557 search results for "free speech"

“One cannot help but wonder if Mr Graham is the canary in the mine, with his demise being an early warning of the coming death of religious liberty in the UK.”  At least five venues in the United Kingdom have cancelled events featuring Rev Franklin Graham after his Christian beliefs were deemed “discriminatory,” “repulsive” and “hateful”. Graham, the eldest son of the famous American evangelist Billy Graham, has been met with opposition from UK’s LGBTQ+ activists and authorities since his eight-city tour of the UK was announced. The 67-year-old evangelist was due to preach at the ACC Liverpool on June…

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This real-world scenario is a great thought experiment to test our thinking on religious freedom. Do we believe the radical secularist view that there should be freedom from religion and zero tolerance of public expressions thereof, do we believe that someone should be able to do absolutely anything if a sincerely held religious belief, or if somewhere between those extremes: exactly where? An elderly couple had just won a Christmas ham in a raffle at their local club where they’d gone out for the night, and responsibly booked an Uber to take them home at about 10pm. The Muslim driver asked them…

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel has given an unusually emotional speech about people having the freedom to articulate ideas she doesn’t like. The German leader warned, “We have freedom of expression in our country. For all those who claim they can no longer express their opinion, I say this to them. If you express a pronounced opinion you must live with the fact that you will be contradicted. Expressing an opinion does not come at zero cost. But freedom of expression has its limits. Those limits begin where hatred is spread. They begin where the dignity of other people is violated.…

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One of the best and brightest conservative commentators, Rita Panahi, said something unusually absurd on Twitter – and that’s saying something. Worse, leftist abortion-without-limits apologist Leah Torres called her on it, and she has a point. Here’s the conversation’s context. Past Pellowe Talk guest, Dr Ash Saleh challenged Dr Torres which scenario necessitated an abortion at 8 months gestation. Dr Torres claimed, “The medical scenario of ‘I’m 8 months pregnant and my life is in danger if I continue this pregnancy.’” She also complained that the doctor described ending a living human’s life as “killing” – evidence it’s hard to win the Dumb Tweet of…

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Police in Scotland have arrested a man for painting “Islam is questionable” on his own house. Arresting officers accused Graham Evans of “breach of peace” after the Edinburgh man painted “alarming” and “distressing” phrases on his own property, such as: “Islam is questionable”, “Leave Means Leave” and “Brexit”. Mr Evans was reportedly held by police for five weeks until his trial, where the judge ruled Evans had broken no law in exercising his free speech. Speaking with Kipper Central, Mr Evans said: “I was completely shocked when Police car after Police car pulled up. They had a big meeting in…

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There is an aspect of the gospel that you don’t hear about very often anymore. If you speak to any Christian they will tell you that the gospel is good news, indeed Gospel means good news. Many Christians will be able to tell you what the good news contains – that it is the message that God has saved sinners. Paul tells us this very clearly in 1 Corinthians 15 for example. Romans 10 also expresses a similar thought, as do many other passages. The good news that people recognize is that Jesus died on the cross, paid the penalty…

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Tommy Robinson is facing jail time again after being found guilty of contempt of court. Robinson was accused of breaching reporting restrictions by live-streaming outside Leeds Crown Court last year during the grooming gang trials. Robinson denied the claim, saying he only broadcast information that was already published by other news outlets and in the public domain. Two senior High Court judges, however, said Robinson’s conduct “amounted to serious interference with the administration of justice.” One of the judges, Dame Victoria Sharp, said the court is yet to consider the penalty for contempt which carries a maximum two-year penalty. The…

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In May, the UK government rejected a proposed definition of Islamophobia that was so vague it would essentially prohibit all criticisms of Islam. The definition, proposed by a cross-party group of MPs and adopted by the Labour party, states: “Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.” The proposed definition was backed by more than 750 British Muslim organisations, 80 academics and 50 MPs. Naz Shah, Labour MP for Bradford and shadow minister for women and equalities, argued the definition is crucial for fighting the rise of the far-right…

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If you were one of the 20,000 people “who donated to Israel Folau’s bogus fundraising campaign” then you are a hard-core homophobe. At least, that’s what Claire Harvey, the deputy editor of the Sunday Telegraph thinks! According to Harvey, she is the only true believer whereas everyone else is just religious pretenders. As Harvey writes: Here’s the truth: I’m more of a Christian than Israel Folau is. I’m more of a Christian than anyone at the Australian Christian Lobby — and I don’t even go to church. I say you professional Christians are all fakes and phonies, and you’re riding…

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The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission has been asked to investigate the Australian Christian Lobby over its role in helping Israel Folau raise more than a million dollars for his legal fight against Rugby Australia, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. But the ACL have not breached any rules for maintaining their charitable status, according to ACL’s Managing Director, Martyn Iles. In an interview on Sunrise today, Iles explained: “We got legal advice on this before we went ahead with it. But also, I think it’s just the latest thing… Our purpose is to advocate for changes in law and public…

