132 search results for "ccp"

World Council of “Churches” (WCC) Commission moderator of International Affairs, Frank Chikane, equated Israel with demons in a recent online address.

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Without a doubt, interference in the United States election was a four-year long campaign to manufacture the 2020 election result, on a ‘whatever it takes’ to payback Trump for dethroning Hilary Clinton basis.

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The only protection of fundamental rights comes from the commanded order as revealed by God through His self-revealing in time and space, through Covenant and Christ.

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Last year, Biden labeled President Trump an “absolute fool” for not wearing a mask in public, saying his lack of leadership on the issue was “costing people’s lives.”

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Rather than confronting the CCP for its deceitful and malicious practices both domestically and abroad, mainstream media outlets, celebrities, and politicians in the West have repeatedly attacked Donald Trump as the archnemesis of international relations.

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Last November the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison (LNP-Cook) gave a ‘UK Policy Exchange Virtual Address.’

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Earlier this month, Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison announced that his Government had made the surprise unilateral decision to adjust the Australian national anthem by replacing the phrase “for we are young and free,” with “for we are one and free.”

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Here are 10 of my most popular Caldron Pool articles from 2020.

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Reminiscent of the Israel Folau saga, online LGBTQAAI+ trolls have pounced on a social media post shared by outspoken conservative author, and retired Australian Christian Lobby director, Lyle Shelton.

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An international Christian watchdog organization for persecuted Christians worldwide has said the persecution of Christians in China is set to rise 2021.

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Scott Morrison’s low-key cabinet reshuffle has bumped up Andrew Hastie, and Amanda Stoker into frontbench assistant ministerial positions.

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It’s worth pondering: Why would technocrats silence dissent, analysis, free and open debate, if the alleged Democrat “win” was legal?

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Police in the UK have apologized after nine officers stormed a legal online church service and threatened to prosecute the pastor.

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With a whiff of power, Democrats are already hard at work compiling blacklist databases of individuals who “elected, served, funded, supported, and represented” President Donald Trump.

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A Newquay Councillor has written to Home Secretary Priti Patel asking for an Australian-born Pastor to be “thrown out of the country” for holding to a Christian view of sexuality.

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Police warned Pastor Williamson to keep his views in a ‘safe environment’…

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It might surprise the self-righteous, COVID-1984 surveillance and speech police, that Australia’s Health Minister, Greg Hunt, has been funding research into the “controversial” drug hydroxychloroquine.

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Andrea Williams CEO of Christian Concern warned churches will be next.

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It’s now being reported that Christians have been cut off from welfare payments after refusing to sign a statement renouncing their faith.

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Bolstered by the apparent reluctance of the Morrison federal government to answer growing concerns over the Victorian government’s secretive ‘belt and road’ deal with the Chinese Communist Party, China’s Communist propaganda machine went full Hanoi Hannah, in an attempt to stir up fear of a potential American withdrawal from its long-standing partnership with Australia. In response to what America thought about the deal, U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, a frequent whipping boy of China’s Global Times, told Sky News that he didn’t know the ‘nature of the projects’, but asserted that the United States will do everything it can…

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