Calling Christians “Easter worshippers” doesn’t just insult the victims of the Islamist attack in Sri Lanka, it rubs salt into a wound felt round the world.
The tally of the Sri Lankan bombings on Resurrection Sunday now stands at 290 people with around 500 more wounded (many of that number include Sri Lankan Christians). CNN reported that ‘two suicide bombers perpetrated the attacks hitting three churches and four luxury hotels.’ The Wall Street Journal noted official statements from the Sri Lankan government, who said that the attacks were perpetrated by an Islamist group known as National Thoweeth Jamath. Apart from some formal condemnations from countries such as Indonesia, the Muslim world remains largely silent. While there are live updates from news organizations, including CNN, there’s no…
Is Donald Trump the Greatest Ever U.S. President?
In 2016, Donald Trump took up his first ever job for no money. His newest occupation of President of the United States would see him become the first ever leader to do it for free, opting to not take the US$400,000 annual salary. Since working in the oval office, Trump has reached several milestones that not many pundits saw coming. Unemployment currently sits at 3.7% which is the lowest in almost 50 years, with female unemployment reaching its lowest rate in 65 years. African-American unemployment fell to a record low of 5.9%, with record lows for the Asian and Hispanic-American…
Where is the worldwide outrage and mourning for Christians in Nigeria, The Philippines, and Egypt?
The attack on Masjid Al Nor and Linwood Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand was horrific. The loss of life, the changed lives and the many painful years of grieving to come for the victims involved – all of it heartbreaking. The world, as we’re told, now stands in mourning for the innocent lives taken. Social media is saturated with comments from those in disbelief, to those looking to show solidarity, or outrage, and those who see the attack on the Mosque in New Zealand, as an opportunity to further their own self-interest. We are witnessing, and no doubt will witness,…
Leftist Anti-Jewish Communist Trolls within the U.K. Labour Party Purge Liberal Progressive Non-Conformists.
In what could be labelled, the Left devouring its own, seven U.K. Labour members broke with the party yesterday over concerns about Brexit and what ex-Party member, Luciana Berger called, “institutional antisemitism”. Berger stated that she was “embarrassed and ashamed” of what the U.K Labour Party had now become. According to The Australian’s, Greg Sheridan, the seven M.P. Labour-exit is not unwarranted. Sheridan’s aptly titled piece, ‘Stinging rebuke to a Marxist takeover’,[note]Greg Sheridan, The Australian, Wednesday 20th February 2019 (p.9)[/note] backed Berger and her reasons for the seven M.P. exit. ‘ Jeremy Corbyn, the thirty-six year political veteran, and Socialist,…
Why are the globalists silent when it comes to totalitarian Islamic aggression in Sudan?
In a 2006 article written for the Stanford Journal of International Relations, called “Responding To Genocide In Sudan,”[note]Doane, S.M 2006 Responding to Genocide in Sudan: Barriers to Peace, International Indifference, and The Need for Tough Diplomacy, Stanford Journal of International Relations sourced 19th April 2017 from[/note] Stephan M. Doane lays out reasoning for a much needed, tougher international stand on the issues plaguing Sudan. The article is dated, but raises, on an academic level, awareness about the plight of many South Sudanese people, who are stuck in a cycle of constant violence. Many of whom are Christians. Doane’s piece is well…
The Labor Party is obsessed with identity politics, core document mentions ‘gender’ over a hundred times more than ‘poverty’
If you want to know what the Australian Labor Party is about, just take a look at the Consultation Draft of Labor’s National Platform. The consultation draft claims to “distill the policies and enduring values that Labor aspires to implement in government.” So, what’s on the agenda for Labor? Throughout the document, Labor mentions “gender” a staggering 138 times, compared to just 25 mentions of “poverty”. The term “sexual orientation” is mentioned 64 times; “intersex” 59 times; “identity” 42 times; “transgender” 36 times; “bisexual” 33 times; “lesbian” 31 times; “diversity” 27 times; “gender identity” 19 times; and the “gender pay…
WATCH: Social media fury, advert showing model removing Islamic head covering slammed for “Islamophobia.”
A clothing line is being widely criticized on social media after releasing an advertisement which suggests female Islamic clothing is oppressive. The 20-second advert is part of a campaign for Israeli brand Hoodies and features Israeli model Bar Refaeli wearing a niqab and hijab. The words, “Is it Iran here?” appear on the screen before Refaeli removed her Islamic dress to reveal Hoodies clothing. The ad ends with the line, “Freedom is Basic.” "iran is here?"look at this very racist and islamophobic commercial the israeli clothing company "hoodies" just released.. — noam is an angry kike (@carolvalkyrie) October 29,…
President Trump says ‘more will follow,’ BBC News incorrectly reports: Trump tells UN ‘WAR will follow.’
