406 search results for "islam"

In 2014, I got great pleasure from watching Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar, the celebrated sci-fi led by Matthew McConaughey. Inspired by my father, I had read Arthur C. Clarke and H. G. Wells in my youth, and to me, Interstellar was a return to the purest sci-fi. It really understood the modernist spirit. Star-wars scarcely rates as the same genre, being much more of a fairy-tale, really (a long time ago, in a land far away, a young princess got kidnapped, by a nasty wizard…). Unlike fantasy fiction, in which power is super-natural and has some basis in past history, a…

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Senator Cory Bernardi has said he’s “right on board” with Denmark’s recent decision to ban the Islamic full-face veil in public spaces. Senator Bernardi told Triple M: You shouldn’t be able to cover your face in public buildings. If you want to do it in your backyard, that’s OK. But what’s the point of having security cameras on our streets or CCTV if you don’t know who’s hiding underneath it? There’s been evidence that criminals have been using it… It is the flag of Islamic fundamentalism and we don’t want Islamic fundamentalism in this country. Listen: Senator @corybernardi is right…

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Flyers distributed in England are calling on white-supremacists to “Punish a Muslim” on July 24. The letter suggests punishments such as, “Spit in the face of a Muslim,” “Slap the Muslim in the face,” and even “Assassinate the Muslim politician, actor, comedian, cafe owner, or other leading figure and display his head on a pole.” The flyers are horrific, but author Raheem Kassam, is calling B.S. One of the punishments suggested involved burning or tearing up the “Holy Quran” and leaving it outside a “Masjid,” the Arabic word for Mosque. Kassam rightly pointed out, “No one who hates Islam would…

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Allie Stuckey, The Conservative Millennial, has schooled Mitt Romney after the candidate for U.S. Senate in Utah called pastor Robert Jeffress a “religious bigot” for believing one of the most basic doctrines of Christianity. Robert Jeffress says “you can’t be saved by being a Jew,“ and “Mormonism is a heresy from the pit of hell.” He’s said the same about Islam. Such a religious bigot should not be giving the prayer that opens the United States Embassy in Jerusalem. — Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) May 14, 2018 Historic Christianity has taught for 2,000 years that salvation is through faith in Christ…

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Do we need any more proof that the United Kingdom is broken? Tommy Robinson’s arrest was not an isolated incident. The United Kingdom has been on its knees to Islam for years. Just watch what happens when Muslim activist Anjem Choudary confronts a police officer after the officer is spotted wearing a Help for Heroes wristband. “As an officer you’re not supposed to have a political agenda,” Choudary states. “You’re not supposed to support the British government in their foreign policy, are you really? And you have a band, and you’re supporting the soldiers of this country… Why are you…

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Standing outside the British Embassy in The Hague, Netherlands, Geert Wilders issued a statement about the arrest of Tommy Robinson and the current state of Europe. Islam critics are taken to court, jailed or targeted with fatwas. The authorities try to silence us. However, Islamists are pampered, protected and defended. And that is totally unacceptable… Britain used to be a bastion of freedom of speech. Today its authorities are behaving like North Korea and Saudi Arabia. Watch: My statement in front of the British Embassy in The Hague today. Free Tommy Robinson!Restore Freedom Of Speech!#TommyRobinson #FreedomOfSpeech #FreeTommy pic.twitter.com/VLq0Xo6xWq — Geert…

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Tommy Robinson has reportedly been sentenced to 13-months jail after he was arrested outside Leeds Crown Court yesterday. Police arrested Robinson for “breach of the peace” while live-streaming a report on the grooming gang trials. Conservative journalist, Lauren Southern, who was arrested in the UK under the Terrorism Act in March this year said, “There is a UK reporting ban. No one there is allowed to talk about it.” Southern went on to say, “This is a death sentence… The British government that sent him to prison today… they know for a fact that he’s most likely going to die…

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This article was originally published on Mark Latham’s Outsiders. I worry that Australia is sleep walking its way to disaster. Political correctness, identity politics and cultural Marxism have run through our institutions at an astonishing rate. There’s not enough public awareness of where these changes have come from and what they mean for the future. Media headlines focus on each controversy in isolation. But we need to understand the overall pattern. The Left has launched a cultural invasion of Australia based on the concept of ‘fluidity’. Everything we thought was fixed in our understanding of the world – such as…

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What is Sharia? That depends on whom you ask. In this video, Robert Spencer explains the role of Sharia in orthodox Islam.

