Muslim Senator blasts “far-right conservatives” calling them “Merchants of Hate” out to divide and destroy the community.
Just days after an Islamic terrorist attack was carried out in Melbourne, Muslim Senator Mehreen Faruqi warned Parliament of “far-right conservatives” or as she referred to them, “Merchants of Hate.” “It seems almost every day we are met with a new far-right conservative movement, ranging the spectrum from straight up Neo-Nazis or fascists masquerading as libertarians to the tin foil hat brigade with their United Nations conspiracy theories,” the Greens Senator said. “Some of them are in this very parliament. I collectively call these groups the Merchants of Hate. But, perhaps ‘charlatans’ or ‘quacks’ would be better terms. They prey…
Anne Aly is an expert in political opportunism
It was reported Saturday that Labor MP Anne Aly was highly critical of the Prime Minister for how he handled the terror attack in, where else but, Labor’s Victoria. Touted as a counter-terrorism expert, the leftist Islam apologist accused the PM of ‘dividing the community’ by pointing out that “the greatest threat to our way of life is radical, violent, extremist Islam.” Of course, fundamental Islam is more than a bit of a problem for all culturally Christian nations where it has any significant presence; and the bigger the presence, the bigger the problem. The sober reality which doesn’t fit…
Who Are the Real Fascists?
If the facts cannot be squeezed into a meme the level of attention those facts receive is reduced. Attention to detail is overlooked for what will best attract a view, a like, a follow or a share. Information is seen purely as a commodity.
UK government refuse to offer asylum to Asia Bibi over fears it would upset Muslims.
The UK government have reportedly refused to offer asylum to a Pakistani Christian mother accused of blasphemy because the move would likely upset British Muslims. Asia Bibi spent eight years on death row in Pakistan after a group of Muslim women accused her of making insulting remarks about Mohammed in 2009. Bibi was recently released from prison after she was acquitted of the charge. Following the acquittal, thousands of Muslim men took to the streets of Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad to protest the decision and call for Bibi’s immediate beheading. “The entire nation of Pakistan is riled up and against…
Muslim makes racist comments, so the media make her look like a Christian minister.
About three weeks after announcing her conversion to Islam, Sinead O’Connor posted a tweet that she described as “so racist” that she “never thought her soul could ever feel it.” “I’m terribly sorry. What I’m about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel it,” she said. “But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again (if that’s what non-muslims are called). Not for one moment, for any reason. They are disgusting.” I'm terribly sorry. What I'm about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel…
Death by lynch mob: Brett Kavanaugh, Asia Bibi and the shared rage of the mobs out to get them.
There’s an eerie similarity between the protests against Asia Bibi and the protests against Brett Kavanaugh. The tension, and rhetoric, of anti-blasphemy protesters in Pakistan, are at the same fever pitch, as anti-Kavanaugh protests were during the senate hearings, surrounding Kavanaugh’s supreme court nomination (and subsequent confirmation) in the United States. Placards brandished about during the Ford-Kavanaugh debate which labeled Kavanaugh a rapist (without evidence or a judicial trial), have much of the same intensity as the placards brandished about by Islamist protestors in Pakistan. For evidence of this, see the long list of celebrity outrage expressed online against the…
WATCH: Christian preacher arrested for ‘angering’ Muslims after he ‘challenged’ them with Bible verses.
The failure of multiculturalism is that it generally assumes all cultures are equal, or at least, that all cultures share the same vague commitment to the arbitrary notion of diversity in harmony. In reality, this is simply not the case. Time after time we witness countless examples of those, particularly from Islamic cultures, refusing to harmoniously exist alongside those who do not share their religious, moral or political beliefs. Today we have just another example of this very thing taking place, but what’s worse, we now have authorities and people in power operating to preserve the sensitivities of people from…
When there is nowhere else to go
There are times in life when it becomes obvious not only that the God who has revealed Himself in Christ is true, but that there is nowhere else to go. One such moment occurred for the apostles when many people who had been disciples of Jesus left Him because of His hard sayings (see John 6:60-66). Jesus then challenged the Twelve: ‘Do you want to go away as well?’ (John 6:66) Here they were, looking at the backs of the people who were their erstwhile friends and who were now leaving. They must have been asking themselves: ‘Did we get…
Christianity Is Not About Being Nice, Even Jesus Got Angry
Elshtain is right, viewing Christianity as an ethic of universal niceness and attributing it to Jesus Christ, is an aberration of Christianity. It misses the point.
WATCH: Maxine Waters says opposition to Sharia Law is “anti-Muslim bigotry.”
With politicians like these, who needs enemies? So often in the West we find people of power and influence claiming to represent the peoples’ best interest, but in actual fact, they’re doing the exact opposite. The following footage was taken February 19, 2012 during a public townhall meeting at the Islamic Society of Orange County in California. Congresswoman Maxine Waters offered a speech, criticizing opposition to the implementation of Sharia Law calling it anti-Muslim bigotry. “It was important to recognize what’s really going on, on these anti-Sharia laws,” Waters said. “They’re motivated by anti-Muslim bigotry, plain and simple.” “Sharia equals…
The confessing church is a church of martyrs.