BBC News has dangerously misheard President Donald Trump during his recent speech to the United Nations General Assembly. The President told the Assembly, “Last month we began reimposing hard-hitting nuclear sanctions that had been lifted under the Iran deal. Additional sanctions will resume November 5th and more will follow.” But that’s not what the public broadcaster heard. Instead the official BBC News (World) Twitter account incorrectly claimed: “Donald Trump tells UN General Assembly ‘war will follow’ after his decision to re-impose sanctions on Iran, who he accuses of ‘slaughter in Syria and Yemen.’” Almost an hour later BBC News realised…
WATCH: Former Muslims thrown out of a Hilton Starbucks for wearing shirts that state they are no longer Muslim.
Volunteers from an organisation called Ex-Muslims of North America claim they were “forcibly expelled” from a Starbucks within a Hilton hotel in Texas after they refused to remove their shirts declaring their apostasy from Islam. The volunteers, who were wearing t-shirts that read ‘I’m an Ex-Muslim, Ask Me Why’ were in the area handing out flyers and speaking with attendees of a conference held by the Islamic Society of North America. One of the volunteers was Lina, a Syrian woman who had traveled to the conference on behalf of the organisation. “I was surprised,” Lina said in a statement. “I…
Woman sentenced to 20-years in prison for removing her Islamic headscarf in public
A 42-year old woman from Iran was reportedly sentenced to 20-years in prison after she removed her Islamic headscarf in public. Shapark Shajarizadeh was arrested in February after footage was posted online, showing the woman protesting compulsory hijab laws. The video shows Ms Shajarizadeh standing on a traffic island in the Iranian capital Tehran waving around her headscarf. The 42-year old was initially charged with “inciting corruption and prostitution,” but later released on bail after Amnesty reported on the incident. In a video posted by Iranian activist Masih Alinejad, Ms Shajarizadeh said she’s be arrested at least three times already. “I…
The ABC says, ‘thanks, MEN’ for spiked drinks, rape, domestic violence and murder
The incredibly unfunny Tonightly with Tom Ballard has taken a swipe at Miranda Devine after The Daily Telegraph columnist said, “Women are the weaker sex and I think it’s outrageous to be demonising the very people who protect us.” The clip features a number of women thanking “men” for things such as spiked drinks, rape, domestic violence, and murder. Thanks men, for putting a pill in my drink at the bar. Passing out by myself would be dangerous. Thanks men, for not listening to us when we say no. You know I’m not strong enough to know what I want.…
Horrific: 27 babies left to die after failed abortions, some potentially as old as 34-weeks
AT LEAST 27 babies were born alive and ‘left to die’ without medical treatment after failed abortion procedures in Western Australia. Some of the babies were potentially as old as 34-weeks, parliamentary questioning revealed. More than 7,000 people called for an inquiry to investigate the ‘systemic failures’ that allowed at least 26 [at the time of the petition] Western Australians to be left to die, WA Today reported. The petition was tabled by pro-life parliamentarian Nick Goiran who wants the deaths to be thoroughly investigated, especially after it was revealed there was “no record of medical intervention or resuscitation.” Mr Goiran…
Deported! US border authorities to Yassmin Abdel-Magied: ‘We’re sending you back!’
When Yassmin Abdel-Magied landed in the United States, it took US border authorities just a few minutes to examine her case before announcing, “We’re sending you back!” Abdel-Magied was set to speak at a New York event titled, ‘The M Word: No Country for Young Muslim Women.’ The event is part of the PEN America World Voices Festival. Thankfully for us, Abdel-Magied live tweeted the whole experience… Enjoy, and God bless the USA. ** if they will let me in. I’m currently at the border and they’ve said I’m being deported. This should be fun. What are my rights ?…
Child bride warns women about life under Islam: no equality, no rights, no mercy
“Islamophobia? Under Islam I was raped, I was put in prison, I was lashed, I was beaten, I was sold into marriage, I was literally broken down into pieces and I had to build myself back up. Do you really think my fear is irrational? I have every single right and reason to fear this ideology.” Aynaz Anni Cyrus Do you remember when Theresa May suggested, Sharia teaching is being “misused and exploited” to discriminate against Muslim women, but insisted that many British people “benefit a great deal” from the strict law system? Let us introduce you to Aynaz Anni…
“Not all refugees are terrorists, but most terrorists are refugees”
In Miranda Devine’s latest piece, she argues, “It is time for honesty about the source of the terrorist threat in this country, and the make-up of our refugee intake. There are plenty of Christian and Yazidi refugees in the world to help, without offering to share our home with people who want to kill us.” Mark Steyn made a similar call in response to the recent attack in Melbourne, stating, “Instead of attempting to ring-fence every potential target – i.e., everything and everyone – with Diversity Bollards, we could try installing bollards where they matter – around the civilized world.”…
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