537 search results for "god over government"

There are good reasons for rejecting the diagnosis that the problem with religion is that it discriminates, and the proposed cure that it not be allowed to discriminate any longer. 1. The whole approach is putting Australian law on a radically different basis. Christianity teaches its followers to think in terms of right and wrong, but the Australian Human Rights Commission, naturally, thinks in terms of rights. In Christianity, it is a sin to bow down to idols, to murder, to commit adultery, to steal, to be covetous or proud, and so on. The basic law is summarised in the…

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The tally of the Sri Lankan bombings on Resurrection Sunday now stands at 290 people with around 500 more wounded (many of that number include Sri Lankan Christians). CNN reported that ‘two suicide bombers perpetrated the attacks hitting three churches and four luxury hotels.’  The Wall Street Journal noted official statements from the Sri Lankan government, who said that the attacks were perpetrated by an Islamist group known as National Thoweeth Jamath. Apart from some formal condemnations from countries such as Indonesia, the Muslim world remains largely silent. While there are live updates from news organizations, including CNN, there’s no…

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The LGBT community’s grievances and the reason for their sensitivity regarding the Israel Folau controversy are understandable. A non-biblical version of sin has been misused over the years to beat people down, not bring them to faith and repentance. (See Psychiatrist, Karl Menninger’s ‘Whatever Became of Sin?’, 1976) That historical misuse, however, doesn’t justify the unjust writhing and screaming being thrown towards Folau. None of this justifies dehumanizing a man and taking away his bread and butter. None of this justifies any corporation such as Qantas, bullying, via economic sanctions, companies they do business with, such as Rugby Australia. As…

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Mainstream media are revelling like pigs in mud with the sensational headlines they get to write this week about One Nation. The big story is James Ashby and Steve Dickson flew to America to meet with lobbyists and were secretly recorded discussing potential policies and donations. Apparently, it’s business as normal when the major parties do it, but outrageous when One Nation does. Or is it only scandalous because the topic was every authoritarian’s favourite policy: government restrictions on law-abiding firearms owners; and the lobbyist was the NRA? Gun regulation is a darling of the leftist media complex internationally and…

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I have been waiting for other Christian leaders on Facebook and other public platforms to take the bull by the horns and address the elephant in the room. It’s the elephant no one wants to address because it is an elephant that tells us that so much of what we hold dear about western civilisation is a lie. But as these much more experienced and well-spoken leaders are refusing to address the elephant, I decided I would have to make my own attempt to not only point out the elephant but paint it bright pink and make it so unavoidably…

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Scott Morrison says an Australian man massacred worshippers in an act of “extremist right-wing terrorism” which was streamed on the internet. I am deeply troubled by the words employed by the Australian Prime Minister as it could incite violence against so-called right-wingers. As it turns out, it appears that the terrorist is not even a right-winger. He is a self-described anarchist and a radical environmentalist, and an admirer of Communist China. In his own manifesto the terrorist gunman who killed 49 Muslims at a mosque in New Zealand wanted “no part of” conservatism described himself as an “eco-fascist” admired Communist…

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The tear in the Belle Epoque (beautiful age) began in 1912 with the criminal, and avoidable, loss of lives on the Titanic. The whole veil of the Belle Epoque was ripped apart and exposed for what it was, when the first shells fell in 1914, and when the Bolsheviks, violently resigned Europe to 72 years of socialist hell in 1917. The age of the Übermensch; the age of man conquering mountain, myth, monster and supposedly, God, came crashing down. Bill T. Arnold sums it up: The 20th Century proved to be the most violent century of world history, dispelling the…

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While most of us are fans of ‘The Hobbit‘ and ‘Lord of the Rings‘ novels, some of us probably aren’t as up to date on the rest of J.R.R.Tolkien’s work and thought. The majority would know that he was friends with C.S. Lewis, and was part of the Inklings. An Oxford circle of writers, who would meet on an informal basis in order to compare and critique each others’ writing. The group informally (and unconventionally) included the straight-talking, Dorothy Sayers, and is said to have centred around the groups’ shared Christian faith and Christian values. Though Sayers apparently never attended the Inking…

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In August 2016, I posted a quick response to the hysteria surrounding the election of Donald Trump. I headlined that post, ‘Why Trump is Not Hitler, & Why American Evangelicals Are Not German Christians’. My aim was to counter a lot of what I was seeing posted on social media by people who were usually level-headed and intellectually responsible. It was disappointing to see normally sane individuals suddenly join in the anti-trump rants – which really were, I’m angry because the Leftist power structures, and its monopoly on power, has been diminished – tantrums. Worse still, some Christian conservative academics…

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In May 2013 Dr Kermit Gosnell from Pennsylvania was found guilty of three counts of first degree murder of three children intended for abortion but born alive and then murdered, and one count of involuntary manslaughter for failing to properly look after a woman who had gone through an abortion. Even some hardened pro-abortion people admitted that the whole business was grisly in the extreme. Apparently one of the aborted children was so big that Gosnell quipped that he could ‘walk me to the bus stop’. Photos were shown to the jury which depicted babies with wounds in the back…

