The LNP Prepares for War While Far-Left Australian Labor Pampers to the Privileged
Which party has its head in the clouds, and which party is in tune with the corrosive state of the world?
Christians Concerned Anti-Extremism Bill Will Be Used To Stamp Out Religious Liberty
“France will win nothing in its fight against Islamic separatism by equating Christianity and Islamism.”
Woke World Council of “Churches” Declares War On Israel
World Council of “Churches” (WCC) Commission moderator of International Affairs, Frank Chikane, equated Israel with demons in a recent online address.
Churches Required To Submit Sermons To the Government for Approval, Under Proposed Law
Christian churches in Denmark will be required to translate and submit all sermons to the government, under a proposed law set to be debated in parliament later this month.
GQ’s Cringe “Photoshoot” of Joe Biden Is Like a Bad Communist Cover-Song
Quality control at GQ, must be on COVID-19 Wuhan Virus sabbatical.
Thousands of Immigrants Head Towards U.S. Border After Biden Proposes ‘Path to Citizenship’ For 11 Million Illegals
Up to 8,000 immigrants are heading towards the United States border seeking a better life after Joe Biden proposes a massive immigration reform that would provide a ‘path for citizenship’ to 11 million illegal immigrants.
Why the Unrest in the West?
It was a year for the history books. Each of us has a story to tell about how the events of 2020 impacted us.
Muslim Man Linked to Murdered Elderly Couple Was Known to Counter Terrorism Police, Recently Granted Bail
Police in Queensland have shot dead a 22-year-old man after he lunged at officers while shouting “Allahu Akbar.”
Zimmermann: PM’s Reckless Apology Puts Australians at Risk
A prominent Chinese official shared a fake image of an Australian Digger threatening to slit the throat of an Afghan child.
Calls for Coptic Christian Activist Arrested on Fake Charges to be Freed
Egypt is being petitioned to release Coptic activist Ramy Kamel who was arrested in late November 2019, by Egyptian security forces.
Language as a Means of Political and Social Control
As innate language users, human beings use language as their primary means of communication.
Muslim Greens Senator Says Right-Wing Terrorists Have Been In Australia Since the First Fleet Arrived
An Australian Muslim Senator has said “right-wing terrorism” has existed in Australia since the First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay in 1788.
Muslims Behead More Than 50 People on Football Field
Islamic militants have beheaded more than 50 men and boys and dismembered their bodies on a football field in Mozambique, according to reports from state media.
Muslims “Have the Right to Kill Millions of French People,” Says Malaysia’s Former Prime Minister
Muslims have the “right” to kill millions of French people, according to Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia’s former Prime Minister.
New Blasphemy Laws: “Hate Speech” In Homes “Must Be Prosecuted”
If there is a genuine assault on liberty and free speech in the West, this is exactly how it will be carried out.
Security Guard Had “Bad Feeling” About Manchester Arena Bomber But Failed to Act For Fear of Appearing Racist
A security guard who worked the Manchester Arena said he had a “bad feeling” about suicide bomber Salman Abedi but was scared of being branded racist if his suspicions were wrong.
What Do a French Knife Attack and ‘Cancel Culture’ Have in Common?
France was left reeling last week after a middle school teacher was beheaded on a Paris street in broad daylight.
Trump vs Biden: The Citizen President vs the Career Politician
Ronald Reagan had a unique distaste for career politicians sucking wealth out of D.C.’s tax-payer funded tenure. Most too often more in tune with self-service, than public service. He also had a keen dislike for the faulty, seized-up mechanical inner-workings of Washington.
Is Kamala Harris Presidential Material?
Mike Pence’s gentlemen’s applause for Kamala Harris’ selection as Joe Biden’s number two takes into account the fact that Harris would be the first female Vice-President, and potentially the first female President, in U.S. history.
France Moves to Ban Homeschooling: “Protect Children From Religion”
Control the textbooks, control the state.