The word martyr [μάρτυς] means to ‘bear witness’, this is derived from the word marturion [μαρτύριον] which is understood to mean evidence testimony; witness; to be testified. The word martyr is also connected to martyromai [μαρτύρομαι] ‘I am urging; I am bearing witness; I am declaring; I am insisting.’[note]Goodrick,W.E & Kohlenberger.J.R 1999 NIVAC:The Strongest NIV exhaustive concordance Zondervan USA[/note] Along with a lot of His colleagues, family and friends – of whom one was Karl Barth and the other Martin Niemöller, Bonhoeffer fits the profile of declaring; bearing witness; insisting. He was a martyr. Today, fascist theory might only exist in fringe elements of society, but the style of political activism employed…
Toronto event ‘open to everybody’ bans Christians and Jews: ‘They want the West to welcome them, then they ban us from their events…’
Journalist Laura Loomer and Toronto mayoral candidate Faith Goldy were barred from entering the Islamic Society of North America’s conference in Toronto on Sunday. The event, featuring Linda Sarsour and Siraj Wahhaj, was promoted as a free event that was open to everybody. However, when Loomer and Goldy attempted to enter, officials barred them at the door saying Christians and Jews were not welcome. “You want everybody in Western countries to welcome you so that you can come and invade our countries, but then you’re banning us from your events,” Loomer said. WATCH: Watch Islamists linked to Saudi-educated hate-monger #SirajWahhaj…
Review: Amazon Prime’s, ‘Jack Ryan’, The Rebranding & Forced Conversion of An American Patriot.
Amazon’s ‘Jack Ryan’ is a fresh creative take on Tom Clancy’s, ‘Jack Ryan’ brand. The story has a standard structure. The plot is revealed as characters move from one crisis to the next. Each episode adds to the next, leading to the narrative’s conclusion. Casting was on point. Actor John Krasinski (Jack Ryan) plays alongside Australian actress, Abbie Cornish (Doctor Cathy Mueller who takes up a “casual” romantic relationship with Ryan). Wendell Pierce (Robert Zane in ‘Suits’) plays the role of James Greer. All three add to the series and its fresh creative take on Tom Clancy’s, ‘Jack Ryan’ brand. Amazon has been consistent in the temperaments…
Convicted terrorist, planning to ‘chop some people up’ with a machete, praises Australia’s welfare system.
A convicted terrorist who was planning an attack on Australians with a machete and suicide vest has praised the nation’s “beautiful” welfare system. Yes, the money you earn is taken by the government and then given to these sorts, so the next victim of terrorism in Australia might be paying for the instruments of their own death. Peta Credlin on Sky News explains: “The fact we have terrorists on welfare, says something about how ‘soft-in-the-head’ modern Australia has become… “My problem is that more and more we’re letting a way of life develop here where the system puts the burden…
Christians in Egypt face increasing hostility and persecution.
Egypt’s indigenous Coptic Orthodox Christians have always been subject to persecution. Images circulating on social media often show the appalling situation faced by the largest Christian group in the Middle East. Recent Islamic attacks have forced many Copts to conduct their services outside in fear of a repeat attempt to snuff out their Christian presence. According to independent political activist and Milan Maksimovic, “Many don’t know that the Egyptian Government is complicit in this violence — quietly turning a blind eye while angry mobs continue to commit crimes against Coptic Christians.” In recent weeks there have been at least four…
Additional charges against Tommy Robinson: ‘Believe me, they are going to send me back to prison…’
Tommy Robinson has revealed he could face two-years in prison after additional charges were added to his retrial which is set to take place next week. In a post on his Facebook page, Robinson said, “the corrupt government have added another two charges to my trial on September 27th at the Old Bailey.” “They now want to send me to prison for stating facts about Islam and for live streaming whilst the defendants made sexual references about my wife and mother,” Robinson said. “The government have now officially made free speech illegal.” Tommy Robinson back on (Judge only) trial next…
WATCH: Former Muslims thrown out of a Hilton Starbucks for wearing shirts that state they are no longer Muslim.
Volunteers from an organisation called Ex-Muslims of North America claim they were “forcibly expelled” from a Starbucks within a Hilton hotel in Texas after they refused to remove their shirts declaring their apostasy from Islam. The volunteers, who were wearing t-shirts that read ‘I’m an Ex-Muslim, Ask Me Why’ were in the area handing out flyers and speaking with attendees of a conference held by the Islamic Society of North America. One of the volunteers was Lina, a Syrian woman who had traveled to the conference on behalf of the organisation. “I was surprised,” Lina said in a statement. “I…
WATCH: The ABC ridicules Scott Morrison’s faith and church: ‘If Jesus was a refugee we’d say, f-ck off, we’re full.’
The ABC’s taxpayer funded and failed program Tonightly with Tom Ballard has taken a swipe at Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s faith and the Pentecostal church he attends. A video posted to Ballard’s Facebook page says, “Some Australians are confused about Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s Evangelical faith and the role it plays in his politics. Christ rock duo The Shadow Ministers explain through song.” The song was performed by a duo pretending to be musicians from Morrison’s church. “ScoMo is under the spell of Jesus’ charm, and kids are under safety watch for self harm,” they sang. “If Jesus was a…
Muslim organisation that claimed immunity from Australian law ordered to knock down every building on their site.
The Muslim organisation that claimed immunity from Australian law, has reportedly been ordered to knock down its illegal compound and stop using the land for religious worship. According to the Daily Mail, the Land and Environment Court found the sect had undertaken land clearing and earthworks in breach of planning laws and had built structures without approval. The organisation previously refused access to council officers, reportedly calling them ‘Crusaders’ and an affront to Islam. Founder Mustapha Kara-Ali also refused to appear in court because “he did not recognise its authority.” “It is against our religion to be subject to any…
Australia’s first Muslim senator accuses Australians of building their nation on invasion and land theft.
Australia’s first Muslim Senator not only suggested it was racist to oppose Islam, she also accused Australians of building their nation on invasion and land theft. In her maiden speech Green’s Senator Mehreen Faruqi said, “We are gathered here today on stolen land… Australia is a nation built on the invasion and colonisation of sovereign nations. It surprises me and saddens me that this reality is still denied, often vehemently.” Ms Faruqi went on to say, “I bring to this chamber my track record in shaking things up and shifting the agenda on issues as diverse as: decriminalising abortion, drug…
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