231 search results for "catholic"

Pro-lifers grow accustomed to all sorts of insults, the most unimaginative being ‘Fascist’ or ‘Nazi.’ But this pro-abortion writer takes the prize for being the biggest tyrant of all when he applauds abortion for wiping out the ‘undesirables’. His fairly bizarre article appeared in Quadrant this week, singing the praises of abortion, but also – surprisingly – of eugenics. The author, William D Rubenstein, apparently lives in Australia but used American statistics to prove his point that killing babies is good for society. Especially when those babies belong to underprivileged mothers. Rubenstein’s article makes three points: that abortion has long-term demographic consequences…

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Since releasing a redacted version of the famed Mueller report, America’s current attorney general, William Barr, has been at the centre of much speculation and contention. The drama centers on the fact that Barr has so far refused to release an un-redacted version of the Mueller report. Barr, 68 and a Roman Catholic, was nominated by Donald Trump in December and confirmed as Attorney General in January, after a grilling Senate vetting process involving both Democrats and Republicans. He isn’t a novice to how politics works.[note]The New York Times, op-ed by Sharon LaFraniere, Charlie Savage & Kate Benner, ‘Who is…

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Anti-Christian persecution is spreading geographically and increasing in severity, a report commissioned by the British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt revealed. According to the findings, Christians are the most widely persecuted religion in the world. In some regions, persecution is so severe, that it’s arguably coming “close to meeting the international definition of genocide, according to that adopted by the UN.” In some parts of the Middle East, Christians are facing the possibility of extinction. The number of Christians in Palestine is now below 1.5 percent. The number of Christians in Syria has declined from 1.7 million in 2011 to below 450,000,…

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Bill Shorten is un-Australian. This may seem like a big statement to make. I mean after-all unlike some of our previous Prime Ministers like Tony Abbot and Julia Gillard, Bill Shorten was born and bred in Australia. He has strong roots in the workers union movements, which have a long history in Australian tradition, and he speaks with that nasally Aussie accent that us younger Australians brought up on too much American TV can’t help but notice and sometimes even grate at. So, in many ways, Bill Shorten is a product of and representative of Australian people and our history.…

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On Sunday a group of about 20 to 30 militant Muslims opened fire in a small church in Burkina Faso, murdering six Christians, including a priest and church elders. “Towards 9:00 am, during mass, armed individuals burst into the Catholic church,” Dablo mayor Ousmane Zongo told AFP. “They started firing as the congregation tried to flee.” “They killed five of them. The priest who was celebrating mass was also killed,” he said. The attackers then set fire to the church, burning it to the ground, before setting fire to several nearby shops and a small cafe. A local health centre…

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Poland’s ruling party leader has said, “imported” attacks on the family and on children are threatening the nation’s identity and existence. Speaking at a conference held by Catholic Action in the city of Wloclawek, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, reportedly identified a number of issues he believes are a threat to Poland’s future. “We are dealing with a direct attack on the family and children… the sexualisation of children, that entire LGBT movement, gender [theory],” Kaczynski said. “These ideologies, philosophies, all of this is imported, these are not internal Polish mechanisms,” he said. “They are a threat to Polish identity, to our nation,…

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There are good reasons for rejecting the diagnosis that the problem with religion is that it discriminates, and the proposed cure that it not be allowed to discriminate any longer. 1. The whole approach is putting Australian law on a radically different basis. Christianity teaches its followers to think in terms of right and wrong, but the Australian Human Rights Commission, naturally, thinks in terms of rights. In Christianity, it is a sin to bow down to idols, to murder, to commit adultery, to steal, to be covetous or proud, and so on. The basic law is summarised in the…

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More than 200 people have been killed during Easter celebrations in Sri Lanka after a series of coordinated Islamic terrorist attacks were carried out targeting Christian worshipers. The attack has claimed four times as many lives as the recent New Zealand massacre, in which 50 Muslims were gunned down in a Christchurch mosque. Christians in Sri Lanka, similar to Muslims in New Zealand, are a minority. Christians make up just over 6% of the population in Sri Lanka, behind Buddhist, Hindus, and Muslims. In both attacks, a minority group was the target. In both attacks, the victims were targeted in…

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“Hundreds of churches across France have been targeted by anti-Christian “militants” who have set fire to places of worship, stolen property, and smeared feces on walls and crosses.”

