37 search results for "ezekiel declaration"

A biblical/gospel issue regarding the government’s reaction to Covid-19.

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“Both my wife and I are in education and will lose our jobs. I can’t even bring this up at church because the expectation is that we follow the government orders. There is no empathy or understanding as to why we wouldn’t ‘just get the jab’.”

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“The massive wave of protests in Australia follows months of protests in France, and the rising wave of visible dissent in Austria, and Italy, as governments continue to pursue a hard-line authoritarian course further into the abyss of therapeutic totalitarianism.”

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“It appears that in many cases, there has not been ‘valid consent’ because of undue pressure, coercion, manipulation and withholding of risks. This is wicked and shameful, particularly considering that we are supposed to be a democratic and free society.”

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We must strongly oppose the campaign being waged by some evangelical intellectuals to de-legitimise the concerns and emotions that lie behind Covid vaccine hesitancy and thereby void the church’s responsibility to speak up about significant human rights violations.

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“Freely given consent to any medical treatment, particularly in the context of a clinical trial, is not optional. Coercion is completely incompatible with consent, and denying a person the ability to work and participate in society if the person does not have a COVID vaccine will unquestionably breach this fundamental and internationally recognised human right. Can COVID vaccinations be mandated by employers on health and safety grounds? The short answer to this question, in almost every case, is no.”

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If we once normalise an unbiblical divide like this in church, we are searing the consciences of our members and setting ourselves up for long-term segregation whether mandated or not because we have NOT clearly said, “It is wrong.”

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Now is the time to insist that churches be re-opened. For everyone: vaccinated and unvaccinated.

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“The door that allows Government to get away with mandating medical procedures under threat of losing your livelihood, gives them the power to mandate the theft of your land, your house, your savings, your kids, and your property.”

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From mid-October, churches will be permitted to return to in-person worship on the prevision that they only host vaccinated-only services.

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“The framing of this conflict in such terms neglects the fact that people who are fighting for a restoration of freedom aren’t just doing it for themselves but are doing it for all of society, including those who want to remain locked down.”

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“Is it acceptable to use a so-called ‘transgender’ person’s self-chosen name when speaking, writing or even thinking about them? Or, is this something of which God disapproves?”

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“Government decided that protests were essential, strip clubs, liquor stores, and marijuana dispensaries, were labelled essential. You could pack into Costco, and Walmart, but not the church.”

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“We were being asked to do something which is not in step with the gospel and which Paul would have condemned. He would have opposed us for segregating the Churches.”

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“But though we expected criticism, what we did not expect was how few in the more prominent roles of Baptist Church leadership around the country were willing to speak out against tyranny.”

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“Before thinking through how and when we should submit to governing rulers, we must first take a step back to an even more fundamental question: What is the proper role and scope of government in this world?”

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“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” – US Declaration of Independence I have been intending to write a series of serious articles on the topic of equality for some time now. A few things held me back. 1) I wanted to read some top scholars on the subject first. 2) I have shared many of my thoughts in various forums at different times with people, seeking to sharpen my thoughts on this subject. 3) I have read some other posts written by other people on this topic, and frankly, I considered their efforts…

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