626 search results for "good government"

Cuban President, Miguel Diaz-Canel, “vowed that the government won’t yield to protesters’ demands;” and called on “supporters to take back the streets.”

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Once we deprive people of their right to say “no” to an intervention upon their body, the moral and legal precedent is set, and the door is opened to further abuses of human rights.

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If Big Media and Big Tech aren’t protecting an approved globalist narrative, why would Reuters not allow an accomplished, high-profile doctor the right to balance out an attack on his character, and his medical views?

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“I am genuinely surprised at how far we have been willing to go to obey the government and I think it is critical to ask the question: ‘At which point will I disobey?'”

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As of June 28, 2021, there are 272 dead following the vaccines, only 1 dead from COVID-19.

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“To say that the West only got as powerful as it did because of slavery, is also wrong, because other empires were engaged in slavery, many to a much higher level and yet the West outstripped them.”

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“If we don’t have confidence in Australia’s elections, we cannot be sure that the government in power was duly elected by the people and is actually representing the interests of Australia’s citizens.”

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“Guided by Democrats, it looks like legacy media used January 6 to incite mass hysteria for the purpose of shoring up the legitimacy of the Biden presidency.”

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Questioning the legitimacy of an untested, rushed vaccine isn’t “anti-vaxx”, it’s pro-science, pro-people and pro-common sense.

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Pastor Richardson said he has counted the cost and is prepared to suffer.

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Of course, all the usual suspects have voiced their outrage at Hungary’s “homophobic” and “transphobic” move.

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“They have, at their resources, far more sophisticated methods of locating someone’s whereabouts,” Attorney-General John Quigley said.

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“This is not just a blatant violation of key codes of medical ethics, but it is resulting in a new case of discrimination and bigotry: an upper class of the vaxxed, and a lower class of the un-vaxxed.”

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“Build Back Better means totalitarian rule by a global, technocratic elite – as constrictive and immiserating as life under fascism or communism.”

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“The state always seeks to take ever more power and control, displacing all rivals for supreme authority and full submission.”

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“The government saying that potentially life-saving counter-COVID treatments can hurt us while shoving an untested vaccine down our throats doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.”

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While Hollywood fought their pretend war against a pretend enemy, they continued to align themselves with real ones.

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While they risk your portfolio, with the blessing of the Government, and Unions, there’s minimal risk to their own. All this suggests that “Climate Change” is a game for the rich.

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“If cancer research can be halted, and risk being sent backwards, for a virus that’s become more about politics than healthcare, it can be halted for other political reasons.”

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While free stuff is a better option than mandatory vaccinations, it shouldn’t be an either/or option.

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