79 search results for "muslim woman"

Footage has surfaced of Muslim women screaming at a man in Oldham, England who seemingly allowed his dog to walk too closely to Muslim children. The video begins with an aggressive woman trying to drag a child towards the dog. The terrified child broke free from the woman’s grip before falling to the ground. The hostile woman then approached the man screaming, “Call the police! He’s dangerous!” The woman then screamed in the man’s face, “You’re not going anywhere!” before the dog comes to the defense of his owner. WATCH: Muslims freaking out about guy walking dog in Oldham England…

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Belal Hajeid, member of the Skaf rape gang, served over 14 years in prison following attacks on two teenage girls in 2000. In June 2002, Hajeid was sentenced for 10 offenses in relation to the attacks and was released on parole in 2016. Hajeid was ordered to pay his victim $100,000 in compensation, but a tribunal later dropped that figure to $6,000. Channel 9’s A Current Affair tracked down Hajeid, now a council worker, and asked if he would apologise to the woman he raped. “Mate, what am I sorry about?” Hajeid replied. “I’ve done my time.” You can watch the full…

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A Melbourne father was stabbed in the neck in an Islamic State-inspired attacked which was carried out in front of his five year old daughter. The attacker was a 24 year old, female Bangladeshi student, who had only moved in with the family two days prior as part of a student placement program. According to the victim, the woman screamed “Allahu Akbar” moments before the attack. 9 News reports on the incident in the video below.

Ali Dawah is an Islamic proselytizer “spreading the message of Islam and answering misconceptions.” He has close to 20k followers on Twitter, and almost 205k subscribers on YouTube. Last week Dawah explained the ethics behind child marriage: You asked me, would I allow my daughter to get married at nine. The analogy is wrong. Our teachings say the woman has to be sexually, mentally, and physically ready. If my daughter reaches the age of menstruation at nine years old, I would say, you are ready to get married, however, if she says, ‘Dad, I don’t want to get married,’ OK.…

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When Lauren Southern conducted a social experiment suggesting “Allah is gay,” the experiment was quickly shut down by UK police for being offensive to Muslims. As a result of the experiment, Southern was banned from entering the UK a second time. Now watch UK police refuse to take any action after a British woman tries to make a complaint against Muslims waving terrorist flags in public. What makes Southern’s message more offensive than a call to annihilate an entire nation?

“Adopting a formal definition of ‘Islamophobia’ is a back door to Islamic blasphemy laws, which prevent open criticism of Islam’s beliefs and practices.”

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Kamel’s detention was just extended by 45 days. The second extension this year.

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Police in the UK are urging members of the public to report ‘hateful’ people, even if they haven’t committed an actual crime. In a short video published to social media last Saturday, Devon and Cornwall Police said it’s everyone’s responsibility to report anyone seen to be “hateful” even if their behaviour is not criminal. The minute-long animation is part of the ‘Zero Tolerance to Hate Crime’ campaign, which was launched with the help of “a representative group of different minority communities which expressed feelings of disharmony and unrest after the Brexit result…” The video shows several white men harassing and…

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Dove’s latest campaign, which is designed to help women feel more represented in media and advertising, has suggested the Islamic definition of modesty is “beautiful.” Getty Images has also jumped on board for the #ShowUs project to produce the largest photo library “created by women and non-binary individuals to shatter beauty stereotypes.” The goal of the campaign is to offer media and advertisers a “more inclusive vision of beauty.” One of the adverts used to promote the project features a Muslim woman wearing a hijab. Coupled with the image is the caption, “#ShowUs that modesty is beautiful.” Well done @Dove…

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Peter Tabichi, a 36-year-old Franciscan Monk from Kenya, has just won the Global Teaching prize, funded by the Dubai-based Varkey Foundation. This year the award was hosted by Hugh Jackman and carries with it a $1 million prize for excellence in teaching. Tabichi was selected from ‘over 10,000 applicants from around 179 countries’ and was one of ten finalists, which included U.K. teacher, Andrew Moffat, famous for gaining the ire of parents in Birmingham, for teaching LGBT ideology to kids, in a primary school with a large Muslim demographic. Largely focusing on the fact that Tabichi “gives away 80 per…

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A gunman is on the run after shooting dead four people and injuring 11 others near a Christmas market in Strasbourg, France. French police say the suspect is known to police and was on a terror watch list. According to CNN, the suspect, a 29-year-old man born in Strasbourg, was injured when police exchanged gunfire, however he managed to escape. Siegfried Muresan, European Parliament member said the entire area was in lockdown. UPDATE: Two people are now dead and eleven have been injured in a shooting in Strasbourg, France. #9Today pic.twitter.com/cCYrLopFQb — The Today Show (@TheTodayShow) December 11, 2018 UPDATE:…

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“The Orthodox faith… is considered a key element of what Putin calls ‘Russia’s moral foundations.’ These key elements are patriotism and Orthodox Christianity. These are, according to him, the moral foundations of Russia’s identity…”

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“When criminals seem to have more rights than victims, then you know that the West is doomed.”

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“Taking some of the harder things a preacher like Mari says and not putting it alongside the whole work of the man, his gracious addressing of those he disagrees with, his loving actions to the community, and much more, is incredibly unjust. But it fits in with what Jesus and Peter told us we should expect to see happen to Christian preachers in this world…”

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“…we have allowed ordinary Australians to basically be left without any defence when it comes to crime and criminals.”

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“…interfaith worship services – and interfaith marriages – can only really work when those involved do not take their particular faiths very seriously.”

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“The Hindu persecution of Christians has intensified since 2021 after India’s updated ‘anti-conversion laws’ helped drive what the New York Times, has called ‘anti-Christian hysteria.'”

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“Sutcliffe praised a group of students during a maths lesson, stating, ‘Well done, girls.'”

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“If ‘Trans Lives Matter,’ and they do, then is it fair for politicians, media heads, and activists to misdiagnose the problem of self-harm and suicide by continually pinning it on their Bible-believing grandmother and her local church? Is it not rather exploitative to accuse Christians of ‘murdering trans kids’ in an effort to pass legislation that would pressure believers to abandon their convictions?”

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The leftist Libs really are toast – long live Moira Deeming.

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