhammad, which clearly demonstrates and embed what…
Kristina Keneally now wrong on Kassam, guns and free speech
It’s said that bias isn’t what you put in, it’s what you choose to leave out. Kristina Keneally has demonstrated at best a factual ignorance, and at worst, a deliberate attempt to use US tragedy’s as a means to score political points. In the past week, two mass-shootings, one in Dayton Ohio, the other in El-Paso Texas, rocked the United States. The Labor Senator and Home Affairs spokeswoman in a Sydney Morning Herald op-ed titled, We can’t bury our heads when it comes to right-wing extremism wrote: On Sunday a wave of sadness consumed me as I saw Dayton, Ohio…
Disabled grandfather sacked for blasphemy after sharing ‘Islamophobic’ Billy Connolly sketch
A 54-year-old disabled grandfather has been fired for sharing an ‘Islamophobic’ Billy Connolly sketch on his personal Facebook page. Brian Leach was a check out worker at Asda in Mill Street West, Dewsbury for almost five years when he was “grassed-up” by an offended female employee who complained that the skit was anti-Islamic, The Mirror reports. In the offending video, Connolly mocks both Christianity and Islam, and refers to suicide bombers as “f***ing idiots.” “They said seven people, all Asian (Pakistani) as I understand it, had complained including the woman at head office who escalated the complaint,” Leach said. “I…
Netflix joins Alyssa Milano’s militant march against protecting life in the womb
Netflix are kowtowing to celebrity pressure regarding its investments in Georgia. The pressure comes after the American state voted to place significant limitations on abortion. The southeastern state of about 10.2 million people joins Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, and Utah in passing abortion restrictions under what is called ‘heartbeat bills’. The proposed legislation will prevent the violent interruption of a pregnancy, once a heartbeat is detected. Celebrities were quick to create a chorus of condemnation and took to social media to condemn the legislation. Much like the “Muslim ban” mislabeling applied to the Trump administration’s travel restrictions on…
Asia Bibi, Pakistani Christian mother who escaped death row after being accused of blasphemy, safely arrives in Canada
Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian woman who spent years on death row after being accused of blasphemy, has safely arrived in Canada. Bibi, a mother of five, was convicted in 2010 and sentenced to hang after a neighbour accused her of insulting Muhammad during an argument in 2009. The disagreement came as Bibi and her neighbours were gathering fruit. The neighbours accused Bibi of using a cup and rendering it “unclean” according to their Islamic faith. After telling Bibi that she should convert to Islam, the women claim Bibi responded by making an offensive remark about Muhammad. According to reports,…
The Toxic Paradox of Ilhan Omar’s Black Nationalism, Woke Blindness and the End of Days
In her[note]Disclaimer: I’m assuming Omar identifies as a woman based on the fact that Omar refers to herself as a woman on Twitter and being part of the “sisterhood”.[/note] last round of public appearances, Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar (Minn.) blamed America for the suffering of Venezuelans, and managed to alienate the majority of Americans with the provocative statement, “this is not going to be the country of the xenophobics. This is not going to be the country of white people.” As Omar failed to clarify who she meant by the term “white people”, one can only presume that Omar was…
Freedom of Religion and Belief in the 21st Century: A Christian Response
There are good reasons for rejecting the diagnosis that the problem with religion is that it discriminates, and the proposed cure that it not be allowed to discriminate any longer. 1. The whole approach is putting Australian law on a radically different basis. Christianity teaches its followers to think in terms of right and wrong, but the Australian Human Rights Commission, naturally, thinks in terms of rights. In Christianity, it is a sin to bow down to idols, to murder, to commit adultery, to steal, to be covetous or proud, and so on. The basic law is summarised in the…
Leftists are silent about Christian persecution because they want to maintain the lie that Christianity is harmful.
Leftists are awfully silent when it comes to Christian persecution. While they’re often quick to express concerns about the spread of “Islamophobia”, very few, if any, will ever mention “Christophobia”, despite the fact that Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world.[note]Pew Research Center[/note] When 290 Christians in Sri Lanka were slaughtered by Islamic terrorists, Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama, among others, chose to refer to the victims as “Easter worshippers” rather than “Christians”. Other outspoken leftists decided to say nothing at all about the attacks. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted up to 14 times about the massacre of 50…
Is there nothing worse than “racism”?
We need to have a sober conversation about the Coalition’s recommendations for their supporters on how to vote. Labor, The Greens, trade unions and most of mainstream media (apologies for repeating myself) are outspoken on their opinion that the party they’ve labelled as ‘racist’ should be put last by their own opponents. If anyone fails to see the self-serving agenda in this advice for classical liberals and conservatives from ‘progressive’ socialists, they are simply not looking. Firstly, if the Liberal-National Coalition fails to follow their advice, they get to virtue signal about the comfort given to ‘racists’. This may indeed…
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