130 search results for "french"

“Whoever strikes against God strikes down himself… Liberation from God is enslavement in creatures. Absolute humanism is the sure road to absolute despotism. Denial of God as truth begets the imprisonment of man in the self-imposed darkness of his own myths.”

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“I did not know that Emmanuel Macron was not vaccinated,” he said. “I did not know that most of the government members were not, and I did not know as many of my fellow MPs were not either.”

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“So why are the AFL and Dan Andrews and all the media tarts not seeking to force HER out, publicly shame and humiliate her, and make a lesson out of her? Oh, that’s right: Islam good, Christianity evil.”

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“The green gendarme’s primary purpose will be to ‘fight against damage to the environment.'”

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“Why are our elites doing so many foolish things that empower the enemies of the West?”

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“Communism has been the most bloodthirsty and diabolical political ideology to have been unleashed upon the world.”

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“Free speech is really vital, but there will always be some limits.”

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“Shelley held a utopian vision that gender differences, ‘detestable distinctions’, as he called them in a letter, would ‘surely be abolished in a future state of being.’”

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“If truth is purely subjective, morality fluid, then there is no concrete basis on which leftists can declare anything to be either misinformation or disinformation.”

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“The progressives quite fittingly have dusted off the original usage of the word racism and applied it to western peoples today to suppress their desire to defend their nationalities.”

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“Vaccination certificates will therefore have to go—and will be gone at least from our free schools. The form of tyranny hidden in these vaccination certificates is just as real a threat to the nation’s spiritual resources as a smallpox epidemic itself.”

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“Any serious student of the 1930s is struck by the familiarity of the debate.”

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“To oppose tyranny is to honour God. The office of the magistrate demands our respect, but we need not blindly respect the ruler in that office.”

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“If we ever get out of all this alive, one day the historians will marvel at the utter insanity that swept the world – certainly the Western world.”

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“The decision to retract the training manual is not a win for critics, it’s a win for the good people, and good work done by the Salvos.”

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“The unforgivable failures on so many levels means the world is still in the dark about the precise turn of events that sparked this pandemic, and this of course leaves the world vulnerable to whatever comes next.”

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“The massive wave of protests in Australia follows months of protests in France, and the rising wave of visible dissent in Austria, and Italy, as governments continue to pursue a hard-line authoritarian course further into the abyss of therapeutic totalitarianism.”

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“All employers in Australia need to educate themselves and think deeply about their next move.”

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Trusting too much in government is un-Christian and it always results in oppression and tyranny.

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“Before thinking through how and when we should submit to governing rulers, we must first take a step back to an even more fundamental question: What is the proper role and scope of government in this world?”

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