A Muslim woman has appeared in a Facebook video, lamenting the “great misery” Muslims suffer by living in Australia. In the 4-minute clip, the woman explains, “I’m living in a deadly, and catastrophic, man-made system called Capitalism, which oppresses humanity across the world… It is completely and utterly responsible for causing great misery and suffering… for people, such as myself, living in Western countries, like Australia.” Now, you’d think, if somebody didn’t like where they lived, they might easily pack up and move to their preferred location. Well, that’s not an option for this woman. She doesn’t want to change…

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Muslim activist, Yassmin Abdel-Magied, was born in Khartoum, Sudan. After an Islamic military coup overthrew the government, Yassmin and her family fled to the safety of Australia. Since moving to Australia, Yassmin has found freedom, wealth, “fame,” and success. All of these, of course, were graciously secured for her through the selfless sacrifices of our Anzac heroes. Yet in a display of incredible ingratitude, Yassmin now maintains her “fame” by disrespecting, not the violent, Islamic country she fled, but the country that accepted her, and that now grants her all the freedoms she has. Last year Yassmin copped criticism after…

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Carlson asks: With Assad gone, who would run it? Do we have another strongman to install? Or is our hope that a stable democracy will magically appear in the wake of civil war? And who exactly are these “moderate rebels” you hear so much about, the ones we’re supporting? The city where the chemical attack just occurred is mostly controlled by the Army of Islam, a radical group that has called for establishing an Islamic state under sharia law in Syria. We’re supposed to wage a new war on their behalf? Why?

A Melbourne father was stabbed in the neck in an Islamic State-inspired attacked which was carried out in front of his five year old daughter. The attacker was a 24 year old, female Bangladeshi student, who had only moved in with the family two days prior as part of a student placement program. According to the victim, the woman screamed “Allahu Akbar” moments before the attack. 9 News reports on the incident in the video below.

The ABC continue to pump out garbage at the taxpayer’s expense. Here’s a recent skit from Tonightly with Tom Ballard ridiculing widely accepted Christian beliefs. I wonder if they’ll treat Islamic teachings with such scorn next week? Probably not. That would bring a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘laughing your head off.’ No doubt they’ll cowardly stick to mocking the religion that teaches its followers to turn the other cheek – and the taxpayer will keep paying them to do so…

Ali Dawah is an Islamic proselytizer “spreading the message of Islam and answering misconceptions.” He has close to 20k followers on Twitter, and almost 205k subscribers on YouTube. Last week Dawah explained the ethics behind child marriage: You asked me, would I allow my daughter to get married at nine. The analogy is wrong. Our teachings say the woman has to be sexually, mentally, and physically ready. If my daughter reaches the age of menstruation at nine years old, I would say, you are ready to get married, however, if she says, ‘Dad, I don’t want to get married,’ OK.…

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Earlier this month Lauren Southern was detained and banned from the UK under the Terrorism Act. In the video below, Southern explains the events that led to her arrest.

Earlier this week Liberty Victoria awarded Yassmin Abdel-Magied the 2018 Young Voltair Award. In a series of tweets, Abdel-Magied announced, “I won an award for Free Speech y’all. This one is for all those young Muslims and POC [people of colour] in Aus and around the world who know their equality is conditional, but know they need to speak anyway… And for all those who tried to silence me… Eat your hearts out.” This one is for all those young Muslims and POC in Aus and around the world who know their equality is conditional, but know they need to speak…

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Conservative journalist, Lauren Southern, has been denied entry into the UK for criticising Islam during a previous visit. Border police in Calais detained Southern as she attempted to enter on a bus. The official notice of refusal claims Southern was “involved in the distribution of racist material in London.” Authorities deemed Southern “a threat to the fundamental interests of society and to the public policy of the United Kingdom.” Southern was stopped and investigated under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, which allows authorities broad and intrusive powers to stop, search and hold individuals “without any ground of suspecting…

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Is radicalism in the Muslim world a tiny minority phenomenon? Many of our leaders seem to think so, and they often stress the point in order to dispel any ideas that Islam is in any way incompatible with the West. Take for example just a small sampling of comments made by Western leaders, often immediately following an Islamic terrorist attack. Malcolm Turnbull: Islam is an ancient religion of great scholarship. I mean for heaven’s sake, must of our learning and culture came to us from the Muslims… The idea that Islam is antithetical to learning or culture or scholarship is absurd.…

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In a recent interview on Paul Murray Live, Craig Kelly pointed out, that Australia’s immigration intake is now at 230,000-240,000 per year. “Over four years, that’s a million people,” Kelly said. “That’s close to the population of the city of Adelaide which took two hundred years to develop. We’ve got that in four years. Anyone that drives around Sydney sees the congestion on our roads – the development, the units going up, and that’s just to try and get us where we are today. Where are we going to be in five-ten years time if we continue this rate of…

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