557 search results for "free speech"

“I’ve covered most lockdown protests in Melbourne and this was the biggest one I’ve ever seen,” Avi Yemini of Rebel News told Caldron Pool.

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“Dr. Ridd, a marine scientist with extensive experience on the Great Barrier Reef, was dismissed by Cook University for questioning the popular view that the Great Barrier Reef is endangered.”

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“Should a scientist with over 30 years working on the Great Barrier Reef be able to say that work coming from other reef science organisations was subject to insufficient quality assurance, and was thus not trustworthy? Or should he be fired because it was discourteous and disrespectful?”

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“We’re not going to have some like yoga mat of solar panels added to our already heavy pack, just to make you feel good about green energy.”

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Communism is the new black, and it’s finding its latest iteration in the West through the leftist agenda of sexual identity politics. But as with every other form of socialism, it is already manifesting the underlying totalitarian tendencies.

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Egypt is being petitioned to release Coptic activist Ramy Kamel who was arrested in late November 2019, by Egyptian security forces.

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If there is a genuine assault on liberty and free speech in the West, this is exactly how it will be carried out.

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Escaping persecution and daily threats to our freedoms and rights under a suppressive Communist government, as a refugee family, we so appreciated the liberties that Australia afforded to us on our arrival. That’s why it is so painful for me, as a legal academic and lobbyist, to watch the current violations of our freedoms taking place, which are slowly corroding our fundamental freedoms and rights – all in the name of fear. As rational, thinking fee citizens involved in upholding the rule of law and engaging in political rights, it is important to take a step back as a nation…

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The LNP’s battle against the Coronavirus is also a battle for the hearts and minds of Australians. If the Prime Minister fails in winning the latter, his ability to fight and win the former will be significantly compromised. It’s evident to most that Scott Morrison is doing everything a good leader can to win this war, but as goes the law of unintended consequences, Morrison is on the cusp of losing the battle for Australia’s hearts and minds, because of the absence of reassuring battle cries. There’s no doubt that Sunday’s late press conference revealed a Prime Minister working hard…

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she’s tired of religious liberty advocates “weaponizing” the Bible to “justify bigotry,” just like white supremacists, slave owners and segregationists did. The New York congresswoman, who described herself as a “woman of faith”, made the comments during a Thursday House Oversight Committee hearing about the Trump administration’s “religious liberty assault on LGBTQ rights.” Ms Ocasio-Cortez retweeted a video of her speech on Sunday, saying: “There’s a long history in the US of abusing scripture to advance the causes of bigotry & discrimination. Slaveholders did it. Segregationists did it. White supremacists do it. And it continues. Yet…

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In a speech for the National Press Club on Wednesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivered the equivalent of a State of the Union address. From its content to his delivery, it was obvious that the Prime Minister was addressing the nation, not just the top end town. His address didn’t present a government in damage control, but a government that is in control. Morrison was right to not use the opportunity to give ground to noisy dishonest critics on social media. Many of whom come across as detached from everyday Australia, and seem to exist only as a deliberate distraction…

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One Nation NSW leader Mark Latham has said Australians were lied to during the same-sex marriage debate after voters were repeatedly assured the legalisation of gay ‘marriage’ would not result in a loss of freedoms. Mr Latham made the comments in a post on Facebook today, following news that the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board had accepted a complaint from an LGBTQ activist accusing Israel Folau of “homosexuality vilification”. Campaigner Garry Burns took issue with the former rugby star’s “controversial” April Instagram post which warned hell awaits sinners who refuse to turn to Jesus for forgiveness, including homosexuals. Mr Latham described the NSW…

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The line between inciting hate or violence and informing others about that hate and violence is being blurred. Facebook’s recent heavy-handed actions against Caldron Pool, and Caldron Pool contributor, Evelyn Rae, suggest that the social media platform is happy to unfairly conflate reporting or fair criticism of an event with endorsement of that event. There is a difference between advocacy and commentary. If we apply descriptive and prescriptive linguistics to how newsworthy events or commentary are presented, we can see that companies like Facebook will inevitably hurt their customer base, because they continue to blur the descriptive and the prescriptive,…

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Unless you’ve been completely living off-grid for the past three years, you’ll know that the United Kingdom’s, 2016, Brexit referendum is yet to be officially ratified. The 2016 referendum saw the people of the United Kingdom vote in favour of leaving the European Union by 1,269,501 people. The final result ended with 51.9% (17.5 million) of those in the U.K voting to leave the E.U, while 48.1% (16.1 million) voted to remain [i]. The results uncovered a division between North and South. The majority in England and Wales chose to leave, while Northern Ireland and Scotland, still heralding a decent…

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Kristina Keneally is hopelessly muddled about how freedom works, specifically freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I’m sure she’s had it explained to her before, but inexplicably comprehension yet eludes her – an alarming observation to make of a Federal Senator. I think leftists are often so mired in the prejudice of their anti-freedom propaganda they often end up shadow boxing, fighting against things no serious person believes. Take, for example, yesterday’s eleven-part Twitter challenge to the Prime Minister doubling down on her insistence that someone who tweeted something vile he then regretted, deleted and apologised for three years…

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Incredible scenes from the left side of Australian politics. Shadow Home Affairs Minister Kristina Keneally spoke in the Senate on Tuesday night to illustrate why British born political commentator & former Breitbart editor Raheem Kassam shouldn’t be allowed to enter the country to speak at CPAC (Australia’s Conservative Political Action Conference.) Keneally spoke bluntly: We should not allow a career bigot — a person who spreads hate speech about Muslims, about women and about gay and lesbian people — to enter our country with the express intent of undermining equity and equality. Keneally’s calls come amidst a wash of Australian…

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Eric Abetz gave one of the most important short speeches in Australian political history this week. Yet few Australians would know he even spoke a word, let alone know who Abetz is or what he stands for. Eric Abetz was born in Germany in 1958 and came with his family to Australia in 1961. In the 1980s, Abetz worked his way through ‘University as a part-time taxi driver, and farmhand. Once completing his law degree, he went on to practice law in Hobart’s northern suburbs’. He joined the Liberal Party in 1976 and was appointed to the Senate in February…

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Like Australia’s Israel Folau, Felix Ngole from the UK, is a litmus test regarding freedom of religion, as well as freedom of speech, in the Western World. And for all those concerned about the future of freedom of speech in this country, it couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. As John Steenhof, the managing director of Human Rights Law Alliance Limited, wrote in The Sydney Morning Herald: Britain’s second-highest court handed down a decision on religious freedom yesterday that will send chills down the collective spine of Rugby Australia. In contrast, Israel Folau and his team will be…

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Canadian academic Jordan Peterson has announced he’s creating a new social media platform that’s entirely censorship-free. Speaking with Joe Rogan last week, Peterson assured listeners that freedom will be the “central” aspect of the new platform saying, “once you’re on our platform we won’t take you down unless we’re ordered to by a US court of law.” ‘Thinkspot,’ as it’s been branded, will be designed to promote thought-through interactions through a minimum required length. Essentially, the opposite of Twitter’s 280 character maximum. Peterson explained: “If minimum comment length is 50 words, you’re going to have to put a little thought…

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This morning in the New South Wales Parliament One Nation MP Mark Latham moved a motion in defense of religious freedom. During his speech, Latham said: “75 years ago today young men from across the Free World stormed the beaches of Normandy to fight for the liberty of all mankind… How then in 2019 are so many Australians worried about the loss of religious freedom in our country in peacetime?” Referring to the recent sacking of rugby star Israel Folau, Latham went on to blast corporate dictatorships and their influence in sport: In 1944 the Free World fought a dictatorial…

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