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They say those who won’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. And narcissistic, selfie-obsessed millenials are proof to the veracity of that claim. Almost two-thirds of individuals born between 1981 and 1996 view Socialism in a positive light. .@carolinemarcus: Close to two-thirds of millennials in Australia view socialism in a favourable light. I’m a little bit shocked by the sheer number of people. They’ve obviously become so complacent about how good we have it. MORE: https://t.co/ykweMevBOK #thefridayshow pic.twitter.com/JTY5HnaVbK — Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) February 8, 2019 Meanwhile in the U.S. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ed Markey have introduced…

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The provocative quote of the week goes to, Charles Spurgeon: “Be a good hater.” The statement, “be a good hater” is a challenge to resist evil (James 4L7). To resist the morality of the tyrant or the ‘crowd which has no hands’ (Kierkegaard, The Crowd is Untruth) In context, it means: to abhor evil: to regard it with extreme repugnance. [In Latin, “abhor” is Odium: with hostility; “repugnance”: resist, be an adversary of evil.] Our present age has an almost absolute fear of hate, yet most would agree that “let love be genuine. Hate what is evil, cling to that…

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As Western societies lurch from one disastrous fad to another, there have been increased efforts to ban what are called gay conversion therapies. Hollywood has naturally offered its obligatory contribution with the movie Boy Erased, Academia chipped in with a report from La Trobe University – the institution that birthed the Safe Schools Coalition – which joined with the Human Rights Law Centre and Gay & Lesbian Health Victoria to produce research to show that ‘LGBT conversion therapy remains a real problem in Australian religious communities.’ The Victorian government over 2016-2017 banned such therapy, and the Conservative government in the…

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By 1685 Louis XIV had from the age of four been the King of France for 42 years, and he still had another thirty years to reign. From birth his mind and heart had been thoroughly trained to believe that God had anointed him to be France’s absolute ruler. His Huguenot subjects, the French Protestants who refused to submit to his Roman Catholic beliefs and practices, offended him. They stood outside of his thought-world. They stood against the beliefs that he cherished as true. Ultimately, he sensed that they stood outside of his control. The Huguenots offended the abysmal totalitarian…

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What people think matters; how people see us matters. We anchor ourselves to the opinions and values of others. Men and women latch their value to the people we see as giving us value. Our worth is then neatly packaged into the confined space of that other person’s thoughts and whims. This is all okay up to a point. Humans were built for community, we need good government and organisation; men and women, living in fellowship, not in isolation, are human together. However, people tethering themselves to the thoughts of others without caution, spells potential disaster. For example, when we…

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The Telegraph UK published a piece yesterday encouraging married couples to, at the very least, discuss the possibility of a “consensual non-monogamous” marriage. According to the article, titled ‘Why men should give their wives a cheat pass this Christmas,’ monogamy might not be the only approach to long-term relationships, because “contrary to popular opinion, women tire of their sexual partners faster than men, and need just as much sexual adventure and novelty as their male counterparts – if not more.” The article goes on to argue that monogamy is hard, citing a YouGov study that showed one in five British…

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Here’s one not to miss. John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church, founder of Grace to You Ministries, and president of The Master’s University and The Master’s Seminary in California, will appear on the Ben Shapiro Show: Sunday Special to discuss the role of government, proof of God, and more. Dr MacArthur was a frequent guest on Larry King Live and has been acknowledged by Christianity Today to be one of the most influential preachers of our time. THE @BENSHAPIRO SHOW: SUNDAY SPECIAL! Sunday: Pastor John MacArthur joins Ben to discuss the role of government, proof of God, and more!!!…

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Drawing on the work of two American writers, Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff, Paul Kelly wrote recently of ‘the three great lies corroding Western cultures’. In his view, these are: first, that disputes today are a battle between good (defined as the oppressed victims) and evil (defined as the privileged minority); secondly, that people will be made weaker by being challenged so they need to be protected and made safe; and thirdly, that we must always trust our feelings. All that is undeniable, but associated with these great lies is the confusion in our view of the law. In the…

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Peter Hitchens has warned, the atheist campaign against God in the West is preparing the way for Islam. In an interview on Conversations with Vicky Warren, Hitchens said, “When they drive Christianity out of Europe, as they’re rapidly succeeding in doing, they will not create an atheist paradise. They will leave a space for Islam.” Hitchens went on to warn that material prosperity, military force and anti-terror laws are not a reliable or sufficient defense against Islamic take-over. With Christianity out of the picture the spread of Islam will be near impossible to resist. “Those people who now campaign for Christianity to be…

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Capitalism may be plagued by greed, as it hinders the free market through hoarding and monopolies, but ultimately capitalism creates room for compassion. Laws exist to fortify the free market, so as to protect the free market from the death blows of a greed-is-good culture. Through the referee of small government the free market is nurtured. Through capitalism, doors are opened for freedom; for people to be free to be compassionate; free to give out of the abundance of what they have earned. Free to give out of the abundance of what they are free to own and earn. Socialism,…

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