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World leaders and tech giants have gathered for a historic summit in an effort to crack down on online hate in the wake of the Christchurch shooting. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern organized the event, hosted in Paris by French President Emmanuel Macron, where she unveiled her initiative known as the “Christchurch Call.” Seventeen countries and eight tech giants came together in support of Ardern’s initiative which commits foreign countries and tech giants to tackle the spread of dangerous content on social media. Countries including Australia, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, India and Sweden said they backed the initiative.…

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Pennsylvania State Representative and LGBTQ activist Brian Sims has offered $100 to anyone who will DOX the three young teenage girls he filmed quietly praying outside of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. “What we’ve got here is a bunch of protesters,” Sims told his followers during the live broadcast. “A bunch of pseudo-Christian protesters who’ve been out here shaming young girls for being here.” As he approached the teens, Sims turned his camera towards them and offered his 50k followers $100 if they could DOX the young girls. “I’ve got $100 to anyone who will identify any of these three.…

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President Trump issued something of a warning yesterday in telling big tech social media platforms they’re now being watched closely by his administration. “I am continuing to monitor the censorship of AMERICAN CITIZENS on social media platforms,” the President tweeted. “This is the United States of America — and we have what’s known as FREEDOM OF SPEECH! We are monitoring and watching, closely.” I am continuing to monitor the censorship of AMERICAN CITIZENS on social media platforms. This is the United States of America — and we have what’s known as FREEDOM OF SPEECH! We are monitoring and watching, closely!!…

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My name is Aidan Green. I am a journalist and a proud alumnus of the University of Wollongong with a Bachelor of International Studies. Upon arrival to my degree, I was like everybody else, young, naive and left-wing. It is true what they say about the humanities faculties being taken over by the left. Throughout my three-year degree, I met only one politics lecturer who didn’t make it clear that they were left of centre. It was not until my second year where I began to think more critically and objectively, and it was not until my second year when…

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“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” George R.R. Martin The revolution that open media platforms Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube created in the mid-2000s is undeniable. The new technology allowed for breakthrough abilities in communication and free speech the likes of which the world had never seen before. The tycoon platforms would maintain their decentralised system for a little over ten years. Until 2016, where a mixture of too much power, left-wing boardrooms and the 45th President of the United…

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Back in August 2016, in an article called, “Why Trump is not Hitler, & Why Evangelical Americans are Not German Christians”, I argued that the more pressing danger was Turkey’s, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the fanaticism surrounding him. His recent decision to use the tragic pro-Communist, eco-Fascist attacks in New Zealand, as a political whip, particularly against Australians, only furthers the point I attempted to make. The piece was written in response to the large amount of naysayers who were predicting another Holocaust if Donald Trump was to win the 2016 United States Presidential race. Equating Trump with Hitler was…

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Freedom of the press requires a societal framework that empowers free speech. So it’s rare to witness the Australian media unite together in order to tear down an Australian politician for speaking his mind. However, what most in the Australian media expressed to the world in their dealings with Fraser Anning this week, is that free speech is only available to a select, and authorized few. It would appear that Senator Fraser Anning’s biggest sin wasn’t his poorly timed press release, but the fact that he spoke out of turn about things that should not concern him. In other words,…

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Scott Morrison says an Australian man massacred worshippers in an act of “extremist right-wing terrorism” which was streamed on the internet. I am deeply troubled by the words employed by the Australian Prime Minister as it could incite violence against so-called right-wingers. As it turns out, it appears that the terrorist is not even a right-winger. He is a self-described anarchist and a radical environmentalist, and an admirer of Communist China. In his own manifesto the terrorist gunman who killed 49 Muslims at a mosque in New Zealand wanted “no part of” conservatism described himself as an “eco-fascist” admired Communist…

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Sydney Morning Herald reports: Sonia Kruger vilified Muslim people when she called for Australia to close its borders to those of the Islamic faith during a segment on the Today show, but did not engage in racial vilification because Muslim people living in Australia are not a race, a tribunal has found. In a decision on Friday, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal said Kruger’s “vilifying remarks” in July 2016 “amounted to a stereotypical attack on all Muslims in Australia” and had the capacity to “encourage hatred towards, or serious contempt for, Australian Muslims by ordinary members of the Australian population”. Read…

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Several weeks ago, several second-hand books were being given away at my church. After cursorily browsing them, I disinterestedly selected Postmodern Times by Gene Veith, Jr. Usually, a book like that could easily sit on my pile for a year before being touched, but as it happens I decided to at least read the introduction when I arrived at home. It turned out that this would be the second non-fiction book I have read in my life that I would have difficulty putting down (The other is God’s Undertaker by John Lennox). It was outstanding. What first struck me about…

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