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What do you get when you mix the post-modernism of an SJW with the teachings of Christianity? If you want to find out, then Richard Holloway’s recent book review How to read the Bible (Spectator, 30th March) is a good place to start. There are at least five things you will find there. The first is relativism. Early in the article Holloway outlines one of the Christian controversies about the Bible: the meaning of the very first Chapter, which is about creation. Three parties are described. Firstly, scholars who caution against believing that any of the episodes in the Bible…

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UK Police have threatened to arrest a female journalist if she fails to appear for a taped interview following reports she “misgendered” someone’s transgender daughter. Caroline Farrow said she received a message from Guildford Police accusing the Catholic columnist of misgendering a transgender person on Twitter. “I don’t even remember said tweets! I probably said ‘he’ or ‘son’ or something,” Farrow tweeted in a string of posts detailing the incident. Farrow also went on to say, her family have been left terrified by activists harassing her family. According to Farrow, the group “doxed my children, made violent and sexual threats,…

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The tear in the Belle Epoque (beautiful age) began in 1912 with the criminal, and avoidable, loss of lives on the Titanic. The whole veil of the Belle Epoque was ripped apart and exposed for what it was, when the first shells fell in 1914, and when the Bolsheviks, violently resigned Europe to 72 years of socialist hell in 1917. The age of the Übermensch; the age of man conquering mountain, myth, monster and supposedly, God, came crashing down. Bill T. Arnold sums it up: The 20th Century proved to be the most violent century of world history, dispelling the…

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Democratic congresswoman Ilhan Omar has said you can’t equate Obama and Trump because Trump is not a human. The comments come just months after she slammed the President for his alleged use of racist and dehumanizing language. In the following clip, Guerin Hays of Fox News asked Omar: “Do you think President Obama is the same as President Trump?” Omar replied: “Absolutely not. That is silly to even think and equate the two. One is human, the other is not.” What do you think would happen if Trump suggested Omar was not human? Earlier this year Omar falsely claimed the…

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Regardless of whether the recently convicted George Pell, is innocent or guilty, there is a precedent in the latest Pell case (verdict) that should send a shudder along the spine of every citizen in Australia. Greg Craven, lawyer and columnist for The Australian, explains why. Craven asks whether social media and the MSM had an influence on the juror’s view of Pell. His question is a good one. Is bias in media reporting, and among some officials, responsible for Pell having been convicted of the crime, in the minds of his jurors, before he was even brought to trial? The police and…

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Media reports are confirming what many have speculated over the past week. American actor, Jussie Smollett has been charged with staging the anti-LGBT, race-hate attack, which he claimed to be a victim of back in January. As this was breaking, Twitter users were worked up into a frenzy over snippets of a John Wayne interview with Playboy magazine in 1971. This resurfacing of Wayne’s, “racist, anti-LGBT remarks”, strangely coincided with the breaking news about Jussie Smollett. While some of the criticism is defensible, the timing of the “news”, and the “viral” reaction to it is a convenient red herring. Why…

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Kaitlin Bennett has asked students at the University of Cincinnati about their thoughts on the Covington Catholic controversy and the threats of violence the students received following the incident. “Are you willing to disavow all the death threats and all the threats against the students at the school?” Bennett asked a man at the university. “No, sorry,” he replied with a shrug. “They are minors! Do you think minors should be getting death threats?” Bennett asked. “I can’t care for them one way or the other,” the man went on to say. “They would look at me and probably call…

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This week CNN claimed, “A crowd of teenagers surrounded a Native American elder and other activists and appeared to mock them after Friday’s Indigenous Peoples March at the Lincoln Memorial.” A CNN tweet linking to the report also claimed: “Video shows a crowd of teenagers wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ hats taunting a Native American elder…” The video, which was widely shared by numerous news media outlets, shows a student from a Catholic high school staring at a Native American man as he chants and beats a drum in the young man’s face. What’s been implied is that the student…

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Born out of conversations with a friend from the United States, I was given the opportunity to read a compilation of fragments and essays written by Simone Weil called: ‘Oppression and Liberty’. The compilation flows in chronological order and presents some of Weil’s thoughts on anthropology, economics, politics, ideology and war. Simone was a French intellectual. Like Jacques Ellul, whom she presumably never met, Weil worked in the French resistance and was well schooled in Marxism. Among many others in the elite French communist circles of mid 20th Century, she was a contemporary of rebel and excommunicated member, Albert Camus.…

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By 1685 Louis XIV had from the age of four been the King of France for 42 years, and he still had another thirty years to reign. From birth his mind and heart had been thoroughly trained to believe that God had anointed him to be France’s absolute ruler. His Huguenot subjects, the French Protestants who refused to submit to his Roman Catholic beliefs and practices, offended him. They stood outside of his thought-world. They stood against the beliefs that he cherished as true. Ultimately, he sensed that they stood outside of his control. The Huguenots offended the abysmal totalitarian…

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If the facts cannot be squeezed into a meme the level of attention those facts receive is reduced. Attention to detail is overlooked for what will best attract a view, a like, a follow or a share. Information is seen purely as a commodity.

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